Status: School is starting on next Tuesday, I'll have homework, but I'll try to update as much as I can.

Wait, What? You Want Me to Save The World?! What The Heck?!

Chapter Four: The Horrible Nightmare

My first thought was, “WHAT THE HECK!!! HE'S RICH?!?! WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME?!?!”

Once I had calmed down and come to my senses, my second thought was, “Typical mom, always wanting money.”

I thought this because she probably expected since I went on ONE date with him, that we would continue dating and eventually get married.

That's not how it was. I had only gone on a date with him because he said he would tell me what was going on. Also because I couldn't seem to say no to him. But NO WAY was I about to fall in love with Blake Sanchez!

“Mom, it's not a big deal, it was just ONE date,” I told her. “Blake and I are just friends.” As soon as I said this, I remembered that just a little bit ago Blake had kissed me on the cheek, and it kept replaying in my head.

“If it's not a big deal, then why are you suddenly blushing?” my mom smirked.
Since she was my mom(and I had never seen her smirk before), it was really, really weird.

“Huh?” I said, grabbing a hand mirror that just so happened to be on the counter I was standing by.

I hadn't even noticed that I was blushing. I guess just thinking about that little peck made me blush. But why? It was just a peck, it wasn't like he had kissed me on the lips or anything. AND it was a peck, not a kiss.

“Ummmm, well...I....WE'RE JUST FRIENDS OKAY!?!?” I yelled, rushing up to my room. I had no idea what to say.

“What the heck was I blushing for?!” I mumbled to myself, slamming the door to my room.

I changed into my pj's and got ready for bed. After I had finished getting ready, I went back into my room and fell onto my bed. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


I was in a dark place. Everything was pitch black except for me; I was glowing. I had no idea where I was or what I was doing there.

“Hello? Is anybody there?” I called out, but nobody answered. The only thing I heard was my voice echo back, as if it were mocking me.

Suddenly I heard rustling sounds. The fact that I couldn't see whatever was out there but it could see me, totally freaked me out. What if it was some creature looking for a late night snack? I didn't want to be around when it got hungry.

Suddenly I saw a pair of bright red eyes and two white glistening fangs. I tried to scream as loud as I possibly could, but no sound seemed to come out.

Suddenly, a hand came out of the darkness and grabbed my foot. I fell to the ground and was slowly being pulled into the darkness towards the creature, which looked to be a vampire.

I could tell it wasn't Blake because Blake's eyes weren't red, they were green. And his fangs were shaped differently from what I remembered. Plus, Blake was nice, unlike whoever this guy was.

I heard the vampire laugh evilly. Then the vampire pulled his head out of the darkness and I saw what he looked like. He had blond hair and red eyes(I already knew the red eyes part though).

He licked his lips and stared at my neck. He was pulling me closer by the second. I tried to get loose of his grip,...but I knew I wouldn't be able to, vampires were just too strong for a human to beat.

“But....I can't be a vampire queen. I mean, I do believe that you're a vampire, but.....I can't be....can I?” echoed through my head.
“Yes, actually you can,” Blake's voice called.

Me? A vampire queen? Yeah right, I'm not even a vampire.

“You're only making it harder on yourself by squirming, dear,” he smirked, pulling me harder.

He eventually got me right where he wanted me. He licked his lips once again, before opening his mouth wide and leaning in towards my neck. I closed my eyes and screamed, this time I could hear it, and it was quite loud.

I opened my eyes, panting heavily. I was back in my room sitting up in bed.

“ was a dream?....Hew! That was....horrifying. I...I really hope that wasn't like the Blake dream where it actually comes true. OH GOSH! I HOPE I DIDN'T JUST JINX IT!!!” I yelled.

“Allison Leigh Rayburn!!! What the heck are you screaming about at three in the morning!?!?!?” my mom yelled from downstairs.

“Nothing mom! Just a bad dream! I'll go back to sleep now,” I called back.
“Thank you!” she said, in an angry tone.

She was trying to say it in a cheery voice, but when ever she did that when she was angry, it just made her sound like she was more angry than she actually was and was holding back from punching something or somebody.

I fell back asleep with no trouble at all and I didn't even remember my dream when I woke up.

I got up in the morning an did all the usual things I did to get ready for school.

Today was Friday, my favorite day because it was the first night of the weekend. Plus every Friday, my mom got Chinese for dinner. Although she could be greedy about money and wasn't always the best influence, she had her moments. And since she was in such a great mood lately, she said I could invite Lila over for a sleepover. I had asked her a few days ago and she said yes. So tonight was going to be really exciting.

I kept thinking about my dream. It wasn't going to actually happen was it? I sure hoped not.

“Hey Allison!” yelled a voice from behind me, shaking me from my thoughts. I turned to see a smiling Blake running at me and waving all at the same time.
“Oh, hey Blake!” I yelled as he came up to me within seconds.
We started walking on our way to school. I normally drive, but for some reason, I was so deep in thought that I had walked off without my keys and decided to walk the rest of the way.

