

I awoke the next morning finding Zacky still asleep next to me, his arm draped around my body, holding me close. I wriggled free of his grasp, knowing he was probably going to be a bit tired after last night, deciding to go take a shower, to get rid of my wild hair and the fact that I smelled like sex.

Ten minutes later, I was dressed and ready to take on the day, except Zacky was still asleep, and hadn’t really moved form where I had left him. I just smiled, kissing his lips lightly, before wandering out of his room, and down the halls towards the kitchen. There, I found the girls sitting, drinking their morning blood, and talking quietly amongst themselves. The moment they saw me, their whispers ceased, eyes landing on me.

“Uhm… hi?” I said a bit awkwardly, grabbing a glass of juice for myself.

“Well someone surely had fun last night!” Nikki laughed.

My mouth dropped open, feeling a blush forming on my face form embarrassment.

Adarina gave me an apologetic smile, motioning for me to sit in the vacant seat next to her. “You were a bit loud last night,” she explained. “Everyone in the house practically heard it all.”

I sighed, feeling the blush continuing, feeling more and more embarrassed as the seconds passed.

“So I imagined you tired Zack out quite a bit, huh, Starr?” Kriselle smirked. “He still asleep?”

I just nodded, causing the girls to burst out in laughter once more. I glared playfully at them, but ended up giggling along with them. After the laughter died down, everything became much more serious as I felt all the girls’ eyes on me once more.

“So…” Adarina started, as if she were treading on cracking ice. “Are you… ready for tonight?”

I bit my lip, sitting back, glancing up at the ceiling, before looking at all of them, thinking about that question. I knew what they were talking about. As much as I didn’t want to know, wishing it was some secret that I knew nothing about; I knew exactly what they were referring to.

“I guess,” I mumbled. “It’s not like I really have a choice… today is Halloween… today I get handed over to Tristan…”

“We’re sorry, Starr,” Adarina said apologetically, resting a hand on my shoulder for comfort.

I just nodded, my eyes falling down to my lap. The more I thought about it, the more upset I got about the situation. I didn’t want to leave this house. I didn’t want to leave the guys, the girls… they had been the greatest group of friends I could have ever asked for.

I didn’t want to leave Zacky, either. Somehow, over the time that I had spent here at this house in the underworld, Zacky had become so majorly important to me, where as I sometimes couldn’t even imagine my life without him next to me with that infamous smirk plastered on his face.

“Ooooh, Starr, guess what?” Kriselle’s voice shook me from my thoughts.

I looked up to see all the girls smiling widely at me, and I suddenly became afraid, wondering what exactly was going to be said next.

“Uhm... What?” I spoke cautiously.

“The ball is tonight,” Nikki said.

“Yes, I know that,” I told her. “And your point is?”

“You need a dress,” Zofie replied with an ever-growing smile.

“So there’s only one thing left for us to do, that will surely cheer you up,” Adarina concluded.

“And that would be?” I asked, knowing I would regret asking.

The girls all exchanged grins before shouting simultaneously. “Shopping!”

The next few moments were a big blur to me, where I was picked up by Zofie, who I had no idea was that strong, being carried outside. I was thrown into the backseat of an SUV, followed by Adarina and Zofie on each side of me. Kriselle hopped into the passenger side, while Nikki revved the engine to life.

“Couldn’t this sort of be considered kidnapping?” I asked. “You never really asked me to go with you—you just took me.”

“It’s only kidnapping if no one knows where you are,” Zofie told me. “We told the guys earlier that we were going to go shopping.”

With Nikki’s incredibly fast driving, we appeared in front of a big building, what I would imagine to like the mall of the underworld, in less than ten minutes. I was instantly taken from the car, beginning my what would be along search for a dress.

The dress apparently needed to be very formal for the event, so the girls had only one store in mind, which I was taken directly to, ignoring all the other vendors around. I was thrown into the dressing room with dress after dress to try on, none of them looking appropriate according to the girls. After what seemed like forever, I heard Zofie scream in delight, rushing towards me with a dress.

“This one,” She told me, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I sighed, nodding tiredly, taking it to try on. Fifteen seconds later, I emerged from the dressing room, seeing the girls’ faces light up.

“It looks amazing on you!” Adarina exclaimed. “You are so getting that!”

And without even my own consent, it was decided that was the dress I would be wearing. I stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom, just staring at my reflection, hardly able to believe that the time had already arrived to meet Prince Tristan.

This couldn’t really be happening. It couldn’t really be time for me to leave Zacky.

