
Kiss & Make Up

I ended up wandering around the halls for a little until I found myself in the library, with a book in my hands. I figured that I could at least try to get my mind off things by distracting it with whatever was written on the pages.

I ended up falling asleep with the book in my hands, but felt myself stir awake when the temperature in the room dropped drastically. Opening my eyes, I nearly screamed, jumping at the sight of Jimmy standing before me.

“Dammit, Jimmy, what are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?” I placed a hand over my chest, trying to stop the erratic beating from just being scared.

Jimmy just smiled momentarily, before it faded away, his eyes expressing sympathy.

I gave a small smile in return. “Oh, so you know all about Red and Zack, huh?”

Again, Jimmy gave a sad smile nodding. He held his hand out to me and I nodded, allowing him to place his hand to my head. After a few moments, I found myself in the same ‘dream world’ as I had called it, where Jimmy stood before me, in human form.

“Hey Jimmy,” I smiled at him.

“Starr!” He picked me up in a big hug, crushing me against him.

I couldn’t help but giggle as he spun me around before my feet touched ground again.

“So, how is everything going?” He asked, getting serious.

I shrugged. “It’s going… and going…”

Jimmy started laughing. “Oh, Starr, don’t tell me that you’re jealous of Red.”

I just shrugged again, not sure what to even say.

“Starr, you have nothing to be jealous of,” Jimmy told me. “I get that it’s gonna be awkward and weird with her being here, but Red is Zacky’s ex. They’ve been done for a long time; I was there when they ended it.”

“I know they apparently broke up a while ago, but I saw the way he was looking at her, and vice versa!” I threw my arms up in the air.

“Starr…” Jimmy held onto my arms, pulling me down onto a sofa, sitting next to me. “Calm down, babe.”

“But Jimmy…” I pouted over dramatically to prove my point. “What if Zacky forgets about me now that vampire chick is back here?”

“Babe, that would never happen,” Jimmy told me. “Zacky loves you, does he not?”

“He told me he did,” I mumbled. “But people say things all the time. That doesn’t mean they are true… besides I get it. Zacky’s a vampire, why would he want a pathetic little human like me?”

“Starr, Zacky wants no one but you,” Jimmy assured me. “I’ve known him for a long time, and he has loved you ever since he first saw you. Red means nothing to him anymore. He’s probably just shocked from seeing her again after so long.”

I sat there with Jimmy for a while longer, talking to hi m, as well as having him convince me that Zacky really did love me, and that I needed to give him a chance, to not block him out as I was doing. I ended up falling asleep in the library, waking slightly to feel someone placing me onto a bed, but before I could figure out who it was, I was asleep again.

The next morning I found myself in Zacky’s bed, but I was alone. Sitting up, I was surprised to be there, but I was also surprised to be alone; didn’t he say Red was sleeping in here?

Going back to my own room, I took a shower and prepared myself for the day, going down stairs to get something to eat. Joining Brian at the table, who was sporting sex-hair, I munched on a bowl of cereal.

Brian made small talk with me, finally asking about what had happened yesterday with Zacky. Apparently, one of the guys had filled him in on the extravaganza, as well as Kriselle and Adarina. I gave him a briefing of it, not wanting to go into dept, knowing he knew the ins and outs of it all already.

Setting my bowl in the sink, I noticed Zacky walk in the kitchen, realizing that I had finished my breakfast at the right time. I said goodbye to Brian, to acknowledging Zacky, brushing right past him, walking out of the kitchen.

“Starr, wait,” Zacky called after me.

I pretended I didn’t hear him, ascending the stairs, walking down the long hallway back towards my room.

“Babe, please,” Zacky’s hand was around my wrist in a moment, not allowing me to move forward, forcing me to stop and look at him.

“What, Zacky?” I asked annoyed.

“Can you hear me out? Please?”

Seeing the pleading look in his eyes made me crack, unable to stop myself. I jerked my wrist away, crossing my arms over my chest with a sigh. “Fine. Speak.”

“Thank you,” Zacky sighed lightly. “Starr, I’m sorry, baby, really. Red is just my friend, nothing more, I swear. He means nothing to me, Starr. I was just happy to see her yesterday, ‘cause I haven’t seen her in so long. I didn’t mean to get you mad. And I know she shouldn’t have been in my room; that’s why I made her get out as soon as you left last night. She’s on the other side of the house; she won’t bother us anymore, okay?

Zacky reached out, taking my hand in his, which I allowed. “Red knows that I’m with you and that I love you… she knows that, Starr. Just like you do.”

He started moving closer to me, and the longer that I looked into his gorgeous eyes, the more I felt my defense breaking and crumbling away. Zacky gave me a small smirk, knowing that it was hard for me to resist him; that I was melting away as the seconds passed.

“You know I love you, Starr…” He whispered, resting his forehead against mine, our noses brushing against each other. “You know I love you more than anything else in the world…”

Half of me wanted to punch him in the face for pulling this. He just forgets about me like he did, and now he thinks that just by saying this little dialogue, he gets off the hook? Yeah right. I wasn’t a fool, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to fall for some foolish lines.

But the other half of me remembered my talk with Jimmy, and how he had begged me to not take it to heart, to give Zacky another chance because he didn’t mean it that way. Jimmy knew Zacky and he knew that he truly did care about me.

Looking into Zacky’s eyes made my romantic half overpower my independent one, and I listened to Jimmy. Zacky felt my guard fall completely, wrapping his arms around me, bringing my body right against his, a smile on his full lips.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured.

“I know,” I whispered. “Thank Jimmy. He’s the only one that could make me forgive you for this so soon.”

“Thank you, Jimmy,” Zacky chuckled lightly, before pressing his lips to mine.

I couldn’t hide the light moan that slipped from me the moment I felt his lips, the usual tingle running through me. Zacky smirked, pushing me back against the wall and pinning me there in one quick movement, making me gasp in surprise. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth to do battles with mine.

We heard someone clearing their throat, making us break apart to see Brian standing there.

“Uh, guys, you know I’m happy to see that Starr isn’t mad anymore, but could you at least go occupy a room?” He asked. “We have small children, like Johnny, running around here.”

“I heard that Brian!” Johnny’s voice sounded not too far away from an unknown location.

Zacky said nothing, just picking me up and taking us to his bedroom, locking the door behind us. He threw me onto the bed, but instantly saw me tense.

“Don’t worry,” he said, clearly reading my mind. “She didn’t go anywhere near the bed last night. I made sure she was out before that, and I even burned the sheets that were on here last night just in case.”

I just nodded, allowing to be pushed back on the bed, Zacky’s lips never leaving mine. And may I say, make up sex with Zacky is mind-blowing.
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yeah, so she let him off easy...

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