

It was the dumbest thing that I could have possibly ever done, but at the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do. The look on Zacky's face stayed with me as I ran, that look of pain, sadness, and disappointment that were in his eyes when I said I couldn't do it.

And that was the truth. I couldn't be their Necromancer that would bring stability to their world.

As I made my way down the long hall, I could hear the guys talking inside the room, as well as Zacky calling my name, for me to stop. I heard Matt warning Zacky not to go after me, that it was a lot for me to take in, and that I needed time to adjust and absorb it all.

"I don't care," I heard Zacky practically yell at him. "I'm not letting anything happen to her. She has no idea what's going on right now, and she's vulnerable. I have to protect her."

Matt began to respond, but his voice was too soft for me to hear, so I just continued on with my attempt to get as far away from all of this as possible. I ran through countless doors, down flights of stairs, and along many halls, but I had no idea where I was, only hoping that I could find my way out of this mansion.

My prayers were finally granted.

I found a large door, and after yanking it open, I found myself facing the outside, facing what was known at the fantasy realm to me: black and dark blue skies, tall trees as far as the eye could see that looked as if they were perfect for the set of a Dracula horror movie, the ground looking as if it had been scorched, covered with dark ash, with the exception of the paved road. There was a breeze that rattled the trees and blew around me, as if I were in the middle of a weakened vortex.

I quickly stepped away from it, watching as the leaves suddenly fell back to the ground, the breeze abandoning them. I just looked to my left and right, then took off again, running, trying to get away, once more, from that house.

I ran until I was in pain, breathing hard, but still tried to keep pushing myself even farther, until I finally collapsed from exhaustion. I leaned against a tree, sitting on the ground, looking around at the trees that were surrounding me, not knowing where I was, pulling my arms around myself, feeling the temperature dropping slightly, making a chill run through me.

I shivered, hugging myself tighter, trying to sort through this entire mess that I had landed in without the slightest clue of how.

Firstly, I was in an entirely new realm that was inhabited by vampires, as well as probably even demons and unicorns. How did I even get here? The last thing I remember was being in my apartment, finding Zacky there. He bit me, then everything is blank from there. The next thing I remember before everything went black was waking up in that room.

How did they even find me? How do they know who I am and where I live? What would make them think that they could just take me away from my world, placing me into theirs? Couldn’t they see that I don't belong here?

And where did they ever get the idea that I am some all-powerful necromancer that is destined to save their realm? How could I ever fit the profile of that? I struggle to take care of myself; how could the fate of an entire land rest on my shoulders?

I wasn't cut out for this. This wasn't me.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head back so it rested against the tree, closing my eyes, breathing deeply.

Inhale, exhale… inhale, exhale…

I took the time to embrace the nature around me, to absorb its energy, which I desperately needed. I felt the ground holding me firmly to it, making sure I didn't float away. I felt the air all around me, on my skin, gently caressing it with it's light touch. I heard the leaves swirling and dancing together in the breeze, whispering to me words of encouragement.

Slowly opening my eyes, I began to feel much more calm, my mind much more clear. I began to hear a soft crunching in the distance, like the sound of shoes against fallen, dead leaves, making me look around, trying to find out the direction of the noise. I noticed a group of bushes and shrubbery no too far away, hoisting myself up and scurrying over to it.

I lowered my body to the ground, hidden within the plants, peering out from behind a leaf, making sure I was still hidden. Out into the clearing, I saw a large grey wolf emerge. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, trying to soften the sound of my breathing as my eyes grew wide in terror as I watched the animal.

The wolf sniffed around a bit before slowly turning its head towards the direction that I was, peering directly towards the shrubbery I was hiding within. I froze, not breathing, hoping that it didn't realize I was here, and that it would just go away. It stayed like that, just staring at me for several moments, not moving. Then it suddenly lifted its head to the sky, letting out a loud howl, just as a bolt of lighting cracked over it.

