Lies, Bruises and My Tears.

Chapter One: English Is My New Fav Subject.

It was four months after high school started and the school security guard walk into the classroom and passed a note to my English teacher. My teacher read the note and nodded her head. She looked at the class and announced, “Class we have a new student joining our class from New York, so welcome him with open arms". At that moment the cutest guy walked into the room. I couldn’t believe what I saw; his eyes were the first thing I noticed and they were just unbelievable. My teacher said, “This is Jonathan Montez”.

She welcomed Jonathan to the class and pointed to an empty seat right next to me. She turned back to the black board and wrote down some notes. I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to pass out. He walks to the seat and turned his head towards me. He smiles and says, “I’m Jonathan, Can you show me around the school after class?" I couldn’t believe he was actually talking to me so it took me awhile to answer. I said “Oh you’re talking to me. Well okay sure I will and by the way I'm Aleyna welcome to John Washington high" I replied practically babbling. He just smiles again and says, "Thanks see you after class”. He gave me the cutest smile I had ever seen then he turned to do his work. “Wow his smile is just as great as his eyes” I thought to myself.

The bell rang and everyone stood up to leave. I got up and I bent down to pick up my book bag and felt as if I was being watched. I stood up and saw Jonathan beautiful eyes meet mines. “Sorry that I was staring it’s just that I was waiting for you to show me around school like you promised” He said. “Oh it’s okay” I replied. We both walked out of the room and stepped into a pool of students, all talking at once. “Let me show you the gym” I yelled above the noise. “Ok that will be nice” He yelled back. After a few awkward minutes of silence Jonathan finally spoke. “So what you do for fun in this town?” He asked. “Oh there isn’t really anything to do but hang with your friends and go to the movies or go to make out hill-“. I stop and blushed; I look up at Jonathan and see he was blushing too. “I’m sorry I talk a lot when I’m nervous” I said in a low whisper. “Oh it’s ok, so is this the gym?”

I hadn’t notice that we had already reached the gym. We both walked through the double doors and stepped into the gym. “This is the wonderful gym where all the kids cut class and chill out” I told him trying to make a joke. “This is free period right?” Shot down. So much for my joke, I thought to myself before responding. “Yes it is, we have either one or two free periods a day, how many do you have?” He looked at his schedule and then he replied “It says here I have two, what about you?” “I have two, so what you want to do for two hours”. “How about get to know each other I will love to make a new friend”. “Okay’’. We began to walk to the far end of the gym and sat on the bleachers. “So Jonathan where are you from” “I was born and raised in New York”. “Wow the big apple I always wanted to go there”. There was a sudden silence. “Can I ask you a question Jonathan?” “Yes, you can ask me anything you want”. “What color are your eyes?” He didn’t act a least bit surprised at my question. “They are blue green with a yellow and hazel ring around them”. “Wow you got wonderful eyes”. I quickly put my head down because my face was blushing. “It’s okay I love it when you blush”.

Then he gave me his famous smile. “I have a feeling we’re going to really be friends and who knows maybe more”. I felt his hand gently placed around my waist. He then picks up my face with his other hand and looks me in the eyes and says, “I like you a lot already”. “I do too”. My voice comes out as a whisper. He was still holding my face, I thought he was going to kiss me but instead he pulled away. “So where is the lunchroom”? I stood up and say, “It’s through those doors, do you want me to show you”. “No I want to stay here with you”. He pulls me down again a little bit harder than expected and stares into my eyes. “Did you ever have a boyfriend?” “Yeah but it didn’t work out”. “He was a stupid guy to let you go, Aleyna”.

“Oh thank you,” I said nervously. He looks at his watch and says, “Well I guess times up”. “Ohh’s. Time went so fast”. “Yeah I know”. “I guess I see you after school”. “Yeah I guess you will”. We both walked out into the hall and walked different ways. I walked into my math class and couldn’t focus on what the teacher was saying. All I was thinking about was Jonathan. When the bell finally rung I got up and hurried out into the hall hoping to see Jonathan. I walked down the hall to my locker to make it seem as if I was looking for something when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw those beautiful eyes. “Hey Aleyna” Jonathan said. “Hey Jonathan” I replied back. “What class do you have next?” he asked. “Um I have art next how about you?” He looked down at his class schedule and he looked back up and says “I have art too”. “Great we can walk together”. He took my hand and I guided him towards the art room.

