


I looked up from the book in my lap to see Zofie grinning at me with enough energy to power all of New York City.

“Uhm… so, what?” I questioned, utterly confused as I sat in the library with her.

Zofie jumped onto the sofa that I was sitting on, scooting close to me. “So what happened last night between you and Zacky?”

I blinked a few times, before returning my eyes to my book. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, yeah right,” she scoffed, reading through my lie. “It sure as hell sounded like something happened! I hear you guys moaning and screaming all night long!”

I sighed, returning my eyes to Zofie’s face. “Okay, yeah. You caught my lie.”

Zofie gave a little shriek of excitement, grabbing hold of my hands. “So? How was it?”

I couldn’t hide the smile that was forming on my face at the memory.

“That good, huh?” Zofie read my loud and clear.

“Oh, you have no idea,” I bit my lip lightly.

“Ooooh, spill!” Zofie bounced up and down excitedly.

“What do you want me to say?” I shrugged. “It was amazing. He was amazing… I have never had sex that good before.”

Zofie nodded. “Oh yeah, that’s how it always is… you always get the most incredible sex of your life from your blood mate. I can only imagine what Zacky did to you.”

I froze, hearing what Zofie just said. “What?” I asked, not sure I had heard her correctly.

Zofie just stared at me for a moment. “What?”

“What did you just say?” I asked.

“Uhm… I said that’s how it always is.”

“No, after that.”

“I can only imagine what Zacky did to you.”

“Yes, but before that,” I said, getting impatient.

Zofie just continued to stare at me. “I didn’t really say anything important, Starr. All I said was that I’m sure Zacky gave you some amazing sex that is going to have you begging for more… unless you wanna torture him and put him through hell, ‘cause if I’m correct, he’s searching for you right now to make you scream his name.”

I just sighed, reading that Zofie was most certainly not going to repeat what I thought she had just said. Maybe I was just imagining that. Maybe I didn’t hear her correctly.

Yeah, that was it.

I hadn’t heard Zofie correctly. There was no way that she said I was… no, she didn’t say that. If she had said that, then that would mean that was true; and if that were true, that would cause way too many problems in my life, even more than I already had.

But then again, it would also explain a lot of things that seemed to have question marks surrounding them. That would explain why Zacky is so protective over me, why he wants to be around me so much… it would also explain why he worries so much about my safety, especially concerning Tristan, and if he were to find out about what happened between us last night.

It would also explain the reason why I’m so drawn to Zacky; why he seems too perfect; why all others can’t seem to possibly compare to him.

It would explain a lot.

But there is no way it could be true. There is no way that I could possibly be Zacky’s…

“Uhm, Zofie?” I quickly stopped the little conversation going on my head, remembering something.

“Yeah, hon?”

“Uhm, I’ve been meaning to ask you about this for a while, but just keep on forgetting,” I put the book down, turning to face her. “What do you know of this history of this house?”

Zofie looked at me, registering the question, realizing how odd is sounded. “Uhm… I guess I’m pretty familiar with the history of this place. Why?”

I thought back to the night of the encounter with the spirit that led me to a specific place in the house. I remembered how I wondered what had happened in the room, who the spirit was; but when I asked Zacky, he said nothing and told me to stay away from the room.

“I need to know what the history of a certain room is,” I said.

Zofie gave me another odd look. “Uhm… okay? Well, my gift is knowing what happened in a room years prior, so that may help you.”

“So you’ll do it?” I asked.

Zofie nodded like it was a no-brainer. “Of course. But I can’t guarantee that my gift is gonna work—I’m still learning how to control it, you see.”

I threw my arms around her frame in a hug. “Zofie, you’re awesome!”

“Thanks, doll, but I already know that,” Zofie smiled, hugging me back. “So, what room did you want to know about?” She asked, pulling away.

“Oh, uhm, well, I don’t really know what room it is, exactly,” I admitted.

“Then how do you know of the room?” Zofie laughed lightly.

“I… kinda stumbled upon it,” I told her. “One night when I was just wandering around here.”

“Hmmm…” Zofie tapped her head lightly. “Well, since you don’t know which room it is, do you know where the room is? Like, you remember how to get there? You could take me there and I could help you that way.”

I thought about that for a moment. I told Zacky that I wouldn’t go any where near that room after he had come and found me that night. But in order to find out more about that room, I would have to take Zofie there. I bit my lip, wondering what was more important at the moment: my agreement with Zacky, or my curiosity?

“Yeah, Zofie,” I nodded. “I’ll take you to the room.”

Zacky would just have to get over the fact that I went back there.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you to 'SynGatesLvr' and 'secrets-that-die' for the comments! this was for you!

yay update! hope you all liked it! feedback is awesome!