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I'm Hoping I'm Wrong, But I Know I'm Right.

The Pact


My best friend, Tessa and I were blasting Avenged Sevenfold and jumping on my bed, like we did every Saturday night after my parents went out for the night.

"He is hot. But he is no Zacky!" Tessa screamed over the loud music. I started playing air drums. I know a little weird, but I have a passion for the rhythm instruments. Drums, bass, all of those.

"You know I make you wanna scream!" Tessa repeated the chorus.

I few hours later after we had gotten all of our energy out, we were laying on opposites sides of my bed.

"I'm so tired of having nothing to do on Saturday nights." Tessa complained.

"Agreed!" There was a pause while we thought.

"How about this, summer is two weeks away, right?" I nodded. And Tessa continued. "Well, anyway. What if we make a list of all the things we wanna do this summer and we have to complete at least 7 of them?" I nodded excitedly.

It was a great idea. I stood up and walked over to my desk. I opened my laptop and begin a new word document.

"Ok, #1..."

"Oh, I got it. How about #1, get our first kiss."

"Good start. But how about that's #2 and how about #1 is go on our first date?" Tessa nodded. And I continued to type up our list on my laptop.

" about #3 is get matching tattoos!"


"And #4 can be see one of our favorite bands live!"


"#5 is throw a badass party!"

"Ok... #6 get wasted together!”

"Oh... than #7 has to be either smoke weed or make weed brownies!”

"Haha, That’s a good one. I'm so proud! #8 pass our driver's test!"


"#9... Come on brain think. Oh, I go it. Meet someone famous!"

"Ha. How is that ever going to happen?"

"Have you forgotten we live an hour away from Huntington Beach, California. There is bound to a famous person there!"

"Haha, I guess you’re right."

"Ok, only one more."

"Alright. Let's come back to #10."

"Oh, ok." I printed the list and hung it up over my bed.

Tessa and I walked downstairs to get more snacks and a few DVD's.

"So, what movie do you wanna watch tonight?" Tessa asked me.

"Finding Nemo!" I shouted.


"I know, but it's just so good.”

“Yeah, but let’s watch something else.”


“How about the Rocker?”

“Sure, that’s fine.”

After we picked out our movie and popped another bag of popcorn, Tessa and I headed upstairs to my room. We popped the DVD into my laptop and enjoyed. We almost peed ourselves when the main dude Fish fell out of the attic.

It was a good night, as usual. I just can’t wait for this summer to start. It’s gonna be the best ever.
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Ok, so hey guys. This a new story. I'm Ms_Synnie_Christ. I will be doing both Karli and Tessa's POV's . Leave comments and/or subscribe. Thanks love y'all!!