
The Girls

I swallowed hard, seeing the four girls standing before me, looking as if they were analyzing me, searching for the best way to kill me; and by best way, I mean the slowest, most painful way, like pulling me apart limb by limb. I had never really gotten along well with girls, and I had a feeling that time wouldn’t be any exception.

The one in the center was the one who looked the most evil in my opinion. She had long blacky-brown hair, the palest blue eyes that seemed to glow against her skin, and a single stud in her nose, her arms crossed over her body.

The girl to her right sported long bright red hair with lots of layers and fringe bangs. Her blue eyes peered at me with a few freckles dancing across her nose and face in a cute way, also with a stud in the left side of her nose. Her athletic frame was enough to scare me into knowing she was tough without any stance, despite she was shorter than me.

The girl to her right also had long red hair, but was a darker shade than the other, looking almost pixie like, with dark fairy looking makeup that swirled and spiraled along the sides of her face. The had her ear lobes pierced twice, with another in the cartilage of her right ear, and spider bites on her lower lip, with tiny silver studs.

The last girl on the left had long black hair with side swept bangs and green eyes, with studs in snakebites style on her lips, as well as 16G earplugs. She stood with one hand on her hip, balancing a majority of her weight on one leg.

I had no doubt that these girls were vampires, who scared me even more, making me wasn’t to shrink away from their glares.

“Starr Greyson,” The blue eyed, red head spoke.

I gulped once more, seeing that she spat my name out like it was poison on her tongue. “Y-yes?” I squeaked.

The girls shared a, what I would call, evil grin, before huge smiles broke out onto their faces as they all rushed towards me, like they were my old best friends, throwing their arms around me in a big, awkward, group hug.

“Hi!” the same red head beamed brightly. “I’m Nikki!”

“God, Nikki, calm down, you’re gonna scare her,” the one that had been on the left said before turning to me. “I’m Kriselle.”

“Hey, I’m Zofie,” the one in the middle said, wearing a kind smile as she gave me a small wave.

“And I’m Adarina,” The girl with the spider bites smiled as well.

All I could do was stare in astonishment as the three girls. First, they looked like they wanted to rip my heart out with me watching; but now, they were acting like we were best buds.


“You look scared,” Kriselle mused, looking me up and down. “Are you?”

“Are we scaring you?” Nikki asked, her mouth dropping open in shock.


I wasn’t sure what to say. What exactly do you say in a situation like this? Here I am, the little human girl in the house, suddenly dropped in a room with three vampire girls who could easily crush me, and they’re asking me if I’m scared of them.

How does one answer that without offending anyone?

“Oh, hon, we are freaking you out,” Zofie said with a sympathetic smile, reaching for me. “I’m so sorry.” She put her arm around my shoulders in a caring form, steering me towards my bed, making me sit down. “We really didn’t mean to freak you out, honest.” She sat across from me while the other two sat next to us. “We’re here to be your friends. Johnny, that’s my boyfriend, he said that he felt like you needed some girls here to be your friends, since all you seem to do is hang out with a bunch of guys. So that’s why we came over.”

I gave a small smile; that was so like Johnny. “Well, that’s really nice of you guys,” I said softly.

Zofie smiled back. “Well, as I said, I’m Zofie, and I’m Johnny’s girlfriend. Nikki’s with Matt and Kriselle’s sleeping with Brian, as well as Adarina.”

“Hey!” Kriselle and Adarina yelled simultaneously.

“We do more than sleep together, Zofie!” Kriselle informed.

“Uh-huh,” Nikki rolled her eyes. “Sure you do.”

Zofie smiled again. “So you’re Zacky’s, girl, right?”

It was now my turn to have my jaw drop open in shock. Did she seriously just call me Zacky’s girl?

“Uhm… I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I told them.

The girls exchanged glances before they burst out laughing. I just stared at them like they had two heads each, wondering what was so funny.

“Sorry,” Nikki apologized when the laughter died down. “It’s just… Starr, you can’t be serious.”

I still looked at her with ‘clueless’ written across my face, waiting for her to continue, and she did.

“Zacky is like… obsessed with you,” Adarina said.

“Yeah, I think I know that,” I mumbled. “He has followed my every step ever since I was born.”

Kriselle smirked. “It’s not like the way you’re probably thinking, Starr… Zacky is crazy about you.”

I had to force myself not to roll my eyes at that. Zofie noticed, a small smile appearing on her face.

“Starr,” she stared out. “Just trust us when we tell you that Zacky is into you, okay? He really is. You are the most important thing in his life.”

I remembered that was what Johnny had told me too. It instantly clicked why those two were blood mates: they were both farfetched in thinking.

“Uhm, so…” I tried to think of something to say, but to really knowing what to say to start off a conversation with a bunch of vampires that were brought here by their boyfriends to be your friends.

“So, Starr, tell us about yourself,” Nikki said lying back, glancing at her fingernails.

“Well, I’m from Chicago,” I started. “I am a dancer, owning my own dance studio there… uhm… my father still lives in Pennsylvania, which is where I was born and am originally from—”

“So, do you like Zacky?” Kriselle interrupted me.

The other two vampires glared at her lightly for blurting that out as she had.

“What?” She looked at them strangely, giving a small shrug. “It’s not like you guys weren’t thinking it…”

Zofie gave me a kind smile once more. “What Kriselle means to say is how do you like the guys so far?”

“They… they’re cool, honestly. They treat me well, they take care of me… and I mean, I live in a house full of hot guys—what girl doesn’t want that?” I smiled lightly.

“But do you like Zacky?” Kriselle asked again.

The smile on my face slowly faded as a small blush began to creep onto my face just at the mention of his name.

“Ooooh, look! She does!” Nikki practically started bouncing up and down with joy.

The three of them started grinning like mad, staring at me with the ever-growing smiles.

“So, have you two, like…”

I could tell by the way she was speaking, Zofie was trying her hardest to go about this in a delicate matter, as to probably not offend me.

“What?” I asked.

“Have you two slept together as yet?” Kriselle asked bluntly.

Okay, I wasn’t offended by this statement, but I was taken back a little as the bluntness, especially right after meeting me. “I… n-no. No, we haven’t,” I stuttered. “Of course not.”

“Eh, it’s only a matter of time before it happens,” Kriselle shrugged.

My mouth just hung open in shock. These girls can’t be serious. Zofie must have seen the lost, worried look on my face, so she quickly said something.

“Starr, hon,” She smiled once more, which actually did calm me down. “Don’t worry, okay? Kriselle is just being… well, Kriselle. She only means that because Zacky likes you, just as much as you like him, okay? Don’t look so scared about all this.”

I just nodded, not sure what else to do, too worried that I would offend them in some way.

“So, you never answered this in your own words,” Adarina spoke up. “Do you like Zacky?”

I cursed her silently in my head, wishing she had forgotten about that as the rest of the girls had.

“Oooh, yeah, you never really did answer!” Nikki added excitedly.

I stared at their faces, seeing the anxiety that poured off of them. I guess that meant I had to answer that.

“Yes,” I nodded. “I actually like Zacky a lot.”
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thank you to 'secrets-that-die' for commenting-- this one was for you!

i hope that you all enjoyed.

feedback i always appreciated!