One Less Lonely Girl

Over You

I woke up with arms wrapped around me and my head in someone’s chest. I looked up to see Chaz looking at me holding me tight in his arms.

“You awake?” Chaz asked in a raspy voice.

“No I’m just looking at you and talking to you in my sleep.” I spat smiling a little.

Chaz looked at me and smiled. “Why are you always like that?” He questioned while still holding me.

“Do what?” I said while cuddling to him more.

“Be sarcastic when I’m trying to be romantic!” Chaz said still smiling his cute smile.

“I-I don’t know? I’m sorry.” I said looking down.

“Don’t be. I think its cute.” Chaz said tightening his grip.

My cheeks heated up and I thought they were on fire and butterflies swarmed in my stomach.

“Thanks.” I mumbled into Chaz’s chest.

* * *

“You say I’m just a friend. And that’s a rule we couldn’t bend, I’m done with trying to pretend. Now its different than before. Never wanted something more. I’m stuck in a little love deutor. All this time that I’ve been waiting. Mix and Match and re-arranging. You might, Be my Mr. Right. You and I been friends forever. Never thought that you would ever me my. Be my Mr. Right. My best friend is my Mr. Right.” I sang while dancing around my room blasting Meadowland. Why does this song have to fit my life perfectly? And most of there songs. WHY!

I looked up to my doorway.

“Um-umm. Hi.” I said looking down at the hardwood floors.

“Nice moves” The figure said walking into my room.

“Get out Justin. NOW.” I shrieked as he continued to walk in.

“Can we just talk?!” Justin asked while taking a seat where Chaz was the night before.

“No, No we can’t talk,” I replied bitterly while switching the music blasting from my iHome.

“What’s your problem Jay. I never meant to hurt you, or anything.” Justin said while taking a seat in my desk chair.

“Well, now I’ve got someone who actually cares, more about his girlfriend than doing his hair, I’m over you, my smile is the proof. And now I know that you’ve been running your mouth. But I. Don’t. Care.” My speakers sang while I stood there.

“The song said it all,” I spat.

“Then who do you have?” Justin said looking up at me.

“I-I-I have Chaz.” I said crossing my arms.

“Chaz?” Justin asked. “You’re kidding me right? He hasn’t asked out a girl since, since ever!”

“Well, he has changed.” I said sitting down on my bed.

“Yeah right.” Justin said getting up from his chair, taking a step closer to me.

“If you take one step closer to me, I swear, I will kill you!” I screamed as he took another step closer. “You have 5 seconds to get out or else I will call the cops!” But before I knew it Justin had smashed his lips against mine. His warm gentle soft lips. “Justin!” I yelled pushing away from him. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!”

“I don’t know, It was just so, so, temping.” He said getting up.

“Yeah, okay Mister.” I said rolling over. “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I gasped rolling over to see Chaz standing at the door. “How do y’all keep getting into my house!” I spat.

“You leave the door wide open.” Justin said and Chaz nodded.

“But I was gonna come over and see if you wanna go out tonight but it seems like you already have plans.” Chaz said in a gloomy tone.

“No! Chaz I don’t like Justin. Please Chaz!” I begged but he didn’t care. He just walked away.

“CHAZ!” I yelled but he was gone.


Tears rolled down my face for I just said goodbye to the one girl I thought I loved. But I guess I’m over her.

“Chaz where ya going!” I heard a voice call.

“Um home” I said turning around.

“Not so fast.” The voice said grabbing my arm.

“Karissa! What are you doing!” I screamed.

“I’m about to save your love life.” She said take me away.

“I think I’m fine.” I said while getting yanked down the street.

“No really, you need my help!” She said. “I mean look at this shirt, and those shoes, I don’t see why my sister likes you, You look like a dumpster on feet.” Karissa said.

“Wait, Jaimee likes me?!” I said stopping.

“No shit Sherlock! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the two of you are in love with each other.” Karissa said while pushing me from behind. “Come on I have, I mean we have a relationship to save here.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, sorry its been a week but ima update maybe twice today,
and all songs are from my friends band, Meadowland.
go check out there EP turning back the clocks on itunes
The songs in this song are Mr. Right and Over You.
so thanks for reading!!