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I'm Hoping I'm Wrong, But I Know I'm Right.

Last Day of School

“Come’ on Karl. Get your tiny, round ass down here!” I shouted up the stairs to my best friend, Karli.

“I’m coming. God, chill out.” Karli said, walking down the steps in her new black stiletto’s.

“Are you seriously going to where those?” I asked, tilting my head toward her shoes. She smiled and nodded.

Then had to ruin it and say, “Are you seriously wearing those?” pointing at my shoes.

I looked toward my old high tops and thought of all of the memories in them. My mom is always trying to throw them, but I just wouldn’t let her.

I just smirked and shouted, “Go get your backpack and let’s go!” Then I smacked her butt and we left.

Once, we arrive at school we headed to the bathroom before homeroom, like we did every day. I jumped up onto the sink, as Karli pulled out her mascara and compact mirror. She was on her third layer of mascara already, but I just let it go.

“So, you know what I heard?” Karli asked, turning towards me.


“I was in math yesterday and Morgan said that Tommy likes you!”

My jaw almost hit the floor. “WHAT?!?!”

“Yeah. I heard it with my own ears. Morgan was talking to Jessica and somehow you were brought up. By the end of the conversation, Morgan was whispering that Tommy had told Ben that he liked you. Then of course Morgan’s bitch had to tell her about this.”

No guy had ever liked me. But I had liked Tommy, ever since on he gave me a pink cookie on my 8th birthday. I had fallen in love with him than. I blurred out everything else Karli was talking about, all I could think about was what was I going to do about this.

“Ok, class as you know today is the last day of school!” Mr. Wilson told us in his usual bored tone.

“WOO!!” one of the idiot guys shouted, from the back of the room.

“Yes, well. Since I have nothing planned for today, so I’m going to give you guys a free period to do whatever the heck you want!”

The class went wild. I turned straight around and was now face to face with Chelley. I didn’t have very many friends, but Chelley was one of the special ones.

“Hey, ok so today in the bathroom Karli told me that Tommy liked me.” I whispered into her ear.

Her popped wild open and she made a tiny squeal.

“I know, exciting right?”

“More than just exciting! When are you going to ask him out?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t put much thought into that yet.”

“Well, it’s the last period of the day, so you better hop to it little missy!”
I chuckled and thought about what to say.

“Ok, I’m gonna do it!” I stood up and started walking towards Tommy. He turned and was now looking straight at me. My heart just pounding in my chest.

I approached him and he smiled, his perfect white teeth smile.

“Hey, Tommy.”

“Sup. You’re Tessa right?”

“Yeah. I’m Tessa the ‘emo girl’.” I joked, adding air quotes to ‘emo girl’

Tommy chuckled and I just smiled. Ok this was it. I, Tessa Andrews was going to ask out the hottest guy in our grade to go out with me.

“So, I was wondering… if… uhm… maybe this Friday we could go see a movie…together?”

Instead of Tommy’s face lightening up like I had expected, he instead broke out into a hysterical laugh.

“AHAHAH!!” was all that came out of Tommy’s mouth.

“What the fu-“I was interrupted by a very tan Ben laughing on the floor as well.

“Ohkay, what the hell is so funny?”

“I…uh…bet Tommy…that he could…uh…get you to ask…uh…him out.” Ben explained. My heart tore in half. I ran out of the of the class, tears filling up in my eyes. I ran into Karli, thankfully in the hallway.

“Hey, hey, hey. What’s going on?”

“Here, I will tell you in the bathroom. Come’on.”

Karli followed me into the bathroom.

“So what happen?” She asked, handing me the brown paper towel.

“Ben bet Tommy that he could get me to ask him.” I sobbed out. I took the paper towels and wiped away the mascara tears.


“And I did asked him out. And he just laughed in my face.”

“Aw… babe. Come here.” Karli extended her arms and I accepted.

“I just can’t wait for this summer to start. And for us to start our fucking awesome list!” I lightened up.

“I know. By the way, I thought of what to make #10. I thought it could be #10 go on the biggest, baddest road trip!”

“Oh, I love the idea. Let’s ditch the rest of school and finish the list now.”

“Ok, let’s go.”

Karl and I walked quietly to our lockers, grabbed our stuff and skipped all the way home. And from there on the best summer of our life took place.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it’s kinda fillerish but I needed a chapter to lead up to the actual summer list.
Thanks to…
Angel Devaastation
Delightful Syn
Avenged Pinja.
Furry Peach
St Jimmy
Imperfectly Perfect
For all the Great Comments!
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Love, Ms_Synnie_Christ