

I walked down the hall with a bit of a quickstep, hurriedly trying to get to my destination, closing my bedroom door behind me. Turning around and practically running around the corner, I ended up running right into a body. I groaned, feeling myself fall to the floor with a thud, looking up to see Zacky standing before me.

“Zack, hey,” I smiled seeing his face.

“Starr, sorry,” he reached down, picking me up off the ground with ease, setting me back on my feet. “So, what’s the rush?”

I smiled lightly. “Oh, uhm, Zofie and I were gonna hang out.”

The smile that Zacky just wore quickly abandoned his gorgeous features, and I suddenly felt bad, wondering what it was that I had done wrong.

“Oh,” Zacky said quietly. “You were… going to hang with Zofie, right…”

I bit down on my lower lip lightly, wringing my fingers together. “Yeah…”

He just nodded in response.

“Is… that okay, Zack?” I asked.

A small smile broke across his face. “Starr, of course it’s okay… you don’t need to ask me that. I just… I feel like I haven’t seen you around, that’s all.”

I nodded in understanding. I honestly hadn’t seen Zacky all that much since the girls arrived, that had been a few days ago. I had been spending all of my time with them, getting to know them, and so far, we had all become really good friends; but Zofie was honestly my closest friend out of them all.

“I’m sorry, Zack,” I whispered, truly sorry.

He shrugged like it was no big deal. “It’s fine.”

It was only then did I notice how different he looked: his hair had been cut shorter and dyed a bright red. “Uhm… what happened to your head?” I asked in slight shock.

He gave a short laugh. “Oh, uhm… I got bored. You weren’t there to bother, so I figured I’d try something new with my hair. Do you like it?”

I shrugged. “Yeah, it looks good, but I like you with dark hair more. But that’s just me.”

Zacky nodded. “Okay, I’ll dye it back.”

I smiled. “Uhm, I’m sorry, but I should probably go.”

Zacky just nodded again in an understanding way, a slight trace of sadness returning.

“But if you wanted,” I quickly added. “Maybe you could stop by my room tonight? We could just… hang out, I guess, if you wanted to?”

I gave a little shrug, hoping that would hide the hopefulness lingering in my voice.

Zacky smiled. “Sure. I’ll come by later tonight.”

I tried to control the blush that was creeping its way onto my face by smiling, glancing downwards. “Okay, great. I’ll see you… later, then.”

I gave him a small wave before almost running into the wall behind me, and scurrying off.

Later that night, after I had taken my shower and was just relaxing in my room, I decided to open up iTunes to ease my brain. Black Sabbath’s Iron Man came on, and I couldn’t help starting to sing and dance to it. My dancing looked a bit more like a strip dance, just without the removal of my clothes, and I began to change the lyrics around a little, to fit my life.

Starr has lost her mind

Can she see or is she blind?

Can she walk at all

Or if she moves will she fall?

Am I alive or dead?

Or are these thoughts just in my head?

Johnny’s just left me here

Why should I even care?

The last few chords rang out in my room, and after twirling my hair around, I only then noticed that Zacky had been leaning against the closed door of the room, his arms folded across his chest, a smirk on his face.

I gasped in shock; I was completely mortified that Zacky had seen my little burlesque dance. I adjusted the tank top I was wearing, glad that my shorts were closer fitting, and not loose like Soffees are, standing up with a small smile.

“Zacky, hi,” I practically blushed, super embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t realize that you had come in… and I wish you hadn’t seen that…”

Zacky just continued to smirk, sauntering over to me. “I thought you looked good.”

I just stared up at him, getting lost in those eyes again, feeling our bodies inching closer to one another. The next few moments of my life seemed almost surreal, and it was almost like I had no control over my body.

One minute, I was staring into Zacky’s eyes, and the next moment, I completely lost it. Zacky and I gravitated to one another, our lips crushed together in an instant. I moaned lightly at the feeling of his metal lip rings contrasting with his soft lips, my arms winding around his shoulders, my fingers tangling in his dark hair.

Zacky quickly picked me up, making me gasp in surprise, taking the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He wrapped my legs around his torso, walking us both to another part of my room, when I suddenly felt us falling backwards, and my back collided with the soft bed, the kiss never breaking.

We moved around slightly, finding the right position with Zacky finding his way between my legs once more, keeping his lips on mine. He suddenly pulled away from me, sitting up, staring at me. I watched him, wondering if this was the same thing as what happened last time, breathing hard.

He just stared at me for a moment before he quickly yanked his shirt off, throwing it to some corner of the room. I followed in suit, peeling my shirt off and discarding it as well, before Zacky’s lips were on mine again, pushing me back onto the bed.

I gently tugged on one of his lip rings earning a low groan form Zacky, making me smirk against his lips. Zacky noticed, quickly abandoning my lips, going to my neck. I moaned softly the moment he found my sweet spot, making it his turn to smirk, as he began to suck on my skin. The remainder of our clothes disappeared to other various locations of the room rather quickly, the kisses never ending, and I could not get enough of them as other things began.

Oh, the things that man did to my body— things that probably should be illegal. I’ve had sex. I’ve had good sex, I’ve had great sex; but I can honestly say I have never had sex like this.

Every time he pulled out, I would whimper at the loss, only to have him slam back into me, hitting my spot perfectly, causing me to gasp and moan. I heard Zacky groaning as he sucked on my neck, concentrating on getting himself deeper inside of me each time.

Words couldn’t possibly describe what Zacky was doing to me, how good he was making me feel. I wanted him, all of him, at all times, and he was giving that to me. It was like every fiber of my being was calling out to him, like he was some type of drug running through my blood. He set my body on fire, my back arching painfully, making it hurt so good, making me want more.

My head resting on Zacky’s chest, feeling his ice-cold body against my feverishly hot one, as I tried to get my breathing under control. His fingertips brushed against my skin making me tremble lightly as he ran his hand up and down my side in a steady rhythm. I let out one more shaky breath, my eyes sliding closed as I felt completely relaxed, sleep wanting to overtake my body.


I smiled lightly. “Yes Zacky?”

“I’m sorry I did that,” he said quietly.

My eyes shot open at that. Did he just say what I think he said? I almost couldn’t believe I had just heard him correctly.

Did Zacky just apologize for sleeping with me?
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you to 'SynGatesLvr' for commenting-- this one is for you hon!

hope that you all liked-- feedback is greatly appreciated!