
Past, Present, And Future

I felt my back collide with the floor mat as I felt the breath being knocked out of me once more as I stared ahead of me at the ceiling. My head was feeling a bit fuzzy, starting to spin, and I instantly began to wonder if I was going to suffer from a concussion of some sort. My eyes slid closed as I felt the light throbbing pain building in the back of my skull returning.

My eyes opened once more to find a pair of warm hazel orbs staring back into mine. At first, they were full of concern, probably terrified that I was hurt.

“Starr? Starr, you okay?” Matt asked, worry washed over his face.

I let out a sigh, nodding my head slowly.

Matt smiled, sighing in relief, shaking his head. He helped me sit up, making sure he held onto my shoulders so I didn’t collapse back down.

“I’m sorry, Starr,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to do that. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

I shook my head, regaining my strength. “I’m fine, Matt, no worries.”

I gave a small smile, but my body began falling back once more, so Matt had to grab my shoulders again, holding me up and supporting me.

“I am so sorry, Starr,” Matt apologized again. “I knew I shouldn’t have gone full out with you. I’m so sorry.”

For the past few hours, I had been with Matt who was teaching me to fight. He had been helping me for the past few weeks, deciding that I would need to learn how to defend myself, taking it upon himself to teach me, given that he was the biggest.

When I first woke up, I was swept off by Johnny who gave me my lessons in Necromancy in the library. After lunch, I spent a half of the day with Matt learning how to kick someone’s ass in the gym, and then I was handed over to Brian who was teaching me how to ‘live’ in the underworld. By this, he meant changing my thought patterns so I didn’t think like a human from earth. Instead, Brian was making sure that I could be the Necromancer that I was, and by this, being an insightful, knowing the ins and outs of the land, so I would be able to take care of the people when I became queen.

Let’s just say, my days were long and tiring. From the moment I woke up my day was planned. When I was finished with Brian, I was so tired; I just ate dinner, took a shower, and went straight to bed.

Because of my busy schedule, I didn’t see Zacky as much as I would have liked. I saw him in the hallways, and around the house, but that was just a simple ‘hey, how are you?’ and not much of a real conversation.

Apparently, he had been keeping busy, though, according to Brian. He seemed to be traveling to see Prince Tristan quite often, for what reasons, I don’t know. No one would tell me why or for what cause.

“Come on, let’s get you up,” Matt said, helping me to my feet.

I smiled, feeling the world return to me, the lightheaded feeling leaving. “Thanks, Matt.”

“No problem,” he said showing off his dimples slightly. “I just feel bad ‘cause I keep thinking that I’m gonna hurt you.”

“Don’t,” I told him. “’Cause no one is gonna take it easy on me out there, so I don’t expect you to. That’s what you’re training me for, right?”

Matt nodded, an amused smile on his face. “Yeah… so let’s go again.”

Matt quickly threw a punch my way which I easily blocked, but then he decided to throw other moves in which made me have to work a bit harder to counter and dodge. I gave him a swift kick to the back of his leg, making him lose his balance, to knock him backwards.

But Matt is very quick, so he stumbled slightly, but regained his balance, not falling like I had wished he would. Instead, he did a light tumble, landing in a crouching position a little ways away from me. He bared his fangs, hissing at me, his honey eyes now burning a red colour.
If I weren’t under his protection, knowing that he was only training me, it would have scared the living hell out of me.

I swallowed hard, not knowing exactly what my new strategy was, watching as he pounced towards me, looking like he was ready to rip me apart. Instinctively, I threw my arms up to shield my face, and that was when I knew I did something I shouldn’t have.

I watched as a glowing purple-black light illuminated my hands, growing from them. Matt was in the midst of lunging towards me, and the purple-black light suddenly shot out from my palms hitting him directly in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

I instantly dropped my hands, watching as Matt knocked into the stone wall, sounding a loud crack, making the entire room shake, denting the wall, and falling back limply.

“Oh God, Matt!” I yelled, rushing over to him.

I kneeled beside him, gently shaking his shoulder, seeing his eyes were closed, and he was not moving.

“Oh no…” I shook my head, thinking the worst. “I think I just killed him… Matt?” I shook his shoulder again. “Matt? Matt, wake up!” I punched him in the shoulder. “Wake up dammit!”

I heard Matt groan loudly, his eyes slowly opening. I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing he wasn’t dead.

“Ow…” he groaned. “That hurt...”

