
So Dramatic

“Starr, darling, are you alright?”

I looked up from my lap, my eyes slowly looking to my left, where Tristan sat at the head of the dining table, looking at me concerned. I lightly licked my lips, wanting nothing more than to rip his eyes out of their sockets, and then feed them to him.

Six weeks.

Six weeks I had been here with Prince Tristan in his castle; six weeks I had been away from Zacky. Six weeks since I had actually felt human, six weeks since I actually enjoyed life.

I know what you’re thinking—oh, she’s so dramatic. She lost the guy she fell in love with, big deal. That happens all the time, it’s happened to her before, and she’ll get over it.

I agree. People loose the ones they love all the time, and yeah, it’s happened to me before. I’ve lost people that I’ve loved, never to see them again. But this time it hurt so much more than the others. I don’t feel anything anymore, to be honest; no joy, no anger, nothing. All I feel is numb, knowing that I will never see Zacky ever again.

I hear that he’s been here in the castle, back and forth between his house and here. I, however, never get a chance to see him, or even hear his voice. I’m always locked in my room, with guards at the door, not allowing me to leave. The only time I am permitted to leave my room are at times like this, where Tristan wishes it.

I hate him. I never thought I could ever hate someone as I hate Tristan, but it is so very possible when he has taken away the happiness from my life. I know that there is a knife on the table in front of me. I could easily snatch it, and rip the blade across his throat.

I could easily do it…

“Of course, My Lord. What makes you ask?” I ask quietly, referring to his question.

“You have been quiet all evening, not touching your dinner.”

I glanced down at the plate of food in front of me, indeed seeing that it was true—I hadn’t taken a bite out of the food. Ever since I had gotten here, I hadn’t had much of an appetite, only eating whatever little so I wouldn’t get sick.

“I apologize,” I said. “I do not have much of an appetite tonight, My Lord.”

“Darling, you must eat something.”

I gingerly picked up the fork, stabbing at the vegetables, bringing them to my mouth and slowly chewing, just to please him. The vegetables had no taste, resembling tofu, as I swallowed, not wanting any more.

“Is there something troubling you, Starr?”

I dared not look at him. “What makes you say that, My Lord?”

“You haven’t been yourself ever since you arrived here,” Tristan pointed out.

Maybe that’s because you took me away from my friends and the guy I’m in love with.

“It’s all just very new to me,” I answered. “Living here in the castle. You will have to pardon me, My Lord.”

Tristan reached out, gently running his thumb over the side of my face. “I have to step out this evening and I will not return until tomorrow night.”

I averted my eyes to him, surprised. He hadn’t removed his close gaze from me ever since I arrived here, and now he was leaving for almost an entire day?

“My Lord, may I ask why you must leave?” I asked.

He smiled softly. “There are some things that I need to take care of with my brother. But I will be back tomorrow night. I assume that you will be able to stay here until then, amusing yourself in whatever way possible?”

I nodded. “Of course, My Lord. I do hope that everything goes well for you when speaking with your brother.”

He dropped his hand, standing from the table. “We’ll have dinner again tomorrow night after I return.”

And with that, he disappeared. I got up from the table, going right back to my room, passing by the guards at my door without giving them a second glance. Looking out of the large bay window in my room, I saw the rain pouring down outside, cracks of thunder and lighting illuminating the dark sky. I watched as Tristan’s black car zoomed off into the darkness, breathing a sigh of relief that he was gone.

I spent a good hour or so just sitting there at the window, staring out into the dark, rainy night, thinking of Zacky, wanting nothing more than to see him again. I imagined myself in his arms, his holding me, feeling safe and secure. I imagined that I was with him once more, happy, and so in love with him.

A loud crash right outside of my door startled me, snapping me from my dream-like state, making me stand quickly once I heard scratching at my door. Staring at the only exit and entrance to the room, I became worried as to what might be lying on the other side of the wood, possibly coming to harm me.

The only time that anyone came to my room was when a servant came to tell me that Tristan wished to see me, and that was the only reason. I was strictly off-limits to everyone in this castle, which was why I was often left alone in here. With Tristan gone, there would be no need for anyone to come get me. Unless this wasn’t someone sent by Tristan.

I saw the doorknob moving, meaning the person was trying to get in, and I held my breath, not sure what to expect. The door suddenly swung open, and then shut as fast as ever, the sound of the lock echoing in the deathly silent room. I swallowed with great difficulty, wanting to know who was in the room with me, but too afraid to call out to the stranger.

They slowly tuned around, but stayed in the shadows, so I couldn’t see their face. It was eating me up inside, not knowing who this person was, or why they were here in my bedroom. But my mouth was not cooperating with my brain, not opening for me to ask who they were. The intruder began to walk forward, and I subconsciously shrunk away, terrified.

Only when they emerged from the shadows did I see their face, making me gasp in unbelief. “Zacky?”
♠ ♠ ♠
woo yeah! ok, sorry, but yes, i am leaving you there. i should be updating again either later today or tomorrow, so just make sure you are subscribed to this story to find out what happens next!

hope you all enjoyed the double post, feedback is greatly appreciated!