One Less Lonely Girl

I'll be There for you

I heard Chaz panic and scream, “DOCTOR! NURSE! SOMEONE! WE NEED A DOCTOR!”

I tried to stop my body from shaking but, the shaking took control over me and I felt like I had been defeated and fell down.

”JAY!” I heard Chaz call from a distance

I whipped my brown wavy hair around so that it flowed over my shoulders gracefully and cracked a small smile toward Chaz. He slowly walked up and hugged me in the grip that I know he will always be there for me.

“I have something to say to you,” He said panting in between words.

“Kay?” I replied sitting down on my bed. Chaz grabbed my desk chair and rolled in front of me.

He cleared his voice.

“When it hasn’t been your day, your month, or even your Year….
I’ll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour.
I’ll be there for you
Like I’ve been there before.
I’ll be there for you
Cuz your there for me too.
Du du du du du
I’ll be there for you
When the Rain starts to poor” He sang

I put my hand over his mouth. “Chaz I know you only know those lines in the song, no need to show it off. What was a friends marathon on today?” I asked slowly removing my hand from his mouth.

“No!” He spat looking down at his hands. “I was watching re-runs on DVD seasons one through five.”

My smile grew while I laughed at my best friend.

“JAIMEE! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME DO SOMETHING!” I heard a voice call. In all efforts I tried to move something but I just couldn’t get the strength to do so.

“JAY PLEASE!” I heard the voice call again in desperation. I slowly tried to wiggle my fingers or my toes, I don’t know which one, but once again no luck. I heard another person speak in the room.

“Chaz, the doctor said to shut the fuck up, he already told you she wasn’t going to respond for a few hours after the surgery.” The other voice became stronger as I heard steps approach me.

“LANGUAGE!” I heard a little girl yell.

I wanted to respond. And what surgery can they be talking about.

“Put me down!” The little girl commanded and they person holding her obeyed and placed her on the floor.

I felt the bed sink a little, so I assume she was climbing up on the bed. “Boys, Listen!” She called like she was a master and they were her little evil minions. “Your friend here, just had a major surgery that needed to be done ASAP so I had it but it wasn’t in a rush, and when she wakes up and the drugs wear off, she wont know how you are, and be patient it will come to her sooner or later, it is very rare if she doesn’t remember anything but it WILL come.” She said. Shortly after she climbed off the bed. “Take me away Justin!” She called with her voice trailing off.

Justin? Justin who! I don’t know no Justin. And Chaz? What a stupid ass name! Really I don’t know no Justin or Chaz.


I don’t even know my name.

Who am I?

Who are they?

Where am I?

What are they talking about?

♠ ♠ ♠
crappy chapter?
i know
dont hate.
13 subscribers pretty epic!
hahaha maybe more?
can we get it up to 10 comments?
and 4 stars?