“I’m so sorry, Matt,” I apologized. “I have no idea what happened. I’m so sorry.”

He chuckled. “And here I am terrified that I’m gonna hurt you, and you’re the one who sent me flying back like that.”

I gave a light laugh too. “I’m sorry,” I repeated.

“Don’t be,” he shook his head, sitting up. “You’re doing good… real good, actually. I didn’t think your powers would kick in this early.”


Matt nodded. “Yeah. Necromancers are surrounded by witchcraft; you’re a witch, Starr. Just a witch of death; so necromancers have these powers for spell casting, too… I guess now I’m gonna have to help you with that too, huh?” He smiled.

I returned the smile, helping him stand up. “Yeah, I guess so. Otherwise, I might end up doing this to you again.”

Matt laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. That’s enough for today. Brian’s got your work all set up for you.”

“Great,” I mumbled sarcastically. “Off to government and economics of the underworld… I haven’t hated a class this much since I actually was taking US government and economics back in high school.”

He smirked. “Sorry for that. But you better go.”

“Alright,” I nodded, heading towards the door. “See you later, Matt.”

“Later Starr… oh, hey, and do me a favor?”

I turned back to him.

“Don’t tell any of the guys you kicked my ass.”

I smirked, but nodded. “Will do Shadz.”

Class with Brian was the same as usual: the subject was not as fun as I’d liked, but Brian was a cool guy where as I didn’t mind hanging out with him. He decided to get dinner with me that night, or so it was called. I sat at the kitchen bar eating a salad with rice and a stir-fry that I made with chicken, snow peas, carrots, and broccoli. Matt said I needed to make sure that I ate healthy, so I could stay strong. Brian sat next to me drinking blood that was in a bottle that reminded me of a beer bottle.

“So… where’s Zacky?” I asked, breaking the silence that was hanging in the air.

Brian swallowed the blood in his mouth, looking at me quizzically. “Out… why?”

I just shrugged, as if it were no big deal, chewing a snow pea and swallowing. “I… was just wondering…” I gave a small smile, seeing Brian still looking at me the same way. “I haven’t really seen him around lately. I was just wondering where he’s been.” I shrugged again, playing it off once more like it wasn’t that important.

“Aw, that’s so adorable,” Brian gushed, making fun. “You miss Zacky!”

I glared lightly at him. “Yeah, but that’s just because I see you and the other two every single day for hours upon hours. I never see Zacky anymore.”

Brian gave a short laugh. “He’s around… He’s been back and forth, in and out… going to talk with Tristan.”

“Yeah, I know all about him going to meet with Tristan,” I said. “But that’s all I hear. Why is Zacky going over there so much? Is there something that important tat he’s always needed to talk it over with the guy?”

Brian smirked slightly, taking another sip from the bottle. “For him, it’s very important, Starr.”

“And that thing would be…?” I coaxed.

Brian looked over at me, and I knew he was debating on whether or not he should say anything about the matter. I silently hoped that he would just tell me. I hated being the only one in this entire house that was kept in the dark from all these secrets.

“Sorry, Starr,” Brian shook his head, taking another sip. “I can’t answer that. It’s just important.”

I let my eyes fall to my plate, trying to hide the disappointment that were clearly showing in them. I finished my meal without another word, and Brian seemed happy in the silence as well, not breaking it. After washing and putting my plate away, I said goodnight to Brian, walking back to my room.

After a ten-minute shower, I went to my closet, grabbing some sleep clothes, which happened to be a long-sleeved nightgown that was made of soft white cotton, reaching me mid-thigh. Running the towel through my hair drying it faster, I walked back out to my room, letting out a startled scream.

Zacky as lying in my bed, a small smirk spread across his face. “Did I scare you?”

I sighed, shaking my head, feeling my heartbeat returning to normal. “Yeah, you did. I didn’t know you were there.”

“Sorry,” he said, even though I could tell he didn’t mean it.

I didn’t answer, but I noticed that Zacky’s eyes remained on me, glued to my frame. At first, I didn’t understand the reason for the look he was giving me, nor what exactly the look was, but it slowly sank in.

He was staring at my body with a look of lust and want.

The nightgown I was wearing was closer fitting, hugging and accenting all my curves, as well as being a bit low cut, showing off my cleavage. But the cherry on top was the fact that the material was a little bit see-through in the lighting of my room.