Staring at my reflection, I just smiled lightly, thinking that I resembled a Disney princess at the moment. I was indeed wearing a beautiful gown, reminding myself of my prom night all those years ago. Black and blue, close fitting, sweetheart cut, with thin straps tying halter style behind my neck.

Adarina had done my make up in a cute style: a thin line of black eyeliner, a sweep of silvery eye shadow, a dark, ruby red lip colour. Zofie had brushed my hair back, away from my face, pinning it in place with a beautiful clip, but still allowing it to fall down my bare back like a dark chocolate waterfall.

I looked gorgeous; just like a princess, fit for a ball where she would meet her prince.

Too bad I wanted nothing more than to never go to the ball and meet that prince.

The room suddenly became a bit chillier, and I ran my hands along my exposed arms, trying to return some warmth to them, a small smile on my lips, as I knew exactly what was going on.

“Hey Jimmy,” I smiled softly, looking to my left.

There, leaning against the wall casually, arms crossed over his chest, was none other than the spirit I had met in that deserted room not too long ago. Ever since that night, Jimmy had been stopping in to see me on a regular basis now, where we would just sit, talk, laugh, and hangout like we were the best of friends, and always had been.

I saw a small sparkle in his eyes, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

“Thanks Jimmy,” I smiled. “I do look good, don’t I?” I joked.

I saw his lips turn upwards in a smile, sighing, before returning my eyes to my reflection in the mirror. I stared at myself once more, feeling that if I possibly stared long enough, I would be able to find some sort of answer as to what was going on, why I was had agreed to this, and when this would all be over.

But the longer I stared, the sooner I came to find that there was no answers to be found in my reflection—there was only the image of a terrified girl, nothing more.

I felt a sudden chill run down my arm. I smiled, turning around to see Jimmy standing behind me, his hand on my bare shoulder, causing the shiver to run through me.

“I hope I can do this, Jimmy,” I said quietly. “I hope that I can make it through this… I hope I can turn away from Zack and not lose what little remaining sanity I have.”

Jimmy offered me another kinda smile, his eyes twinkling as usual, laughter spilling from them.

“When I do end up in the castle, make sure you come visit me,” I told him.

He smiled once more, nodding his head, just as a light knock at my door. I turned just in time to see the door swing open to reveal none other than Zacky, looking gorgeous as ever in his black suit. I glanced back to see Jimmy once more, but he had already disappeared, probably knowing I wanted a few minutes with Zacky before the big presentation. I stood up, walking closer to Zack, as he did the same, as we met halfway.

“Wow,” Zacky breathed. “Starr, you look… beautiful.”

“Thank you, Zacky,” I said softly.

I looked up into his jade-green eyes, feeling my throat closing up slightly, tears lightly picking the backs of my eyes. Our arms were around each other in an instant, and I just hid my face in his neck, taking in his scent, wanting to burn it into my memory, trying to memorize his touch, the feeling of being in his arms.

I didn’t want to move. I wanted time to freeze, so this moment would never pass me by, where I could remain in Zacky’s arms, feeling safe, protected, and happy. I wanted to stay with him.

“Zacky, please don’t make me do this,” I whispered, my voice pleading.

“I’m sorry, Starr,” his voice was quiet. “I’m so sorry.”

“Please, Zacky,” I felt the tears threatening to spill, my emotions starting to bubble to the surface as I slowly began to lose control of them. “I can’t leave you.”

A silence surrounded us as Zacky held me tighter, almost crushing me against his chest. He holds me there for as long as he can before slowly pulling away, as if it were hurting him to do so.

“It’s time to go,” he whispers, his forehead resting against mine.

I feel the aching in my chest growing with each passing second as I lean forward, pressing my lips to his. His arms wrap around my waist, urging me closer as my arms go around his shoulders, my fingers running along his hairline, which I know he loves. I kiss him with everything I have, wanting to make this the most perfect kiss I can manage, one that I can remember.

I have no idea when I will see Zacky again; not knowing when I will be able to kiss him once more, to feel the security of his arms around me. This can’t really be happening. I can’t be losing Zacky like I am.

Pulling away and looking into his eyes, I can see that there is so much he wants to say, as do I, but we both remain silent, just holding each other. At that very moment, I realized something I was too afraid to even fathom only a day ago:

I’m in love with Zacky Vengeance.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks to 'SynGatesLvr' , 'bamftastic;' , and 'amandavengeance.' for commenting. you guys are so awesome, this one was for you!

hope that you al enjoyed! i know, i know, you don't want Starr leaving Zacky, but don't worry, i still have a few tricks up my sleeves. and no, this is not the end =)

feedback is always appreciated!