
An Ordinary Night

I walked out of the dance studio and onto the sidewalk on a warm summer night in Chicago, getting off work for the evening. I waved goodbye to a fellow employee, slinging my dance bag over my shoulder which held my water, workout clothes, iPod, cell phone, and wallet, heading towards the train station to get home.

Walking underground for the subway, I noticed that it was a bit quiet for a Tuesday night at a little after nine. There was a few business men and women standing around with their briefcases and talking on cell phones, a couple who were bickering, and what looked like a street performer softly strumming a guitar, all standing and waiting for the train with me.

In the far corner of the platform there was one other man. He was tall, with dark coloured hair that hung in his face, and great facial features, making him not too bad looking from the distance, along with some sexy piercings-- a weakness of mine-- snakebites included. He was wearing black jeans and a Jack Daniels shirt- something cool and comfy- with a black leather jacket on. He looked like he had a nice body, and with the black leather jacket- something I am a complete sucker for- he caught my attention instantly.

This guy was hot, no doubt, and he had that air about him where he knew he was fine. And as I was staring at him, the crazy thing was that I think he was staring right back at me. His eyes were glued to my frame, and it didn't even look as if he were blinking. Now that I was actually paying closer attention, it seemed as if he has a dark aura around him, like he was a man with a very dark secret. A secret that could almost be what others defined as evil.

I quickly tore my eyes away from him, now starting to feel uneasy by his presence, looking down, grabbing my iPod from my bag, and starting it up. Within seconds Framing Hanley's cover of Lollipop was playing, flooding through the tiny speakers, soaking through to my brain. I leaned against the wall, closing my eyes, feeling tranquility wash over me.

Music was like a drug for me. It penetrated my every fiber in my body, swallowing me entirely, crashing on me like a wave upon the sand. Some people get their relaxation and sigh of relief from heroine or nicotine, or even caffeine, but not me. My relaxation and sigh of relief comes from something much healthier- good, safe, reliable music.

I heard the train arriving, opening my eyes and seeing it open its doors as people rushed in and out. I pulled myself from the wall, boarding, and sliding into one of the many vacant seats available. The guy with the guitar began playing what sounded like a tango song, so I put my iPod away to listen to him. His playing was incredible, and he noticed I was listening, flashing me a smile as he strummed away.

"He plays really well, doesn't he?"

I turned my head slightly to see that the same stranger with the aura was sitting right behind me, his face next to my ear. I nodded in agreement, not able to find my voice. He smiled at me, and I suddenly wished that these subways didn't have seats that were conjoined back-to-back to save space and seat more people.

I watched the guitar player for a few more seconds before glancing over my shoulder again. The stranger was still there, as close as ever, his eyes remaining on me. That was when I noticed that he had the most gorgeous blue-green eyes that shone even in the artificial light.

"What's your name?" He asked, seeming genuinely interested.

"Jerica," I lied, not wanting to tell some guy my name.

I looked at me intently for a moment, I'm guessing trying to read me to see if I was lying. I withheld my composure, not backing down, and he gave me a slight nod.

"It's nice to meet you, Jerica," he replied. "I'm Dean."

"Hello Dean," I smiled politely before turning around again.

I tried to ignore him, tried to not think about him, but for some reason, my mind was stuck on him, like super glue to plastic that couldn't be removed. Just knowing that he was so close sent a strange feeling over me, one I couldn't explain.

I felt my hair being moved and I looked over my shoulder to see him with a strand of my dark hair that had dark blue streaks being twirled between his fingers. He noticed the strange, curious expression I wore.

"Does this bother you?" He asked, his eyes remaining on my face.

I pulled away, releasing my hair, standing up as the train came to a halt at my stop.
"This is me," was all I said before grabbing my messenger and abruptly leaving.

I stepped onto the platform, and hearing the train pull away, I glanced over my shoulder to see the same stranger in the same chair, his eyes glued to me as the subway left, disappearing down the darkened tunnel. I gave a shaky sigh, before moving towards the exit, climbing up the stairs to the streets above. After a five-minute walk I was in front of my apartment building, and walked up the flights to my place on the thirteenth floor, or as others called it, floor "Twelve-B".

I swear, people are way too superstitious.

I stuck the key into my apartment, hearing it click and opening the door to my own little haven. It was a small apartment, just the right size for me. When you first opened the door, there was a little kitchen to the right, a table and two chairs to the left, and then the living room after that, which had a small balcony and emergency fire exit. To the left of the living room was my bedroom and bathroom, and well, that was my place.

I locked my door, placing my messenger on the table and turning on a light before heading straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After eight minutes under the warm water I emerged wearing sleep pants and a tank top, running a towel through my hair. On my answering machine I saw the red light flashing and hit the button while going to the fridge to get some water.

"You have one new message," The robotic voice came.

"Message one." I repeated fakely, impersonating the computer.

