Status: Slow Active

I Remember The Day She Told Me It's Over

The Last Thing We Need


"Well, Zack, seriously it's been super nice getting to catch up with you." Trish wrapped her arms around him in tight hug. I stood back and watched with a smile upon my face. Despite eating late, and everyone having to work in the morning, there was no hurry to our evening. Everything had went so well.

"You too, Trish." He replied and released her before shaking Craig's hand. "And it's been nice to get to know you man. Thanks for the beers, we'll have to get together some time."

"Absolutely." Craig replied solidly. "You guys have a safe trip home."

"We will," I assured them as Zack handed over the keys to the BMW. Earlier in the evening I'd decided that allowing Zack to drink and me drive was the better idea. It seemed to relax him some as well. Now, as Trish and Craig stood hand in hand at the front door, Zack and I made our way down to his car.

"You sure you wanna drive?" he asked quietly as he reached the passenger door. "I haven't had that many."

"I know," I unlocked the car and we both slipped inside. I pushed the key into the ignition and turned it over. "I'm fine. I promise not to stall it too many times on the way home."

He rolled his eyes but laughed as he relaxed into the leather seat. "I had fun tonight."

I slipped the car into gear and pulled away from the curb carefully, thankful that my own house wasn't too terribly far from here, and that he'd taught me many years ago how to drive stick. "So did I. I didn't pull you outta the studio early tonight did I?"

"No, Rev was gonna lay down a drum track or two after I left, and Brian was working on a solo but then they were all going out to a club. It's Emily's birthday."

I glanced over at him quickly, "were you wanting to go out with them? Because if you do it's not too late we can go meet them."

He shook his head lightly then looked over and locked his eyes upon my own, a smile tugging at his lips. "No, I don't. I'm out with you tonight." He turned his head forward again as we came to a stop light and remained quiet the rest of the way to my house. Afraid that he'd fallen asleep and I'd wake him I moved cautiously about the car. Grabbing my purse and his keys and wallet off the dash.

"Were you gonna leave me in here?"

"No," I replied as I opened the door; the interior light instantly coming to life. "But now that I don't have to wake you, let's go. You look tired."

He opened his own door and climbed out then we headed up to the house together. Stepping inside and locking the door, we both kicked off our shoes. I headed into the kitchen as he stood there and stretched, his tshirt sliding up his stomach a little ways allowing me to see enough skin to make my mind wander.

"I'm more awake now thanks to my little nap."

"That's good." I placed our stuff on the bar counter and turned to him with a smile. "How do you feel about checking out the pool?"

"I'm sure it's still there." he asserted.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Very funny, Vengeance. Want another drink?"

"Sure." he decided as he moved past me, his hand gently grazing one hip and across my lower back before moving on. "I'll go check on the pool."

I shook my head lightly and moved around the bar counter to the fridge, reaching in and grabbing a beer for him and a cooler for myself before making my way through the living room to the sliding glass doors. Stepping through them out into the warm LA air. Zack was seated comfortably in a reclining chair.

"Here babe." I handed him his beer and he took it, "did you check the temperature?"

He shook his head as I moved closer to the water. "No, I saw this chair and had to test it out. Thanks for the beer by the way."

I smiled in response before taking a sip of my own drink. "You're very welcome."


"Come on, Zack,"

I leaned back into my chair a little further and watched closely as she stopped near the edge of the pool, dipping her pink toes into the water; testing the temperature herself rather than looking at the thermometer. She turned back to me and my eyes roamed up her body back to her beautiful face.

"You're really gonna make me go in alone?" her fingers wandered to the bottom of her pink strapless sundress, slowly pulling it up her tanned thighs until I was able to see the white bottoms of her bikini. Instantly my entire body was awake. I grinned and reached up, placing my hands behind my head and watching intently.

"Right now I'm digging the show."

She smirked and pulled the rest of the pink fabric over her head and tossed it at me. I reached out and caught it before it blocked my view even for a second. Bailey crouched down and I stared at her back, imagining my fingertips wandering her soft skin.
With a ripple of the water and a soft splash she slipped into the sparkling blue pool.

