
So-Called Plan

Oh Starr!

I sighed. I really didn’t want to be bothered by Johnny at the moment. For the entire day I had been basically hiding away in my room, only coming out when I needed food. I had told the guys that I just had a bit of a headache, wanting to rest, hoping that I didn’t have any sickness, but I’m pretty sure they knew I was lying.

But they left me alone.

In all honesty, I was just trying to avoid Zacky. And it was working pretty well, too. I hadn’t seen him, which was all I really wanted. After that talk with Johnny yesterday, I just wanted time to let my brain process all that.

I was setting a new plan for myself, which would go into action starting today: Zacky would no longer bother me. I was here for only one reason, and that was to be presented to Prince Tristan so I could rule the underworld as his queen.

That was my job; that was why I was here.

I shouldn’t be letting my thoughts be consumed by Zacky, wondering if he liked me, or if he didn’t, or what that kiss meant to him. I would just worry about learning the ways of the underworld, so I could be the best queen possible for those living here.

Starry! Are you there? Johnny sang in my head once more.

Yes Johnny?—I thought.

Babe, what’s up?

Nothing—I answered.

Oh, okay. Well, just to let you know, Zacky left the house, so it’s safe for you to come out now.

Thanks for reading my mind, Johnny—I said a bit sarcastically.

No prob babe.

I shook my head, laughing at how Johnny knew I didn’t want to be stuck in this room all day, knowing Zacky was the reason for it. That guy really is amazing. With a smile on my face, I closed my laptop, getting up and stretching, before going to my door. Opening it up, I came face to face with the last person I wanted to see: Zacky.

All we did was stare at each other like a couple of idiots. It was pathetic.

“Uh, hey, Starr, I was just coming to see you,” he said breaking the silence, rubbing the back of his neck.

Johnny, I hate you—I thought.

All I got in response was laughing. I really did hate that guy. I tried to push Johnny out of my head, turning my attention to Zacky, realizing hat I would have to put my plan into action a little earlier than anticipated.

Okay, remember Starr, you’re not to worry about Zacky or give him a second thought. All you are here for is to become to queen of the underworld. You are not here to get wrapped up with Zacky.

One look into Zacky’s gorgeous blue-green eyes was enough to make my mind go blank, allowing me to get lost in them.


“Hi, Zacky,” I mumbled, trying not to make it too awkward.

Zacky gave me a small smile, but it was obvious the he felt just as weird as I did. But why wouldn’t he? The last time we saw each other, we had been making out on my bed, then he just left without saying anything.

Yeah, that’s gonna leave things perfectly okay.

“So uh… how are you?” He asked, trying to start up a conversation.

“Good,” I answered. “And you?”


I stood there watching him stand there, looking confused and like he didn’t know what to do or say. He was shifting his weight back and forth, not finding a comfortable stance; he chewed on his lip rings nervously; he only stole little glances at me before averting his eyes away to the floor or the walls.

It was kinda sexy.

Wait, no I wasn’t supposed to be thinking about this stuff.

But his eyes are so gorgeous, and hips lips are so soft and full, and I love the way his hair hangs slightly in one eye… I really want to kiss him right now.

I kicked myself mentally, trying to concentrate on something other than how gorgeous Zacky was.

“Uhm… I have something for you,” Zacky said suddenly.


“Come on.”

Before I could properly respond, Zacky grabbed my am, pulling me down the hall. As I followed him, his hand slowly slipped down to mine, lacing our fingers together. I bit my lip at the bolt of electricity that I felt the moment his hand touched mine, trying to ignore it, but failing miserably.

I couldn’t help but marvel at Zacky; he was perfect, and I felt almost lucky to be around him.

Don’t feel lucky, Johnny said. Zacky wouldn’t want you anywhere but with him, at his side.

I smiled hearing that, holding Zacky’s had a little tighter. He felt it, and I saw a small smile grace his lips before he squeezed my hand back in response.

“Zacky, where are you taking me?” I asked finally as I still followed him.

“It’s a surprise,” he answered simply.

“Can’t you tell me?” I asked.

“Then that sorta gives up on the whole surprise idea.”

“I promise won’t tell anyone.”

He looked back at me, stopping for a moment to study my face, seeing the small pout that I wore. It was what I always did in order to get my way—and it always worked.

“As tempting as it is to tell you, no.” Zacky said.

Okay, the face always worked up to now.