I jumped lightly, but tried to keep my body as still as possible, keeping my hand clamped over my mouth to muffle the soft cry that had escaped. The wolf stopped, returning its eyes to me, placing its head down, on its front paws, as if bowing to me.

I just stared at it, completely confused. It's big brown eyes were locked with mine, staring right into them as if it were staring at its oldest friend. The wolf let out a soft whimper, inching closer to me, lying down on its stomach.

Cautiously, I got out of the brush, stepping to the side of the wolf, backing away from it. The wolf just continued to shuffle closer to me, still lying on the ground, whimpering.

"H-hi," I said softly, a bit confused and scared.

The wolf just continued to whimper, moving closer, until its head was a few inches away from my feet. I slowly kneeled down, extending my hand shakily towards the wolf. It shuffled closer, putting its head under my hand. I slowly and cautiously began to stroke the soft fur on the wolf's head, watching as it closed its eyes, flattening its ears, moving it's head with my hand.

I let out a light sight of relief, seeing the wolf wasn't going to attack me at the moment. It seemed almost friendly, like it knew me.

"Hey," I smiled at the wolf, continuing to pet it. "Hey, boy…"

The little bonding moment between me and the wolf was quickly interrupted with its eyes suddenly shot open, its ears standing up as if listened. I quickly began to listen as well, noticing it had been set on edge, and then I heard it. The soft crunching of shoes on leaves. The wolf quickly sprung to its feet, on guard, standing in front of me, eyes scanning the surrounding trees of the forest.

"What's wrong boy?" I whispered. "What is it?"

The wolf suddenly le tout a low, menacing growl, baring its teeth, looking as if it were ready to rip the intruder apart. I looked up seeing the person emerge, letting out a soft gasp, as the wolf growled again, snapping at the intruder.

"Starr?" Zacky held his hands up in defense, keeping eye contact with the animal. "Starr, tell him that I mean no harm to you…"

"Zacky?" I breathed in confusion and relief.

The wolf noticed the tone and quickly glanced at me, before returning its eyes to Zacky in my defense, letting out another low growl. Zacky took a step back, holding his hands up again, tensing.

"No, it's okay," I told the wolf. "He's a friend."

The wolf let out a small whimper, moving to my side, no longer blocking my body. Zacky put his arms down, relaxing, while I stood up, slowly walking over to him with the wolf still at my side.

Zacky let a small smile show on his face. "You okay?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," I told him.

He smiled again, looking down for a moment. "Yeah, I'm good."

I nodded. "I'm fine, Zacky. Thanks."

Zacky reached his hands out to me, taking a step towards me. "Can I?" He asked.

I nodded, though hearing a soft growl from the wolf. Zacky reached out to me, moving closer, holding both sides of my head gently, tilting it one way then the other, examining me, and my neck. I looked up into his eyes, seeing how close our bodies were, unable to think straight.

"You must be cold," he said.

Before I could respond, Zacky took off the leather jacket he was wearing, putting it around my shoulders, helping my arms into it, before returning his hands to my face as they had been before. I took one glance at his arms and couldn’t help but stare. He was wearing a black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, exposing his fully tattooed, nicely shaped arms. I was still shivering so Zacky placed one arm around my waist, drawing me closer to his body, but still keeping the other hand on the side of my head, gently running his thumb over the side of my face.

"What are you doing here, Zacky?" I asked softly.

He gave a light shrug. "I needed to make sure you were okay… you just took off, not knowing where you are or where you're going… I wasn’t about to let anything happen to you, so I had to come after you."

"Thank you, Zacky," I smiled lightly.

"No problem," he whispered. "But from what I can tell, you don't really need me," he glanced at the wolf.

"Oh, yeah," I nodded. "He just found me."

"He belongs to you," Zacky told me. "That was your wolf when you were Sorcha…"

I gave him a confused look.

"This is Aspen," Zacky explained. "He is your wolf. He protected you in your last life. He has been searching for you for years now, and now that he's found you, don't plan on him letting you out of his sight."

