Lies, Bruises and My Tears.

Chapter Two: Pizza + Jonathan = Fav combo.

My mom was walking pass and saw me smiling. “What are you smiling about?” she asks me. “It’s nothing mom, I just had a great day at school” I reply. She raises an eyebrow but doesn’t push the subject. She walks to the kitchen and calls me. I walk into the kitchen and say “Yes mom?” “Do you want me to cook or do you want take-out”. “I’m in the mood for take-out” I replied. “Me too” She says smiling. “I’ll order pizza for the two of us then”. “Sounds fine” I reply to her walking away. I walked upstairs to my room and opened the door. I walk into my room and jump on my bed. I let out a long sigh. “What a day it was” I say to myself. I lean over and reach for my iPod. I turn it on and listen to my songs. I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up and lean over to look at the clock. “Holy crap its 6:30!” I jump out of bed and open my door. I run down the stairs to see mom paying the pizza boy. She turns around and sees me. “Just in time for pizza” She says. I walk down the stairs and follow her into the kitchen. “I didn’t realize I fell asleep” I say rubbing my eyes. I walk over to the cabinets to get out two plates. “Well I didn’t want to wake you” she says putting the pizza on the table. I place the two plates next the boxes. “So are you going to tell me the real reason that you were smiling earlier?” she asks. I reach for a slice of pizza and stop. “What are you talking about?” I say as I grab two slices and place them on my plate. “I mean that huge smile you had when you came home from school” she says putting two pizzas on her own plate. I walk to the living room and sit on the couch.

She follows and sits across from me. I stare down at my plate and pick at it. “Aleyna what aren’t you telling me, is something wrong?” I look up and laugh. She looks at me with a puzzled expression on her face. I stop laughing. “No mom nothing’s wrong, I just met a great guy he’s new in school”. She starts to laugh. I laugh too. She stops and looks at me. I look at her, titling my head. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She looks at me. “Nothing I’m just waiting for you to tell me about this guy”. I blush and look back down to my plate, picking at it again. “There isn’t much to say about him”. “Well that smile you had on your face says differently” she says laughing. “Well, he’s really sweet and a real gentleman”. She smiles at me. “Well as long as he’s nice to my Aleyna”. I blush and pick up my pizza. I take a bite out of it. I start to eat while she tells me about her day. I tune out what she says and think about Jonathan. “Man those eyes and that smile” I think to myself. “Aleyna? Aleyna!!” I snap out my thoughts. “What? Huh?” She looks at me with a worried face. “Are you ok?” She asks. I look at her. “Oh yeah I’m ok I was just day dreaming” I reply looking away. “Aleyna it’s ok if you like this guy but always keep a guard up just in case” she says with the same worried expression. “I know mom” I say to her with a smile. I finish off my pizza and I stand. “I got some homework so I’ll be upstairs if you need me” I say to her. I walk to the kitchen and wash my dish. I turn and walk up stairs.

I open my bedroom door and close it. I took out my homework and blast some music while I start my homework. I stretch and yawn. I put my homework away and look at my clock. “It’s only 9:30pm” I say to myself. I get up from my bed and walk to my dresser. I pull out my pajamas and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. By the time I get out of the shower it’s 10pm. So I get under the sheets and fall sleep. Later waking up to the upcoming days and the greatness to come with it.

A few months later...
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I couldn't wait start the story and get to the good parts. Lol.