Status: School is starting on next Tuesday, I'll have homework, but I'll try to update as much as I can.

Wait, What? You Want Me to Save The World?! What The Heck?!

Chapter Five: The Sleepover With Lila

Finally, he pulled away. He smiled at me cheerfully. I understood now; he wanted to sit by me and follow me because he liked me. And I mean he liked me.

Not knowing what to do, I ran downstairs and into the lunch room, leaving Liam by himself.

After I ate lunch, I wasn't sure where Liam was. If I was the kind of person to swear, I would be cussing so much right now.

It was my fault that he was missing; I had left him alone. I had no idea where he was. I ran around the school looking for him.

As I passed the art room, I heard sniffling. I slowly opened the door and sure enough, there was Liam, sitting on the floor by himself.

“L-L-Liam?” I stuttered.
“Huh? Oh it's you, what do you want? Are you going to run away from me again?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. He was crying, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was.

“No Liam, I came looking for you because I was worried about you. I'm sorry that I ran away, it was stupid,” I replied, slowly walking towards him.
“Yeah, it was stupid. If you didn't like me, all you had to do was say so, but instead you just fled from me. Do you know what it's like to kiss the one you have a crush on and have them just run away?” he asked.

“No, but I-”
“Exactly,” he interrupted. “You don't. It's never happened to you. Only me.”

I walked over to him and hugged him.

“I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have run away. It won't happen again. And if you liked me, you could have just told me. I barely know you; I don't even know your favorite color,” I said.
“It's green,” he said.
“Ok, well still. What I'm trying to say is, since I don't know you too well, I'm not ready for a relationship. I've hardly ever dated before,” I said.
“Ok, I understand. Friends?” he asked.
“Of course,” I smiled.

“You must think I'm pathetic for crying like this,” he said, wiping his eyes with his arm.
“What? No, I don't think that. I just think you were sensitive about the situation. That's all,” I said. Liam didn't say another word, he just smiled cheerfully once again.

Lunch was pretty much over, so I headed to my locker to get my things for my next class.

The rest of the day actually went by really fast. The school day was over before I knew it.

“Bye Liam, see you on Monday,” I said walking in a different direction than he was.
“Ok, bye!” he called back.

“Hey Allison,” said Blake, walking over to me.
“Hey,” I smiled.
“May I walk you home?” he asked.
“Sure, why not?” I replied.
“I could get you there really fast if you're in a hurry,” he said.
“No, let's just enjoy a nice long walk,” I said.
“Alright,” he smiled.

“So what are you doing tonight?” I asked.
“Nothing much, hanging out I guess,” he said. “What about you?”
“Who me?” I said, grinning.
“No, the little snowflake falling by your head. Yes little snowflake, how was your day?” he said sarcastically.

“Boy, don't make me,” I said.
“Don't make you what?” he wondered.
“Don't make me angry, or I'll do this!” I said, throwing snowballs at him.
“Hey! That's not fair, I don't have any weapons!” he said.
“What are you talking about? There's snow all around you! Use it!” I smiled, tossing another snowball at him, but this time it hit him directly in the face.
“Oh that's it, game on!” he shouted.

We started running to my house, but we threw snowballs at each other on the way there.

By the time we finally got to my house, both Blake and I were so freezing cold. My mom wasn't home yet, she came home an hour after I got home from school.

I unlocked my door and walked inside.

“Do you want some hot chocolate?” I asked Blake.
“Yes, I am freeeeezing!!!!” he exclaimed. I laughed.
“But wait, aren't vampires bodies just supposed to adjust to the temperature?” I asked.
“Not mine. I'm different from most vampires. Although, I'm still not too sure, myself. But no, my body doesn't adjust to the temperature, which totally sucks,” he smirked.
“Alright, well I'll make some hot chocolate,” I said.

I started to make the hot chocolate; I used to make it for my mom when she came home from work in the winter time when I was younger.

I thought that hot chocolate was a little bland, just a tad, so I added marshmallows, and two spoon fulls of sugar.