I bit my lip, quickly turning around to invent some sort of thing that I had to do, just so I wouldn’t have to see his God-like face. That chore just so happened to be placing my laptop on the table in the corner, shutting it down.

I cursed myself silently, wishing I wasn’t wearing this, and that I was wearing a bra, and not a white lacy thong. In the midst of my thoughts, I heard a loud crack of lightning, followed by the rumble of thunder, and then it started pouring rain outside.

I gasped in surprise, going over o the window, staring out it at the rain in awe.

“Can it rain here?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at Zacky.

Zacky nodded, his eyes still glued to my frame.

I felt a blush creeping onto my face. “Uhm, I think I’m gonna go to sleep,” I said softly, hoping that would get the point across to Zacky that maybe he shouldn’t be here.

“Okay,” he said, his deep voice melting together with the thunder, making me shiver lightly.

I slowly exhaled, licking my lips, going over to the light switch, and flipping it off. The room went pitch black, my eyes getting adjusted to the sudden change of light. A crack of lightning lit up the room once more, and I saw Zacky still lying on my bed, his eyes remaining on me.

I swallowed hard, walking over to and stopping at the edge of my bed as smoothly as possible, trying not to show how nervous I was. I felt my heart beating rapidly, like a hummingbird’s, my mind not truly focusing too well.

Zacky never removed his line of vision from my frame, with the same look of lust and want. His eyes danced over me as he bit down on his lip rings, making me feel as if I were about ready to pass out.

I carefully crawled into the bed, lying down at the very edge, on my side, staring at Zacky. He sat up, taking off his shirt, leaving me to stare in awe at the sight of him shirtless. His chest was defined nicely, not hardcore like Matt’s, but still yummy nonetheless. He also had tattoos, one specifically, across his chest, looking like a skull with wings, the same thing on the comforter.

He must have noticed my staring, because he smirked. I quickly averted my eyes away, a bit embarrassed that I had just been caught gawking at him. Zacky didn’t say anything referring to that, just lying down as I had, staring back at me. We just lay there in the silence, staring at one another.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. Zacky’s face was too perfect in my opinion. His smooth skin that appeared paler than it really was thanks to his jet-black hair that hung in his face; his blue-green eyes that couldn’t be described in a thousand words; those soft, full lips that were just begging to be kissed, accented with the piercings.

“So how’s all the training going for you?” He suddenly spoke up.

I broke out of my own little world where I was praising him for his looks. “Good, I guess,” I said with a small smile. “I mean, Johnny’s doing an awesome job at teaching me who I am, and what I am capable of doing… Brian is doing an amazing job with getting me to understand how the underworld works, and Matt? Well, let’s just say that I’m a quick learner when it comes to kicking someone’s ass…”

“That’s good to hear,” Zacky said. “You need to know how to defend yourself.”

I nodded. “Yeah, and the cool thing is that apparently, my powers have finally kicked in, or so Matt says.”

“I guess I’ll have to make sure that I stay on your good side now,” Zacky smirked.

I smiled. “I don’t think I’m that good, don’t worry.”

“Just give it a little time,” Zacky assured. “Then you’ll be able to kick Matt’s ass.”

I tried not to laugh, remembering what had happened earlier today at practice. But stayed true to my word, not mentioning anything to Zacky about it.

“So how are getting along with everything?” Zacky asked next.

“Uhm…” I tried to answer that the best way. “Pretty well. I mean, when I really stop and think about it, sometimes I wonder if I’m going insane, ‘cause logically speaking, none of this is possible, you know? But if I just go with it, then everything’s okay.”

“What do you mean just go with it?”

“I mean… just accept it for what it is,” I clarified. “Don’t try to find reason to anything thing to support it. Just go with it. Finding out that you’re a necromancer isn’t exactly what I grew up knowing, so it’s shocking, yeah, but it’s cool, too.”

I bit down on my lip lightly, looking away, thinking about how I grew up, a tinge of sadness filling me. Zacky must have noticed.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

I returned my eyes to him, giving a small smile. “How I grew up… I know you know all about my life, since you followed my every move the moment I was born, but thinking about my parents, and how their lives changed with me…”

“How so?” Zacky prompted for me to continue.

“I…” I tried to think of the best way to start off my story. “My parents were never married. They were high school sweethearts, so in love, planning this amazing future together where no one would be bale to break them up. When my mom was a junior in high school, she got pregnant with me. She didn’t tell my dad anything, running off to get an abortion without him knowing.