"Is it warm?" I asked, even though I really didn't care. I knew I'd be in that pool with her eventually no matter what.

She swam closer and crossed her arms; placing them on the edge of the pool before resting her chin on them. "It's actually really warm."

"How warm?" I asked again, as I pushed myself up out of the chair and moved across the small cement pool deck. Tossing my sandals aside before moving down onto my hands and knees at the waters edge, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers, instantly loving the creator of Vanilla Chap Stick.

"Come find out," she purred and batted her eyelashes at me.

"I don't have anything to swim in." Now I was stalling just to see how far I could push her.

Her face lit up, her arms disappeared under the water but her eyes never left mine. "Who said anything about clothes?" She lifted her arm again and placed her white bikini top on the cement between us.

I stood up and grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt, pulling it up over my head and tossing it back onto the chair before my fingers found the string of my board shorts, quickly untying them and letting them slide down my legs then jumping into the water. I needed to feel her against me.


I smiled as he approached me, closing the distance between us as I backed up until my skin came into contact with pool wall. "You're a bit of a tease, Ms. Jenson."

My heart skipped a beat as his fingers caressed my sides, moving down over my hips as he untied my bikini bottoms. "I'm not teasing if I let you have me."

He growled in response, his head dipping and capturing my lips with his own. I couldn't help but kiss him back. My hands slid up his wet chest until my arms were tightly around his neck. His warm tongue parted my lips and I moaned softly into his mouth as he reached behind us, setting my bikini bottoms on the wet cement.

A warm feeling began to wash over me. His arms slipped around me and his hands grasped onto the edge of the pool as her pressed closer yet, the entire length of my naked body pressed against his making me shiver in delight.

There was something about this. The first time since our childhood breakup had been rushed and urgent, animalistic mostly, but now, there was a loving feeling to his touch. A sense of patience and confidence and it was driving me wild.

"We have all night, Bail," he insisted as he captured my hands, keeping them from roaming to far down his chest. I moaned in response as his soft lips found the sensitve spot on my neck, making my knees go weak. He seemed to sense my melting body because I felt his thigh slip between my legs, helping to hold me up. That alone just about drove me crazy.

"Absolutely beautiful," he muttered against my wet skin as he kissed lower over my collarbone and down my chest. My heart thudded loudly benath my ribcage as he dipped underneath the water. His fingertips dug into my hips as I felt his mouth nibble along the bottoms of each of my breasts before they moved up over my nipples. A shuddering wave of pleasure washing through me as his mouth closed over one, biting and sucking on it gently. My fingers dug into his hair as he resurfaced, the water running down his face as he leaned in and kissed me again. "Easy, baby. I'm not done."

I wasn't sure how much more of this I was going to be able to take. He would disappear underwater, and reappear after lavishing more attention on each nipple. He knew he was driving me crazy and he loved it. When he resurfaced once more I captured his face with my hands, holding him still so I could kiss him, massaging his tongue with my own before slowly pulling away. "Zack," was all I could wimper. My god, he'd barely touched me and I was ready to explode.

"Bailey," he chided, his lips hovering over mine as his hands slide down my sides, gripping me rather tightly. "I'm not done with you yet. I never got to fully appreaciate you last time." He lifted my up out of the water and sat me on the edge of the pool. I was instantly thankful for being higher up in the hills than my prying neighbors.

"Lay back," his hand caressed my stomach as I did what I was told, breathing harder and faster as I felt his hands return to my hips, this time caressing them gently as his lips brushed along my inner thighs.

My mind was spinning. As much as I loved this, there was so much we needed to talk about, go on some real dates, and get to know one another again. But all my thoughts burst into thin air as his tongue lightly caressed between my thighs. My moan of surprise seemed to be his invitation as he became more needy, nipping and sucking, and licking making me squirm on the cement as I moaned louder and louder.

"Fuck, baby," his lips brushed against my knee and I was about to sit up when I felt his finger at my very wet entrance. The only thing I could do was shudder as he pushed inside me, slowly rotating his finger upward and making the 'come hither' motion with his fingertip as his mouth lowered onto me again, sucking to the rhythm of his finger movements.