I followed him some more until I finally found myself in front of a large door, resembling the rest in the house; except this one had three stars carved in the wood, much like those on my bedroom door.

All I did was stand there staring at the door, not moving.

“Well?” Zacky asked. “Are you gonna just stand there or go in?”

I blinked a few times, quickly snapping out of my state, reaching out to the doorknob, turning it, allowing the door to swing open. Zacky led me inside, flipping on the light, and I gasped in surprise.

Before me was my own dance room.

I walked out into it, marveling at it, letting my eyes wander all over, and taking in every detail. The floor was wooden, in a gorgeous cherry brown colour that shone in the light. Mirrors that were on the walls, giving me the ability to see three hundred and sixty degrees around, surrounded the room. There were speakers all around the room, and I saw a Mac sitting in the corner that was hooked up to the sound system equipment, reminding me a lot of the one that I had back at my dance studio in Chicago.

“Wow…” I breathed.

“You like it?” Zacky’s voice sounded from behind me.

I turned to look at him, standing in the doorway, a hand shoved in his pocket, his head tilted to the side slightly, and his hair hanging in his eye. He looked unbelievably gorgeous at that moment, and I know that my mouth hung open slightly.

I smiled, regaining my ability to think, nodding. “Zacky, this is amazing.”

A small smile formed on his lips.

“Thank you so much,” I said going over to him and hugging him.

Zacky returned the hug, holding me against his body. I could have stayed like that forever and been happy, but after five seconds, I gently pulled away, a smile still on my face.

“I know dancing is your life,” Zacky said. “So I figured you would need a studio to practice.”

“It’s great, Zacky. Really. Thank you so, so much.”

“So let’s see how good of a dancer you really are,” he said.

I nodded, practically skipping over to the Mac, opening up the song that I had been working choreography for just before I had been brought here. Kicking off my sneakers, I hit the play button.

“Are you ready?” The speakers asked in a masculine, airy voice as the beat started.

The theme song to Criss Angel’s Mindfreak show.

I started into the choreography, letting my body move freely to the music, letting go of all concepts of reality, getting sucked into my own little world where all that mattered was me, the music, and the story we were telling together.

The last chord ended, followed by Criss asking once more if you’re ready, as I hit my end pose. I let out a deep breath, turning to see Zacky still leaning against the wall, looking as if pure adoration was pouring from his eyes.

“That was really good,” he said. “Bravo.”

“Zacky, thank you so much,” I said again. “You’ve done so much for me while I’ve been here, and… I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

Zacky pulled himself off the wall, walking over to where I stood in the center of the room, his eyes not leaving my face for a moment. When he was about three inches away from me, he stopped, slowly reaching out to me. I didn’t move, waiting to see what he was going to do, feeling as if I couldn’t breathe. He reached out, gently touching the side of my face, running his thumb over my cheek.

“Don’t feel like you ever have to repay me, Starr,” he whispered.

Again I felt like I couldn’t breathe, but now I felt like I couldn’t move. It was like I was paralyzed, frozen to the floor. Zacky moved closer to me, slowly bringing his face closer to mine as well. All I could do was wait for what I hoped would soon be his lips on mine.

He continued to lean closer to me, his nose touching mine, his full lips hovering if even an inch above mine. I felt as if I was going to go into a seizure if I didn’t kiss him soon. It was driving me insane to be so close to him, yet so far away at the same time.

Our lips were just about to touch when the door swung open, and someone called my name. My eyes snapped open and I pulled away from Zacky, turning to see Brian standing in the doorway looking a bit shocked.

“Uhm… did I interrupt something?” He asked cautiously.

I glanced at Zacky who looked as if he were ready to rip Brian’s head off with his bare hands. I glanced at the fact that there was no space between our bodies, quickly taking a step away from Zacky. He noticed the moment I was no longer there, snapping his head forward to look at me with a look that I couldn’t read.

“Uhm…” I tore my gaze away from Zacky, focusing on Brian. “What do you need, Bri?”

Brian bit his lips lightly, glancing at Zacky. “Uhm… I just… uhm… never mind. It can wait.”

Brian quickly closed the door, disappearing from sight. I sighed, glancing back at Zacky, seeing him still standing there with his hands now in his pockets.

“Uhm… maybe I should head back to my room,” I offered quietly.

Zacky nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I’ll walk you back.”

We left the dancer room silently, with the trek to my room the same, the entire time, me wondering how well this so called ‘plan’ of mine would work out.
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