
And So It Starts...

I thought about that question. I liked Zacky, yeah, that was why it seemed like I couldn’t think completely straight whenever I was around him. But there was also something else, something that I couldn’t exactly explain.

I trusted Zacky, basically with my life, despite the fact that I didn’t know him. That never happened with other people. Trust is something that is very important to me, something that takes time for me to acquire after getting to know someone, seeing what they’re all about.
But here’s Zacky, someone I just met a few days ago, and I already feel as if I’ve known him for years, knowing exactly the type of person he is.

I also felt a sense of calmness around him. Like I could be on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and just by one look in his eyes, I would instantly feel the tranquility wash over me. Zacky made me feel safe, protected, like nothing would happen to me like he had promised, and I still felt that way.

I believed Zacky when he said nothing would happen to me, feeling secure.

Yes—I thought, answering Johnny’s question—I do like Zacky. I like him a lot, Johnny… I want Zacky.

Johnny smirked, leaning back slightly, folding his arms over his chest. Well, that’s good. ‘Cause I could tell you had a thing for him.

Johnny, if you don’t mind me asking…—I began—What’s the big deal on whether or not I like Zacky?

Oh, I was just wondering; that’s all. He shrugged. Call me nosey or whatever, but I had a feeling you did, so I wanted to find out for sure.

Then what were you and Zacky talking about before in the kitchen?—I asked.

Johnny’s smirk faded a little. Oh, that? Uhm, that was nothing, Starr. Zack was just wondering where I was taking you, ‘cause he’s a bit overprotective like that. If it were up to him, he would be watching you every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year.

I just stared at Johnny for a moment, letting that process—Right… okay then.

Johnny just shrugged again, scratching the back of his head. “Well, I guess you’re tired, huh?” he asked, speaking words.

It was my turn to shrug. “I guess…”

Johnny tilted his head to the side, peering at me. “What?”

I bit my lip lightly. “I just… does… Zacky like me?”

A small, almost mischievous smile spread across Johnny’s face. “What are we, fifteen?”

I couldn’t help but smile, hearing him repeat my own words. Johnny smiled for real, wishing me a goodnight, before showing himself out, closing the door behind him.

Sighing, I changed out of the clothes that I was wearing, into something I could sleep with, before crawling into the big bed, laying on one side. I glanced at the empty side beside me, wishing that Zacky were there to fill it.

I began to wonder what it would be like to sleep next to Zacky, to wake up with him next to you, to go to sleep with his arms around your body. That then led to me wondering what it would be like to have his body pressed against mine without clothes on, leading me to a bunch of other thoughts that would probably be deemed inappropriate for a guy I just met.
I bit my lip, getting turned on by the thought of Zacky with no clothes on. He looked like he had an amazing body underneath those clothes. His arms were already proven to be sexy when he put his jacket on me…

Whoa, Starr, I really don’t wana know about how you wanna bang Zacky on the bathroom floor, Johnny said disgusted in the back of my mind.

Oh shut it Johnny—I snapped back—It’s not like I make you listen to my thoughts. Besides, I never said anything about the bathroom floor… I was thinking more along the lines of the kitchen counters.

Hmmm, kinky; I imagined you to be like that.

Goodnight Johnny—I thought.

Night Starry!

I rest my head back against the soft pillows, closing my eyes, thinking about how I should start my training tomorrow with Johnny. There was a lot that I needed to learn, so I should get started, right? The earlier, the better, isn’t that what they always say? Practice makes perfect? In that case, I definitely needed to start practicing, ‘cause I was a long way from perfect.

Falling asleep with thoughts of Zacky made me awaken with probably the biggest smile on face, because I felt so incredibly happy. There was no feeling of sadness, or confusion, or annoyance over the events of the past few days.

Instead, my head felt clear, my body refreshed, making me feel as if I could take on the world.

Hey Johnny?—I called out in my mind as I took a shower.

Yeah babe? He answered back immediately.

After my shower, do you think we could start the training?—I asked.

A shower, huh? Can I join you?

Johnny…—I complained

Just kidding! He laughed. Just kidding, Starr. Besides, Zacky would rip my throat out if I did that. But yeah, I’ll pop over in… how about five minutes?

Sure—I said, turning off the water and grabbing my towel—I just need to get dressed.

By the time I finished dressing in my closet, I found Johnny lounging on my bed. When he saw me, he jumped up, looking full of life.

“Ready?” He asked.

I nodded eagerly, taking his hand and following him down the halls towards our destination. Our destination was a little ways away, but I found myself in the familiarity of the library.
Johnny sat me down on the sofa, bringing over a rather big stack of books, setting them before me.

I sighed, knowing there was going to be a lot of reading today, not looking forward to it.
Johnny picked up the first book, a big black one, blowing the thick layer of dust off the top cover, making me sneeze.

Johnny started laughing. “You sneeze really cute.”

I just gave Johnny a strange stare. “Uhm, thanks. Although, I didn’t know you could have a cute sneeze… but okay, what’s first?”

“History,” Johnny said with a smirk.

I groaned, hanging my head. This was going to be a long day.
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