Yours, Mine, and...No, it's yours, hers, and I want nothing to do with ours.


“I’m very disappointed in you Blair.” my dad said. “Patricia needed you to babysit your little brother, and you chose to not and go out with your friends. Your attitude has been getting worse and worse.”

I had decided that I was going to stay over at Sarah’s house until Monday and just have her drive me home. When I got home, no one was home. There was a message on the answering machine; it was from my dad telling me to call him at work. I dialed his number and as soon as he knew it was me, he started lecturing me.

I huffed. “Dad, I told her and you that there was a game I was going to. I told you guys weeks in advance and then she suddenly decides to try and make me babysit? No, I have babysat him for the last few weeks giving up on my social life for someone that I’m not related to.

“I have no obligation to baby sit her son. And since you won’t let me cheer anymore the only times I see a football game is when it’s a home game.”

“It’s been two years how is it that you still haven’t accepted that Patricia and Sam are part of our family?” he asked.

“Because, you didn’t even think about what I wanted when you married Patricia. I told you that I didn’t like her, but you went ahead anyway. She always blames everything on me, things that Sam does. I hate Patricia and that will never change.”

“How can you hate her? She is a sweet women and cares about you.”

“I’ve never seen this.” I scoffed. “I know that she is the one that convinced you to get me to quit cheering. Look, I know she’s religious, but she has no right to force her beliefs on me. Just because I wore short skirts didn’t mean I was a slut, there are a lot of Christian schools that have cheerleading squads.”

“Sweetie,” he said, trying to calm me. “I understand that you’re angry, but she was right. Those outfits aren’t someone your age should be wearing.”

“Dad, I have been wearing that since I was five. You are the one who encouraged me to do it, when I was in gymnastics the outfits were pretty much swimsuits. You know what, next year I will be joining the squad again. Bye daddy.”

I hung up on my dad, I’ve been getting steadier annoyed with him these past few years. This was my junior year, all I had wanted was to make a steady path to becoming cheer captain next year. But that wasn’t going to happen, due to my dad making me quit I had a small chance at being captain.

I went up to my room, and turned on my laptop and logged onto chatrr. I had a message from Sarah asking how everything went once I got home, I replied and told her everything my dad said to me and what I had said to him. No one was online, so I turned on my t.v and flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch.

Once I found a channel, my phone started to ring.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hi,” a male voice said. “Is this Blair.”

“Yeah, who is this?”


“What do you want?” I asked, rudely. I was still pissed off.

“Well, someone is hostile.” he chuckled, nervously. “What happened to the happy Blair?”

“She died.” I angrily. “What do you want and how did you get my number?”

“From mom. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today or something.”

“Why are you calling me now?” I asked. “After all these years? Is it just because you saw my yesterday and now feel bad or something?”

“No,” he sighed angrily. “It’s because you’re my freaking sister and you seem to just be going through shit. I do miss you Blair.”

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll meet you at Diana’s Diner, you do still remember where that is right?”

“Yes Blair, I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”

We hung up and I sighed. I got up from my bed and went to change, I had gotten yogurt onto my top and needed to change my top and put on a pair of pants. After changing I got my purse and car keys and left.

I arrived at Diana’s before Brody.

“Hi Blair.” Diana greeted me. “Are you by yourself today?”

“No, someone is meeting me.” I said.

I came here so often with my friends and by myself that most of the staff knew who I was. Diana showed me to my favorite booth and told me that someone would be with me soon. Diana was a sweet little old lady, she was almost like a grandmother to me.

“What can I get you sweetie?” my waitress said.

“I’ll have a Cosmo.” I said.

“Can I see some ID?” she asked,

I handed her my fake ID, she looked it over, nodded and went to get my drink.

I placed my purse beside me and got comfortable, I didn’t know when Brody would get here and if I was being truthful, I wasn’t sure I wanted him to. When Brody and I had been close he was always way too good at seeing when something was wrong. And I really didn’t want to see him, I was so angry that he stopped talking to me, I know that I should have made more of an effort, but I felt that I had and he never reciprocated it, so while my life was going down the shitter, he was with mom and having a fine time with football and his friends.

Just as my waitress came with my drink, I heard Diana shout. I looked over and saw her beaming at my brother.

“Brody!?” she said. “I haven’t seen you here since you were about fourteen! How have you been?”

I couldn’t hear what Brody said, but I guessed that he was saying he’s been fine. Diana brought Brody to my table and then left.

“Hi.” he said.

“Hey.” I said back, taking a sip of my drink.

“What can I get for you dear?” our waitress, Linda, asked, coming back.

“Can I just get a Pepsi?” he asked.

“Sure, I’ll be right back.”

It was an awkward silence as we looked at our menus, when the waitress came back with Brody’s drink we ordered and sat in silence once she left again.

“So,” I finally said, downing my drink. “Why did you wanna meet?”

“I just wanted to talk to you.” he said. “What you said yesterday made me realize that I really haven’t been much of a brother to you these past few years. I didn’t even know you stopped cheering.”

“Yeah, well.” I said, not really knowing how to respond.

“So, how have you been the past few years?”

“Fine, I guess.” I said. “You?”

“Good, mom’s business is doing really well, so she’s not home as much as I’d like but calls in every week. And I’m on my way to getting a football scholarship.” he said beaming.

“Well, good for you.”

“Would you like a refill dear?” Linda asked seeing that my glass was empty.

“Actually, could I get a dry martini instead?” I asked her politely.

When she nodded, I said thank you.

“What?” I asked, when I saw Brody staring me down.

“I know you’re not know, since I’m not and we’re twins. So why are you drinking?”

“I wanted a drink.” I said simply. “And I have a fake ID, so to others, I am twenty-one.”

“You know, I was thinking there was something different about you.” he said, sadly. “I mean, I know that we haven’t had a real conversation in years and only talk on our birthdays, but I always assumed that you were just as happy with dad as I am with mom.”

I looked at him scathingly.

“You’ve always had an...addictive personality?” he said, as if trying to find the right way to describe me. “I don’t know, but when we were younger the way you would cope with things weren’t healthy, you would cling to things; dancing, gymnastics, then you found cheerleading as a permanent stress reliever, I just feel like since you don’t have that turn to liquor.”

I looked at him dead panned.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. “Are you calling me an alcoholic?”

He only raised his eyebrow.

“Look, I only drink on occasion, like every other teenager in America.” I said. “And why the hell would you think my life was as damn peachy-keen as yours? First, my brother, who I was insanely close to, left me alone with my dad, then dad went and got married to someone I hate and who seems to dislike me too. Her son is a little brat and dad expects me to change my whole live because of her. I had to give up cheerleading because it went again her ridiculous values and I am now giving up my social life, I think I have a right to drink if I damn well please.”

“....I didn’t know.” he said slowly.

“I know.”

We sat in silence, again. Until our waitress came back again and took our orders and gave me my drink. I knew what he was thinking about, the same thing I was; how had we let all of this happen. I personally, blamed him. I knew that I could have kept in touch more, made more of an effort and I did, but after a while, it just seemed like he didn’t want to talk to me anymore, his only sister, so I stopped trying.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,

I hope you like this one, sorry it is so long.

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xoxo Natasha