That did it. I closed my eyes and moaned louder as he pushed me closer to the edge, then finally pushed me over. It hit me harder than ever before, my entire body shuddering in pleasure, and pulsing around his finger.

Once I had the strength I propped myself up onto my elbows to look down at him. He was grinning. "Mmm, I am still not done yet. Come here."

With his help I slid back into the water. "God you drive me crazy. You always have," he declared before crashing his lips onto my own again, kissing me hungrily, letting me taste myself upon his lips. Before I was ready to be done our kiss he pulled away. "The things you do to me, Bailey." He guided my hand down his body to his hard length.

I reveled in the size and hardness of him since I didn't really get to see last time. He tipped his head back and a soft groan emerged from deep in his throat as I stroked the length of him beneath the water. I liked that I could do to him what he did to me. I leaned in, brushing my lips along the green colored deathbat tattooed on his chest, kissing across it slowly, my hand never leaving him.

"Babe, we have to do something now or we're going to have a problem."

I glanced up at him and he grinned, his arms wrapping around me again and picking me up, this time just enough for me to wrap my legs around his waist. I felt the length of him probing at my inner thigh as I tightened my arms around his neck bringing my face closer to his. "You're amazing, Zachary."

"You're the amazing one," he insisted as he took a step closer, one of his arms disappearing beneath the water. I kept my eyes locked on his as I felt the tip of him probing between my thighs before slowly beginning to push into me. I coudln't help but moan his name as he placed his hands on the pool edge behind me, holding me against the wall of the pool with the length of his body.

I didn't even have time to speak before he began to slowly thrust in and out of me making my moans the only sound to slip from my lips. I clung to him, the softness of his body rubbing and pressing against the front of me, the hard pool wall to my back making a nice contrast and a sense of need returned as we both became more needy. Gripping onto one another, our lips crushing together, tongues tangling, the animalistic behavior returning and staying until the very end when both our orgasms over took us.

His mouth was on my shoulder as he slowly pulled me off him and lowered me back down until my feet touched the bottom of the pool.

"Oh my god, Zack," I muttered as I slumped against him, gripping on to him tightly. The water a cool welcoming feeling as it was now between us.

"Oh my god is right," He stiffened up a little, still hugging me close, his hands trailing slowly up and down my back. "We need to be more careful, Bail. I know I initiated this one, but one of these times we're going to end up getting you pregnant, and that is the last thing we need right now."

Even though I knew with every fiber of my being that he was right, it still hurt to hear, so I simply nodded in agreement.

"Don't be sad," he grasped my face with both hands, lightly caressing the soft skin under my eyes with the pads of his thumbs, "we're just both gonna have to start packing now that we know how instantaneous we can be."

I couldn't help but giggle softly as he dipped his head, capturing my lips with his own in a soft kiss before picking me up and setting me on the edge of the pool again. "Lets go inside."

He pulled himself out of the water beside me and I watched him as he scooped up our clothes then waited by the door. I stood up and made my way over, opening up the small cabinet on the floor and pulled out two white fluffy towels. I wrapped one around me and one around Zack's waist before stepping into the house. He closed the door and we headed carefully through the dimly lit living room to my bedroom, closing the door behind us.

"Do you need to shower?"

I looked at him before I disappeared into my bathroom then returned with a smaller towel, using it to dry my hair. "I should, but I really don't have the energy."

"Want me to get you up early tomorrow then?" He pulled the towel from around his waist and dried off quickly before pulling back the covers to my bed and slipping between the black sheets.

"You have to be up early?" I asked, using the smaller towel to dry the rest of my body before slipping into bed naked beside him and pulling up the covers.

"I do." He rolled onto his side and reached for me, pulling me closer. "We're in the studio again tomorrow. So we're gonna be putting in long hours for a month or so."

I sighed. With our lives, it was going to be hard to make time for each other. I just hoped it wouldn't put a halt to our relationship progress.
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