One Less Lonely Girl

Into Your Arms

I picked up my phone and pressed it to my hear the panic screams of Chaz.

“Um Chaz.” I said with a shake in my voice.

“Justin! YOUR SO FAT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO ME! FAT LOSER!” He screamed I could tell he was almost in tears.

Fat. Yes he did just call me fat. That’s just something we say like instead of other words I guess you can say. “Chaz,” I started then stopped to watch the abulence carry Jaimee away.

“WHAT Justin! WHAT!?” Chaz screamed.

I snapped out of my glare. “Um, I will be right over.” I said while clicking the end button. I ran off the porch and down the driveway. I slid into my Range Rover Sport in black.


As I pulled up the familiar driveway that belonged to the Somer’s family I saw Chaz standing on the front stoop. He was dressed up for something. I slowly stopped and turned off my car. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open. I sighed and opened the door. I had placed one foot firmly on the ground before getting pinned to the ground by Chaz. “Um, Hi.” I said while trying to get out of his grip.

“What. Happened. To. Jaimee.” Chaz growled. “She was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago!”

I didn’t move or speak, I just stared off into space thinking of how to explain this to him.

“TELL ME!” He snapped.

I took one last deep breath. “Jaimee cant come tonight.” I spat looking away from Chaz. It killed me to see him upset.

“What do you mean she cant come tonight?” He asked getting off of me.

“Well…………….” I started

“Justin you asshole just tell me!” He screamed in my face as I got up and closed my car door.

“Well, she was upstairs and she called down to her mom, and she said she wasn’t feeling good and her mom said why or whatever and then we heard a boom and then I ran up the stairs and she was lying on the floor so then I called her mom and then she called 911 and then they came and then they took Jay out on a gurney and then like me and her mom were crying then I was gonna tell you and I couldn’t get the balls to, and then now we are here.” I sobbed.

Chaz just stared at me while I stood against my car. I saw tears come to his eyes. I didn’t know what to do so I patted his back. “I should have never left, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT Justin! NO ITS MY FAULT!” He sobbed.

I looked down. “No Chaz. Its no ones fault.” I spat while patting his back. “Come on lets go,” I said jumping into the drivers seat.

“Wh-where are we going?” Chaz muttered.

“Just get in the goddamn car.” I spat while turning the key.

“Fine!” He sighed and hopped into the car.


“Justin, just tell me where we are going!” Chaz whined as I sped down the streets. “Please?”

“NO!” I yelled back while turning up the music.

I'm falling in love
But its falling apart
I need to find my way back to the start
When we were in love
Things were better than they are
Let me back into...
Into your arms.
Into your arms.

The radio sang I gulped and slowly turned my head to Chaz. He sat there staring at the scream that rolled the song title, Into Your Arms, and the artist, The Maine.

Chaz blinked repeatedly to hold back the tears, I looked away, I didn’t want to start crying again.

“We’re hear.” I said parking the car. I pulled my hood up over my head and unlocked the doors. I slid on my raybans and looked over at Chaz.

“Where are we?” He asked

“You will find out in five minutes.” I said stepping out of the car being surrounded by flashes.


“Can you tell me now?” Chaz nagged.

“Dude, are you that stupid! Look around.” I said while walking pass a nurse that looked about 20, blonde hair, skinny body, defiantly my type but I kept walking.

We made our way into room 214. Jaimee’s room.

“Here ya go lover boy.” I said while leading Chaz into the room.

“What are we doing I don’t wanna go in there.” He said while standing outside the door.

I gave him a little push. “You wanna go in there.” I said.

Chaz unwillingly made his way into the room.

A tear rolled down my face as well as Chaz’s as we walked into the room to see Jaimee hooked up to hundreds of wires, Ivs, and tubes.

Chaz was shaking as he slowly approached the bed that had Jaimee laying on it.

A doctor walked into the room. Chaz whipped around has tears poured down his face.

“Wh-wh-wha-whats wr-wr-wrong w-w-with h-Jay-Jamiee?” Chaz muttered through his tears.

“I’m sorry but Jaimee Ann, has been diagnosed with….”
♠ ♠ ♠
whats it gonna be.
i dont know!
comments are amazing!
96 readers, 11 subscribers, 6 comments
lets try to boost each up by 4 so i could be 100, 15, and 1O
and "fat" is said my friends so like yeah i dedicate that part to them lol