“But my dad found out. His best friend who was dating my mom’s best friend told him she was pregnant with me, and that she was going to get an abortion. Right before the operation was about to begin, my dad rushed in, stopping everything.

“My mom didn’t go through with the procedure, she went back home, everything was okay for a time… well, until her father found out about it. My mom’s dad always hated my dad, never thinking that he was good enough for my mom. So when he found out that she was pregnant, he was ready to take my mom away and lock her in a cell to keep her away from my dad.

“But as time came closer to my birth, my mom started to think that she didn’t want to keep me, and that the moment I was born, I would be given up for adoption. My dad didn’t want that. Even though he was only a year older than her, he was ready to have a child, to take care of it… to have a family with my mom…

“He didn’t really have a family, you see. His dad had died when he was a kid, then his mom passed about a year before that happened. So he wanted to start a new family. My mom, on the other hand, wasn’t so thrilled to start a family. She was too preoccupied with wanting to continue with her teenage-high school years, not having a family until she was much older.

“My mom didn’t want me, but she wanted to stay with my dad, and have a family with him later on in life. My dad didn’t want that, so when I was born, he took me, raised me, and I never saw my mother after that.”

“Wow,” Zacky said, looking a bit shocked. “That’s gotta be tough to know.”

I shrugged, lying on my back, getting comfy. “It’s no big deal, really… but the thing is… my mom didn’t want me from the start, and… it just makes me wonder… if…”

“If what, Starr?”

I sighed. “If maybe she knew that her kid was going to grow up to be someone who symbolizes death, and that was why she didn’t want me.”

“Starr, don’t think that,” Zacky told me. “Your mom… she didn’t know what she was giving up when she walked out of your life. If she could see what you’ve become, I know she would regret it… anyone would and should regret ever leaving you. I know that.”

“Is that why you beat the hell out of Markko Stevenson?” I asked.

A small smile appeared on Zacky’s face as he looked away. “Maybe…”

I started laughing, and Zacky joined me.

“Okay, yeah, I did,” he admitted. “He shouldn’t have done that to you.”

I smiled. “Zacky, you gotta promise me something right now.”

“Anything,” he said, his voice making my heart skip a beat.

“Never put anyone into a coma because of me.”

He shook his head. “I can’t promise you that. I can try, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to.”

I shook my head with a smile, not sure how to respond to that. Zacky’s infamous smirk reappeared, and I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. It was only then that I realized that we both had been inching closer to one another and were now laying side by side, with about four inches in-between us.

“Zacky…” my voice came out much more breathlessly than I had wanted it to. “What am I? Am I… human?”

Zacky studied me for a moment before answering. “Yes, you are a human, Starr. You eat, breathe, sleep, just like every other human does… but you’re not a mortal, if that’s what you mean.”

I just stared at Zacky, meaning for him to continue.

“You’re a necromancer. Necromancers are those who communicate with the dead, holding the same powers that humans believe witches and wizards hold. But you, Starr… you’re different from other necromancers. You hold powers beyond your imagination; beyond anyone else in this realm… you’re seen like a god to us… everyone in the underworld will follow you and your every wish, because you are our divine power. You are the Goddess of the Underworld, Starr.”

I shook my head lightly. “But Zack… I… how can I be god-like? Isn’t there supposed to be one God? Isn’t that what the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims all preach? What about him? Isn’t he the one that supposingly looks down at all of us?”

Zacky shook his head. “God hates us, Starr… God hates our souls.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. The quote-unquote God hated the undead. This was surely something that the priests left out when they were preaching at Sunday school.
“The God that you speak of looks down upon us, Starr,” Zacky continued. “He believes that we are worthless, evil, and that is why we are banished to the underworld. But we have you. Who needs God when they have you?”

I could have sworn that was Zacky trying to drop a smooth line on me, but I didn’t want to let my mind conjuring up impossible ideas, so I quickly dismissed it.

“Zacky…” my voice was practically a whisper. “What’s your gift?” I licked my lips. “I mean, Johnny can read minds… Brian can control people’s thoughts and actions… Matt is a healer… what are you?”

Zacky was silent for a moment, just staring at me with those blue-green eyes before answering me. “I have the gift of compassion. In my opinion, I think that’s the greatest gift that I could have received. It makes me different from all other vampires, separating me from the rest. I’m able to relate to others, know how they are feeling, capable of feeling it too.