When it was ready, I poured it into two cups; one for me and, one for Blake.

“So seriously, what are you doing today?” he asked. “And I'm not talking to the snowflakes, I'm talking to you Allison.”
“I'm having a sleepover with Lila,” I said.
“Oh, fun! But if you're going to have a snowball fight, make sure you call me,” he smirked.
“Okay Blake,” I smiled.
“Well I should go,” he said, standing up. “See you later.” he smiled.
“Bye Blake!” I smiled as he walked out the door. He was a great friend. FRIEND!!!!

My mom came home and then shortly afterward, Lila arrived. It was about five thirty when Lila came.

“Lila! You're here! Sweet!” I exclaimed.
“You bet I'm here! I wouldn't miss it for the world,” she smiled.
“Hi Lila! It's been awhile hasn't it?” asked my mom, coming into the room.
“Yes it has Allison's mom,” she replied.
“Please, call me Jamie,” she said.
“......Ok.....then I'll call you Jamie,” Lila said, confused. She looked over to me. I shrugged. Jamie wasn't even my mom's name, it was Macy.

“Well anyways, I am so excited! There are so many things to do!” I exclaimed. “Now before we decide on what we're going to do, is there anything you have in mind?”
“Ummm, maybe we could rent a movie?” she said.
“Sounds good to me!” I exclaimed. “We can go in a little bit.”
“Alright, cool!” Lila agreed.
“YAY! This sleepover is going to rock!!!” I exclaimed.
“You bet it will!” Lila smiled.

Ok, so maybe when Lila and I got together for a sleepover, we both got a little hyper. But we're crazy teenage girls, what do people expect? Plus, Lila and I have been best friends ever since I can remember.

My mom ordered Chinese take out and picked it up. While she was doing that, we walked to Family Video to rent a movie.

We decided to rent “The Princess Bride,” by Rob Reiner. I had seen this movie a bunch of times, but we decided to get it because I wanted to see it again, and because Lila had never seen it.

My mom got home with the take out at about the time we got home with the movie.

We ate dinner and then went into my room and put our pj's on. We waited a little while before watching the movie. While we were waiting, we decided to talk.

“So Allison, I've noticed you've already gotten really close to the new kid, Blake Sanchez,” said Lila.
“Yeah, I actually met him before he came to our school,” I said.
“Really? When?” she asked.
“The night before he came to our school,” I said.
“Oh ok.....By the way, why did you yell in class the day he came?” she wondered.
“Because I was surprised to see him,” I told her.
“You mean he didn't tell you he was transferring to our school?” she asked.
“No,” I said.

The conversation went on for an hour. It changed from Blake, to school, to my mom, to crushes.

“Do you have a huge crush on Blake?” asked Lila.
“No Lila,” I said.
“Ah, come on, you do too,” she replied.
“Lila, I seriously do not have a huge crush on Blake,” I told her.
“Ok, ok, but you have a small crush on him at least, right,” she said.
“LILA!!! Can you give it a rest already? I DON'T have a crush on Blake. I swear!” I yelled.
“Alright, alright, I'll stop, I'm sorry,” she said.

“Do you want to go watch the movie now?” she asked.
“Sure, you get it started, I'll make popcorn,” I said.
“Alright,” she replied. She headed to the living room and I headed to the kitchen.

I put the popcorn in the microwave oven and let it pop. We started the movie and when the popcorn was done I pulled it out, put it into a bowl and walked into the living room.

Once the movie was done(which was at about 9:38 p.m.) , Lila was so happy.

“Oh I love that ending!” she squealed.
“It's a great ending, huh?” I agreed.
“Yeah!” she said.
“Well, let's go in my room now,” I told her.
“Alright,” she replied.

It wasn't that late yet(and we wanted to stay up late), so we went into my room, played some games, hung out, talked some more, and played on the computer in my room.

After awhile, it was one o'clock in the morning, so we decided to go to bed. I fell into a deep sleep, thinking about how much fun I had had with Lila.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll write some more later. I hope you liked it! Comment please and thank you! Bye!!! :3