"Starr, baby, are you there?" Came the voice of my ex-boyfriend. "Are you there and not picking up?… baby, please pick up, we need to talk… I'm sorry. Baby, I really am sorry, okay? I didn't… I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean it, any of it. I'll make it up to you, I swear, just…" he sighed. "Call me. I love you."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, erasing the message. "Sure you love me…"

Benjamin, or Benji as he is more commonly known as, is my most recent ex-boyfriend. We had dated for about seven months, and then three months ago, I caught him cheating on me with some blonde skank, who has no boobs, a ruler shaped body, and bad skin, and that ended our relationship. He got with her, and now he has been calling nonstop, saying he is so sorry, and didn't mean to cheat on me, and wants us back together like before. In other words, he's tired of screwing the bimbo, or she's thrown him out, or maybe even both.

Pathetic bastard.

I stayed up a little long so my hair could air-dry, since I didn't even own a blow-dryer, before calling it quits, and going to bed. I must have been asleep for no more than and hour and a half when I heard soft scratching outside. I groaned in annoyance, pulling myself out of bed-- it was probably that goddamn cat that always gets stuck in these fire escapes. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, walking out into my living room and over to my open balcony window.

Strange. Why was this window open? I shook my head, clearing my thoughts before I became paranoid over all the horror flicks I watch, which has happened before. As I closed the window and locked it, there was a crack of lightning, and it began to pour outside.

I jumped at the sudden lightning, but sighed, knowing that I needed to control my imagination otherwise the paranoia would arise.

And it did. I suddenly felt as if I were being watched. I looked around the room, but it was quite dark, so I couldn't see anything. I reached over to the light switch and flipped it, but nothing happened. I sighed in frustration, flipping it a few more times, but no light came on.
Then there was another flash of lightning, and I jumped again. And in the two seconds of the lightning lighting up the room, I could have sworn that I saw a guy standing on the other side of the room, near the front door.

I shook my head, muttering to my self that I needed to control my imagination and paranoia, going back to my bedroom. I shut the door, taking a step towards my bed, when I felt an arm wrap around my waist, holding my arms down, a hand placed firmly over my mouth.

I struggled against the person, but they only tightened their grip on me. I heard them chuckle, amused, their mouth against my upper neck, near my ear. I felt the twinge of cool metal, making me shiver slightly.

"Now don't struggle," came a very sexy masculine voice. "No, don't struggle… that's only gonna make it worse…"

Oh God, now I was gonna die. I should have listened to my father and never moved to Chicago.

"I'm not gonna kill you," he said, still with the amused chuckle. "No, I wouldn't do that…"

He brushed his lips along my neck, before nipping at my ear. I closed my eyes, glad that his hand was over my mouth so I couldn't moan.

Wow, yeah, I need mental help. There's some whack-job in my apartment that is restricting me, probably gonna hurt me, and yet I'm getting turned on by him... Yeah, I need mental help.

He felt me shiver because he ran his tongue over my skin, and I couldn't help but lean my head back on to his shoulder, giving him better access to my throat. He began kissing along my neck, and the feeling of his piercings was driving me insane.

"You smell amazing," he whispered.

I swallowed hard, realizing this was probably the part where he slits my throat.

"I already told you I won't kill you," he said.

Wait, is this guy reading my mind?

"Yes I'm reading your mind," he said. "Starr."

I suddenly became frightened again. He was reading my mind, and he knew my name? This can't be good. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die.

"You are not going to die, how many time do I have to tell you?" he asked seeming annoyed.

Then what do you want?--I asked in my mind.-- How do you know my name?

"Those are questions I can't answer," he said.

You better tell me something goddamnit!-- I shouted in my mind.

He chuckled again. "You're feisty… I like that."

Who are you?-- I thought again.

I felt myself being turned around slowly, then slammed against a wall, my arms held above my head. I then stared into the most gorgeous blue-green eyes that seemed vaguely familiar. I then broadened my line of vision to take in all of the person, when I realized I was staring at the guy I had run into earlier on the train. Only this time, he had sharp pointed teeth.

"Oh my God…" I whispered, since his hands were preoccupied with my wrists, leaving my mouth free.

"Surprised?" he asked.

I merely nodded, not sure what else to say.

"Me too," he said.

"Who are you?" I asked softly.

"Zacky," he said, bringing his face closer to mine. "I'm Zacky Vengeance."

His face moved down to my neck, his lips brushing against my skin in soft kisses, and I closed my eyes, biting down on my lip, again getting turned on.

"Zacky…" I repeated his name, breathlessly.

"Yes…" his tone matched mine.

"You're… a…"

"Say it…"


I felt two sharp teeth graze my neck lightly.

"Vampire," I whispered.

"Yes I am," he replied before sinking his teeth into me.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, this is officially my first post on Mibba! yay! i hope that this seems interesting to you, and that you go read the next chapter!