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I'm Hoping I'm Wrong, But I Know I'm Right.

The Hangover.

I’m Hoping I’m Wrong, But I Know I’m Right.
Chapter 4 
Tessa’s POV   
I rolled out of Karli's bed at around 10:30. I had no memory of what happened last night, but I have a feeling list item number six was completed and I had the headache to prove it. Karl was lying on the floor, out cold. There was nothing that could wake that child up. I guessed her parents had already left for work, as they did every day. When we were young I was always jealous of her. I used to want parents like her's until I realized they were workaholics. I stood looking in her closet for something to wear to work. We may have been hungover as shit, but we still had to go to work. My mini skirt and tight top were not going to go over well. Just as I was looking for a clean t-shirt Karli finally awoke from her sleeping bag. 

"Finally, what the hell happened last night?" I asked. Karl climbed up onto the bed and just shook her head. 

"Oh my god. What happened? Just tell me!!" I wanted to know and I wanted to know now.

"Ok, fine. Here's the story"

She paused and then started. "Well we arrived at the bar and we got our first drinks of the night, but those weren't the only drinks we had last night. Once I was on my, I think fourth drink you were well on your fifth or sixth. You were trashed and so was I. What happened after...I have no idea. Although I do remember losing my virginity to a complete strange. Oh, by the way as we were leaving you started making out with the bartender and may I add you were starting to get a little frisky!!"

"Wait, wait back up. YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY?!?!?" I shouted while Karl just shook her head in shame. 

"Okay than." I said before returning to the closet. “We need something to wear to work…like now.” 

“Were still going to work?” Karli complained. I nodded. She groaned, than arose from the floor. She waddled down the steps and came back with two water bottles and the entire bottle of aspirin. 

I grinned and said, “You read my mind.” 

We guzzled the waters down and each had our share of aspirin. Than we decided we really had to go to work. We got jobs because we needed money, and a lot of it to cross half the things on our list. Like seeing our favorite band live was going to take some major bucks. I moved slowly to the closet and pulled out a pair of jean shorts, a light blue tank top and a pair of black flip-flops. Then I through my hair up into a ponytail and put my old pair of glasses on. My contacts were bothering so, I decided to wear my glasses. Once I put my flip-slops on I was ready to go.  Karli however took a much longer time getting ready. She finally decided, after trying on three thousand outfits. She decided on a pair of skinny jeans, a Breathe Carolina t-shirt and a pair of plaid high tops. Then she added, of course one of her signature Betsey Johnson bag. 

"Ready?" I asked, rolling my eyes. She shook her head 'yes'. 

We started walked into the center of town, to where our jobs awaited us. I worked at the town's only art supply store. Karl worked down the street at one of the towns hair cuttery.  She was the assistants-type person and I was a cashier. The only thing good about work is my coworker; Dylan Santino. He is half Jewish and half Italian. Which makes him EXTREMELY hot.  After the Tommy incident I moved on in about four days into summer vacation. Today Dylan was looking extra cute in his cargo shorts and plaid shirt. He was a complete and total dork, but thats one of the many thing I liked about him. The second I walk over to my cash register a huge grin runs across his face. I think he liked but just hadn't gotten up the courage to ask me out. If he did not only would I be like the happiest person ever but it also would help complete item #1 on our list. Dylan and I just sit in silence until the first customer comes in. And wouldn't you know it, it's Karli. Lost. 

"I can't find the shop!!" she shouted. I ran over to her to try and keep her quiet. However that wasn't really helping. She was still drunk from the night before. I gave her a bottle of water and asked Dylan to watch her while I went down to the shop to tell them she wouldn't be in today. They weren't happy but she still had a job when I left. When I walked into Artway, Karli was past out on the breakroom couch. Dylan was just standing my over her, looking concerned and a little nervous. I walked over and touched his shoulder. He jumped a little bit before he realized it was me. He was so precious. You know what screw it. If he wasn't going to ask me out, I would ask him out. 

"Dylan I really need to talk to you." he looked at me in aw. I didn't wait for a response. I just pulled his arm into the supply room, away from Karl.

"What's up?" He asked, still keeping a careful eye on Karli.

"So, I was wondering if you were doing anything on Friday night?"

He looked confused, until he finally realized I was asking him out. 

"Well, know what? I don't have anything planned. How does dinner and a movie sound?"

I screamed super loud on the inside. My heart wanted me to say YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES!!! But, than realized I had made plans with Karli that night. But, I think she would allow me to skip, just this once. 

So, I stuble accepted. I went back to my cash register, and Dylan joined me. We planned to meet at the theatre at around 6:00. After the movie, he will be taking me to my favorite restaurant; Lu and Joe's. The dumpiest, biker bar with the best food. When Karli awoke, I told her my plans for Friday night and how we could reschedule. She didn't seem to happy, she could deal. I thought Friday was going to the best night ever. Turns out I was wrong.
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Heyy srry it took me sooo long to update but I hope y'all like it!! :D remember to comment and/or subscribe. Thanks.
Karli's Outfit - Here
Tessa's Outfit - Here