
Show Me Your Teeth

He gave me a small smile. “Hey Starr.”

A smile broke across my face as I ran to him, throwing myself into his arms. His arms locked around my waist, crushing me against him, while I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I breathed in his scent, holding him tightly, hoping that this wasn’t just some sort of trick that my mind was playing on me.

“It’s not mind games,’ Zacky murmured, reading my mind. “It’s me; I’m really here, baby.”

I sighed in pure happiness, pulling way from him slightly just so I could look at him. He was still as gorgeous as ever, not having been some sort of illusion.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered, remembering where I was, the situation I was in.

“I had to see you,” he told me.

“But… how did you get in here?” I asked. “Tristan… the guards—”

“Don’t worry about that,” Zacky cut me off. “Tristan is gone for the night, remember? And the guards… well, let’s just say they won’t be bothering us tonight.”

My breathing was already uneven from my sudden rush of emotions, knowing that Zacky was here with me; I just pulled him to me, our lips colliding. I instantly moaned into the kiss, missing the feeling of his smooth lips contrasting with the metal of his lip rings, pushing my tongue into his mouth.

Zacky’s finger knotted themselves into my long tresses, walking us backwards, before he quickly grabbed my hips, lifting me up, my legs wrapping around his torso instinctively. We fell back onto the bed, not breaking the kiss, only puling away for a moment so we could pull our shirts off. My fingers tangled in his dark hair, urging him closer, not wanting there to be any space between our bodies.

I had missed Zacky so much, spending so many sleepless nights because I didn’t have him with me; I almost couldn’t believe that he was really here with me at the moment. It was almost too good to be true… almost.

“I missed you so much, Starr,” Zacky whispered between kisses, working on getting my jeans off.

“I missed you too, Zacky…” I breathed.

He kissed along my neck for a few moments before returning to my lips, the kisses still as fiery as ever.

“I need you, Starr,” Zacky told me. “I need you so bad, and I can’t take the fact that you’re not with me…”

I just moaned against his lips in response.

“I’m yours, Starr,” he murmured against my lips. “I don’t want any one but you.”

The remainder of our clothes was off in a matter of moments, resulting in both Zacky and I showing and proving just how much we missed each other those six weeks; I was actually quite happy that my room had been made soundproof, seeing that was coming in handy.

I looked up at Zacky, staring into his eyes, surprised at what I saw. Instead of his eyes being their usual beautiful green colour, they were a dark green, slowly turning darker and darker until they had morphed into the blackest of black right before my own eyes. Zacky’s mouth opened slightly, looking as if he were gasping for breath, and for the first time, I saw the fangs that he sported.

He moaned my name loudly, capturing my lips with his in a kiss, with my more than willingly kissing him back. He then moved to my neck, kissing and sucking, making me gasp and moan softly, feeling him continue to kiss down my body, until he was at my stomach. He glanced back up at me; there was a devious look in his eyes, making me bit my lip, wanting to know what he was thinking.

“I want you,” he told me, his voice dark and so, so sexy.

I immediately knew what he meant by that. I felt my heartbeat increase quickly at the thought of what he was asking me, and I knew he felt it, because he kissed along my stomach again a few more times before returning his eyes to mine. I nodded yes, not even able to form proper sentences from what he was already doing to my body.

Zacky kissed along my skin for a little longer, the entire time, I kept my eyes on him. Then without warning, Zacky pulled away slightly, opening his mouth, only to lower his head again, sinking his teeth into the soft skin just under my left breast. I threw my head back, screaming in complete ecstasy, my fingers tangling in his dark hair, urging him closer to me, wanting nothing more than to feel the same pleasure coursing through my veins to every part of my body as I moaned his name.

As I lay on my back, with Zacky on top of me, his head resting on my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair, I felt extremely exhausted, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep holding him, but at the same time didn’t want to sleep during the little time I had with him.

“I can’t believe I’ve been away from you for six weeks,” Zacky murmured.

“I know,” I sighed.

Zacky rolled off of me, onto his back, pulling me into this arms, allowing me to rest my head on his chest, while I began to trace his tattoos as I had done so many other times.

“When do you have to leave?” I whispered, knowing that he couldn’t stay here forever.

It was Zacky’s turn to sigh. “Soon.”

“How soon?” I pressed.

I didn’t mean to be irritating or anything of the sort—I just wanted to know how much time I had to be with him, to be in his arms.

“I’ll leave after you fall asleep.”

“Then I won’t go to sleep.”

I heard Zacky chuckle, making me smile in return.

“You’re amazing, you know that?” He said, running his fingertips along my side.

“Uh-huh,” I answered, kissing his chest.

I shifted slightly, so I was hovering over him, able to look at his gorgeous face. He gave me a soft smile, brushing a few strands of my dark hair out of my face. I glanced down at the death bat tattoo on his upper chest, feeling another question wanting to burst from my lips.

“Will I see you again?” I asked softly.

“I don’t know,” Zacky said honestly. “I hope so, but I can’t say.”

I nodded sadly, knowing that was the truth. I was lucky enough to have him with me tonight, very lucky, but with Tristan expecting me to be his queen, I couldn’t be seeing Zacky like this on a regular basis. I could only imagine what he had to go through in order to pull the strings to come here tonight.

I knew of the dangers that were facing us at that moment. If Tristan were to find out about this little relationship that Zacky and I were having, he would surely kill us both. Talk about forbidden love.

Zacky held the side of my face, making me look at him. He observed my face, seeing that I wasn’t the happiest person in the world, thinking about everything. He gave me a small smile before pressing his full lips against mine. Once again, I melted, unable to control myself. Zacky rolled me onto my back, with him hovering over me, his kisses starting to get harder, more lustful.

“Zack…” I complained softly.

He groaned, hiding his face in my neck. “I know… it’s just hard. I don’t know when I’m gonna see you again.”

I sighed, hugging him lightly. “I know babe…I’m sorry.”

“I’ll come back,” Zacky promised quietly.

I gave a short laugh. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Zack.”

“I can keep it,” he insisted. “I’ll come back. As soon as I can, I will come back, Starr… I’m not leaving you here.”

I gave a small, sad smile, wishing that could be true, but knew it wasn’t. It never could be. I had to be here with Tristan; Zacky had to leave me here.

“You should go,” I whispered.

Zacky stiffed, and then lifted his head up to look at me. He just studied my face, probably trying to read me, to see what I was thinking.

“You’re serious,” he said after a moment.

I nodded slowly, wishing I could say I wasn’t.

“Why?” He asked.

“Because if someone find you here, we will both be killed,” I answered. “And the longer you stay here, the bigger the risk that some will catch us. Please Zack, I don’t want that.”

Zacky just nodded, understanding where I was coming from, knowing it was true. He kissed me again before getting up from the bed, getting his clothes and puling them on. I just stayed exactly where I was, my eyes never leaving him. After pulling his shirt over his head, he came back over to me, pressing his lips to mine, holding the back of my neck to bring us closer.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he whispered against my lips. “Starr Baker,” he smirked, obviously recalling what I had told Tristan my name was the night he brought me here.

I just nodded, knowing I was falling even more in love with him as the seconds passed, and then he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay for Zacky!

i seriously can't believe that i'm already at chapter 30 with this story right now...

so cool!

i wish to thank...

bamftastic; -- i love your idea for the story, and as tempting as it would be for that to play out, i have a few more tricks up my sleeve before that can happen.
Carly1685 -- thank you, that's so sweet, and it really means a lot to know yo think that!
amandavengeance. -- i like your idea too, but i'm not sure that meteors exist in the underworld.

thanks for commenting guys, you are so awesome!

feedback from all is greatly appreciated!