Hand Held Heart

Echo Hollow

*one year earlier*

I stared up at the old English manor house with distaste. Everything about it struck a cord in me, and a very out of tune cord come to think of it. The dark slate roof with the few missing tiles, the large arched windows and sand coloured walls made my mouth corners turn down and brows push together.
Though it sounded stupid in even my head - but this place just had a vibe about it, that said I wasn’t wanted. This theory was then squashed by the smiling woman on the front porch.
She had honey hair, streaked with silver-grey, pulled in to a loose bun at the nape of her neck; small half moon glasses were perched on her nose and as I grew closer I saw the deep chocolate brown eyes behind them, that made me feel warm to my core. She was slightly plum and short, with a white apron over a rose pink sweater and long white skirt. She looked around fifty and her smile revealed very straight pearly white teeth framed with plump pink lips.
This woman felt like home.
She opened her arms and pulled me into a large, rather cushioned hug.
“Holly, dear! Your uncle has been dying to see you! He hasn’t stopped talking about you since that horrible place told him you were coming. He’s in his room, I’ll get Sam to take any bags you have up to your room and you can see him in his study.” She tenderly ushered me through the double doors and into a wide entrance, the white marble floor was hinting on dark grey with the layer of dust covering it, and heavy navy blue drapes hung against the windows giving the inside a dark atmosphere; more so unwelcoming than the imposing exterior. I was hurried upstairs and told to enter the door to the left right at the end of the corridor.
The woman didn’t introduce herself, but simply smiled at me warmly and left me while she ran lithely down the sweeping staircase and kindly told a young teenage boy around my age to take my bags to my room. Not that I had many things to bring with me.
I stood staring at the corridor for a while, somehow hoping that the candelabra’s would turn in to modern electric light’s fitted into plastered white walls instead of the brown oak panelling that once again darkened the hallway.
I tried to tell myself this could only be better than the place I’d come from; and that thought alone comforted me.


The room was cold, even though I could see the flames from the fireplace reaching out and dancing to a quick paced song that I couldn’t hear the room was still cold. Chilling me right to the bone; I shivered and my uncle Lennon raised an eyebrow at the fire and back at me but said nothing.
He wasn’t one to talk - I could tell that much.
Maybe he just spoke around that woman, whoever she was.
“Hello?” I said, wincing as it came out sounding like a question. But he smiled at me and poured two drinks.
“You look a lot like your mother, Holly.” He said in a deep, ringing voice. All I could think was; so this, was Rodger Lennon. I already knew he was a wealthy, imposing man, and wealth in a small little nondescript village like Echo Hollow counted for a lot amongst the people who lived here. He was tall and skinny, with a large hooked nose and bushy eyebrows, and a pointed chin covered in a thick layer of silver hair. His clothes were dark and neat, no creases were to be seen upon him, and I felt uncomfortable and untidy in his presence. I scratched a small spot of paint on my skinny jeans and answered in a small voice.
“Well… thanks I guess. I mean I never knew what she looked like but… I guess it’s a good thing. Thank you.” It felt too awkward to try and make conversation with the one member of your family you had left.
I saw a flicker of a smile on his haughty features as he replied,
“Yes, indeed it is a good thing. Your mother was very beautiful. Now I will let you get settled in here soon enough, but there are a few things I would like you to know while you live here.”
I couldn’t help it, I sighed loudly. Uncle Lennon let out a loud bark of laughter that seemed very out of place for him, and continued.
“You shall not go in to the forest behind the manor, that is the most important rule out of the only three I have for you. There have been many sightings of wolves around there - no attacks mind you, but you never know. I want you to be careful Holly. The second rule is that whenever you are out, you must be home before midnight each night, and thirdly; you shall dine with me every night at seven and any other meal you can eat alone, or with me - it is your choice. Any part of this house is open to you, so feel free to explore it as you wish. If you need any money, just ask I’ll be happy to provide it for you. And of course you must know that my housekeeper Jenny and her son Sam will be here all of the time and Jenny will be extremely happy to oblige to any needs you may have. Sam will also be attending the same school as you in the centre of Echo Hollow, he can help you fit in, or show you around? He’s said he will be happy to take you in to the nearest town whenever - there isn’t really anything in recreational aspects in the village, though I’ve heard there are some clothing stores and a cinema in Fishner you might like. If there is anything I else I will inform you. Jenny will show you your room in a minute. Are there any questions?” He finished with a small smile, I blinked trying to take this in and then shook my head.
“No, thank you. That’s fine.” I said and he nodded - mostly to himself and indicated with a sweep of his hand that I could leave, as I got to the door though he coughed and I turned to him expectantly; waiting for all of this to be ripped out of my hands.
This place may be the most boring place on earth, but it’s a hell of a lot better than where I came from.
And I was grateful.
“Don’t forget. Dinner at seven.” he said.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter! Whoop!
I think it's okaayy, but pretty boring so far - you don't know much about anyone yet, but this is just a kind of introduction (It gets better, I promise.)
please comment or message, or whatever- I'll love youu<3
thanks n__n