As we walked into the art room the art teacher Mr. Stalin smiled and said “Who do we have here? A new student?” Jonathan let go of my hand and put out his hand to Mr. Stalin. “I’m Jonathan Montez”. “Well hey there I’m Mr. Stalin but I prefer to be called Jeff” he says as he takes and shakes Jonathan’s hand. I walk to my seat which was in the front of the class and Jonathan sits next to me. We still had five minutes before class so we sat and talked. When the student started to come into the class we both focused our attention to the front of the room to Jeff. Jeff looks at the class and turns to write something on the board. He turned back around and moved over so the class could see what he had written. On the board I could see that he had written “true self”. Jeff looks at us and asked, “Can anyone tell me what does this mean to them or what it means in general”. I looks around the classroom to see if anyone had raised their hand. No one raised their hand, so I decided to give it a try. I raised my hand and Jeff sees me and calls on me. “Well to me I think true self means…being true to yourself, that you might be able to lie to others around you but when it comes to the truth only you know it” I say nervously.

Jeff looked at me and smiled. “Yeah Aleyna that’s exactly what it means but adding to what she just said it also means that to be what you want to be, Be your true self and that you can be someone else to other people around you but you’ll always know who you are”. Didn’t I just say that? What an Idiot, I say sighing to myself. The whole class looked at him as if he was from another planet. Jeff laughed and wrote notes on the board for us to copy down. When the bell rung Jeff turned to the class and said, “ We will start an all year project, What I mean is you will draw a picture of any kind of what you think or what you know is your true self”. The bell rung and I got up to gather my things. I let out a long sigh and turn to see Jonathan talking to Jeff I put my book and pen into my book bag and walked up to Jonathan and Jeff. Jonathan looks at me and smiles. “Man that’s a great smile” I thought to myself. Jeff looks at me and Jonathan. He smiled at us and turned to erase the board. “Come on, Lets go” Jonathan said while grabbing my hand and walking me out the classroom. “Where are we going Jonathan?” “Isn’t it time to go home?” He asks. He stops walking and turns to me. “Oh yeah it’s over”. He smiles and says “Ok then I can drive you home”. I blush and say, “You don’t have to do that Jonathan”. Jonathan takes my hand and says, “Yeah I know but I want to”. He walks me out of the school and into the school parking lot.

He leads me over to a red sports car and opens the passenger seat door. He holds it open and smiles. I slowly slide into the passenger side and he closes the door. He walks to the other side and opens the driver’s seat door. He sits and closes the door. He turns to me and smiles. I blush and turn away. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to face Jonathan. “You don’t have to be shy around me Aleyna, I won’t bite you” He jokes. “Unless you want me to” He adds. I laugh and then he laughs. We both laugh for what seems like forever until I hear the car start. “So where do you live Aleyna?” I turn to see where we are and answer “I live on peach street and Maple drive”. He backs the car up and turns to the left. “I drove around the town to check it out so I know where you’re talking about”. I laugh and said “I’m surprised you did that, most people will mope about moving to a new town”. “Not me It’s actually a good thing that my dad moved us here”. I looked at him and his face showed anger and a little of pain. I knew not to push the topic. I reached towards the radio. “Maybe some music will lighten up the mood” I thought to myself. I felt a hand cover mines. “Can we just talk with no music please”? I look up to see his eyes meet mine. “Ok that sounds good to me”. He looked back at the road and I leaned back into the car seat. “How long have you lived here” He asked. “All my life” I answered. “Really? I mean that’s good to stay in one place but don’t you get bored here.” He asks turning right. “Yeah sometimes it does but I rather stay here, it’s where I grew up”.

He laughs and I look at him with a puzzled expression. “What’s so funny?” He turns left and drives straight. “You are” he replies. “Me? How am I funny?” He turns left and stops the car. “Nothing it wasn’t really funny I’m sorry I laughed”. He turns to me and frowns. “Its ok” I say looking him in the eyes. I look outside the car and see my house. I lean forward and open and close the passenger side door. “Seeya tomorrow, Aleyna” he says as I walk away. “Bye Jonathan” I say back to him. I can barely control the excitement that’s inside me. I walk to my front door and reach for my keys. I turn around to see if Jonathan’s still there. I see his car and give him a wave before walking inside my house. I close my door and lean against the door with a huge smile on my face.
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Woo! Here we goo!