“Hey, how did you sleep?” he wondered.
“Oh, I slept...okay,” I replied.
“Okay? Not great, not even a good?” he asked.
“No, just...okay. I had a horrifying nightmare,” I told him.
“What was it about? It might make you feel better to talk about it,” he said.

I told him every detail about the dream that was important. Any tiny details that didn't matter and were just a waste of time for this situation I left out.

“ you dreamed about a vampire trying to kill you huh?” he asked, waiting for me to confirm.
“Yeah, that's what the whole dream is about,” I replied.
“....Well, it's nothing to worry about, I bet. Remember it, but don't think about it too much,” he told me.

“Anyways, why are you walking today? Don't you normally drive to school?” he asked.
“Yeah, but I'm an idiot,” I smirked.
“Huh?” he said, confused.
“I was really thinking about my nightmare and I walked out of the house and after I got a mile away I realized what I was doing, but I didn't bother going back to get my keys and stuff,” I said.
“Why not?” he wondered.
“Because I didn't feel like it,” I stated simply. Blake chuckled.

When we got to school I told him I'd see him at second hour. We were both in math class together but in first hour I had language arts and Blake had science.

I walked to language arts and on my way there I bumped into the principle(no I literally bumped into him). All of my stuff tumbled to the floor and so did I.

“Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry Principle Joyner! It's all my fault!” I exclaimed, picking up my things.
“No, I believe I'm also to blame for this,” he said getting on his knees and helping me gather my things.
“I'm sorry,” I said again.
“It's okay, accidents happen,” he said. “You know, this is quite a coincidence because I actually wanted to talk to you.”
“You did? About what?” I wondered.
“There's another new student, and I was thinking you could show him where everything was and stuff, you pretty much know where everything in the building is. You know where classes are located that you've never even taken before. So do you think he could follow you around for today?” he wondered.
“Uh, ok...I don't know about the 'following me around' part, but I'd be happy to show him around. Does this mean he'll be going to whatever class I go to?” I asked back.
“Yeah, but just for today, especially since it's Friday,” he said.
“Ok, so where is he?” I asked.
“Behind you, actually,” he said.
“What?” I wondered, confused.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder and whirled me around. He looked straight into my eyes, smiling.

It looked a lot like the guy in my dream, except the guy in my dream was much older looking. This guy was cuter.

“Ok, well thanks for doing this Allison,” he said. “If there's anything I can do to repay you I-”
“No, you don't have to repay me. OH! Sorry for interrupting! I didn't mean to. But really, it's no big deal, I'd be happy to show this guy around...who I don't know the name of,” I said.
“Liam Taylors,” he replied.
“Alright, I'd be happy to show this guy around, whose name is Liam Taylors,” I said. Liam smirked.
“Alright, well I trust you. Bye,” he said.

“What's your first class?” asked Liam.
“Language arts. Come on or we'll be late,” I smiled.

We went inside and sat down in the front row. Last trimester I had to sit in the front row because it was my assigned seat, now I sat there because this trimester we didn't have assigned seats and it wasn't so bad to sit in the front.

After class, Liam followed me to my locker, he didn't have any books with him, so he had to share mine, which I didn't mind at all.

“Are you sure you don't mind sharing your books with me?” he asked.
“Of course not, it's no problem. And I don't mind at all,” I said.
“Thanks,” he said.
“No problem,” I smiled, cheerfully.

We headed to math class. When we got there, Blake was already sitting on the right side of the desk I normally sit at, and Lila on the left. Lila and Blake smiled and signaled for me to come sit with them. Liam groaned. I looked at him suspiciously.

“What?” I asked him.
“I can't sit by you now,” he said.
“Oh, um...well you could sit in front of me,” I said.
“Ok,” he said, feeling a little better that he could at least sit 'near' me. I wasn't sure why he wanted to be by me, I mean sure I was his guide all day, but still, he didn't have to cling to me.

After explaining who Liam was and math class was over, we went to lunch. I realized that I had accidentally left my lunch money in my locker. Liam offered to go with me to get it, and I said sure.

Liam and I went upstairs and headed to my locker. Most everybody was in the cafeteria, so the halls were pretty empty. The teachers went to eat in the teacher's lounge(no duh). So Liam and I were all alone.

After I had gotten my lunch money out and locked my locker, I turned to go back downstairs to the lunchroom, but Liam grabbed my shoulder and whirled me around like he did earlier.

He leaned in towards me and kissed me on the lips.

“MMMMMMM?” I squealed. I would have tried to get away, but I was too shocked to do anything. Dang my stupid brain for not working!!!
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Thanks again for commenting on my story UptownGetAround! It's nice to know that someone likes it! :)

I'll be posting probably tomorrow too!