“It’s like I’m still human, to a certain extent. I have all the emotions that humans have. Other vampires don’t. The only thing that vampires care about is themselves. Making themselves happy, ensuring that they survive… they care only about blood and sex…

“But me? I don’t… there are other things in this world that are more important than my wants and needs.”

“And what exactly is more important than your wants and needs?” I asked cautiously.
Zacky lifted his eyes to look into mine, biting down on his lip rings lightly. “You.”

I swallowed, not able to believe what I had just heard, wondering if I had actually heard him correctly. Did Zacky just say that he cared about me? That I was more important to him compared to his wants and needs?

No way, that’s impossible. My mind is just playing tricks on me…


Before I could let my mind battle it out, finding the proper answer for the time, my body took over. Without even consulting my brain, I began to lean closer to Zacky. He didn’t show any signs of rejecting me, or even blinking, his eyes remaining on me as he watched me lean closer to him.

I gently pressed my lips to Zacky’s, kissing him for the first time. It only lasted for a moment before I pulled away, knowing that I couldn’t do any more. The kiss left me quickly wondering what I had just done, knowing that I shouldn’t have done that.

My brain started screaming how stupid of a move that was, and how I never should have done that. This was Zacky we were talking about. Why would someone like him ever think of me in any way like I did?

He was a vampire whose only reason to talk to me was to ensure that he handed me over to Prince Tristan in one piece so the war could end, and the underworld would resume its ways.

I looked at Zacky, who still hadn’t moved, awaiting his rejecting response. He seemed to be frozen, still staring at me, and I couldn’t read the expression he was wearing. Oh, what I would have given at the moment to know what he was thinking.

I was about to apologize to him, to say how that was totally out of place, when I got probably the biggest surprise of my life.

Zacky leaned forward, capturing my lips with his.

Without even letting my mind understand what was happening, my body reacted, kissing him back. I felt his lips against mine: smooth, cool, and begging to be kissed more. The metal feeling of his lip rings sent shivers running through me, contrasting against the smoothness of his lips.

I ran my tongue along his bottom lip, asking for entrance, but instead, Zacky slipping his tongue inside of my mouth to do battles with mine. He quickly pushed me over, my back against the bedding, with him hovering over me, being careful not to crush me.

I quickly lost the tongue war, allowing him to dominate the kiss, pulling him closer to me. I bit down lightly on his bottom lip, making a low growl escape from Zacky before he reclaimed my lips as his, his body finding its way between my legs, his hands running all over me.

Zacky’s kisses were amazing. Of the many boyfriends that I have had over the years, none of them ever kissed me like this. These kisses were passionate, full of want and desire, with so much feeling that I couldn’t help but moan softly.

I ran my hands over his chest, arms, shoulders, and back, feeling his body, urging it closer to me, and kissing him harder. Zacky moved away from my mouth, kissing along my neck, searching for my sweet spot. The moment he found it, I moaned his name, my voice soft and breathy.

Oh wow, this just like porn, Johnny’s voice ran gout in my head.

Johnny, get outta my head, just this once. Please. Leave me alone—I begged silently.

Okay, fine… you two just keep it down over there. Some people are trying to get work done.

I felt my breath coming out in ragged gasps as Zacky sucked on my skin, biting on my lip to try to stifle another moan, but I know Zacky still heard it. He quickly latched his lips back onto mine, kissing me even harder than before, his hand slowly sliding up my side, pulling my nightgown up.

I couldn’t help the trembling as I felt his fingers gliding along my skin, feeling as if a thousand bolts of electricity were zapping me all over. I couldn’t breathe; I couldn’t think; at least, I couldn’t think about anything more than Zacky.

But as quickly as it had started, it stopped.

Zacky suddenly stopped kissing me, pulling away, sitting back and staring at me. I looked at him confused, wondering why he had just pulled away like that, trying to get my breath back. Zacky didn’t say anything, just staring at me like he had done something terribly wrong, and a look of fear flashing in his eyes.

“Zacky?” I asked confused.

Zacky continued to stare, now as if he didn’t even know who I was. I began to reach out to him, but he quickly got off the bed, grabbing his shirt and rushing out of the door. I just sat there, not moving, wondering what had just happened, wondering what had just caused that.

Zacky had just kissed me, then left, not even giving me one last look.
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this one's for 'i love gir' who took the time to comment on the story!
hope you all liked!
feedback is always appreciated!