I gave a small smile. "Wow… that's cool, I guess."

Zacky nodded. "Yeah, it is pretty cool…"

I let myself gaze into Zacky' eyes, feeling the same tranquility flood into me from every pore on my body. I let my hands and arms gently rest on his body, from his waist, going up his back, keeping his body against mine.

"Why do I trust you?" I asked. "I just met you, know nothing about you, but I trust you with everything I have. When you tell me that you won't let anything happen to me-- I believe you… why?"

Zacky bit down lightly on his full lips, instantly drawing my attention to them, as well as his piercings. "I… don't know," he said. "I don't know why you trust me… but I'm glad that you do. Because I will never let anyone harm you, Starr. Never."

Looking up at his Greek god-like face, I knew that I was staring at a creature that was far too amazing to have been fated for a life of eternal damnation as a vampire. He was too genuine to have been able to live on earth with humans who were as cruel as cruel can be. I couldn't understand how I had been fortunate enough to have someone like him watching out for me, to protect me.

I felt my eyes slide closed with Zacky's as his nose brushed against mine, I felt myself tremble slightly at the close contact with Zacky, my breath coming out shakily. Zacky's arm wrapped around my waist tighter, trying to get me as close as possible to him, while letting his fingers of the other hand start to knot themselves into my silky hair, still urging me closer.

"Now isn't this cute…"

I heard a low growl emit from Aspen's throat and both Zacky and my eyes shot open looking to the side to see another man standing there, leaning against a tree quite casually, a smirk on his face. Aspen growled again, louder this time, standing in front of me and Zacky, baring his teeth at the stranger.

He had the same aura that Zacky had the time I had first seen him, and I could instantly tell that the tall, dark, and handsome guy before me was a vampire.

"What are you doing here, Vega?" Zacky asked, his voice cold and uninviting.

"I was just walking through the neighborhood," the vampire said casually. "Then I caught the most delicious scent I have ever experienced… like water-mint…"

He got a sickening smile across his face as he ran his eyes over me. I swallowed hard, Zacky griping me tighter.

"What do you want, Vega?" Zacky asked.

"So this is my bride…" Vega smirked, eyeing me up. "She's very beautiful…"

Zacky growled.

"Don't worry, Vengeance," Vega laughed, amused. "I'm not here to take her… not yet, at least. But I wonder what my brother will think about this. Zacky Vengeance, his loyal, trustworthy follower, and his disciple, apprentice , if you will, even… you were given the task of bringing her to him when the time is right, after you asked to be chosen for it, and he agreed, not aware of your ulterior motives, unlike me… and here you are, with her, getting cozy… my brother will surely not be pleased with your actions, young Zachary…" he smiled again. "However, I offer you sanctuary… join me."

"Never," Zacky responded instantly.

Vega shrugged. "Okay, as you wish… but let me put this in perspective for you… my brother finds out about this, and you will surely never see her again, with your death, given that he doesn't kill her first… if you join me, I won't kill you or her… and maybe you'll be able to see her around my castle when she is my queen…"

I noticed a pained look in Zacky's eyes as he let those words sink into his brain, but he kept his composure. The other vampire noticed too, illustrating a smirk.

"Think about my offer, Vengeance." Vega said once more before disappearing.

Zacky slowly looked away from where he had once been standing, returning his eyes to my face.

"That was Vega?" I whispered.

Zacky nodded. "Yeah. Come on. I need to get you home."

He gave me a light smile, but I could tell that behind the forced smile was worry. I saw worry in Zacky's eyes, but I didn't know what from. What was it that Vega meant and was referring
to? Was it that serious?

If so, I knew that there would only be a matter of time until I would to find out.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, does it look like there's romance in the air for Zacky V. and Starr?
well, there was until Vega came by!
I want to say thanks to Smitkins for the comment-- thanks so much hun! this chapter was for you!
but i hope that all of you liked it!