If Only Night Could Hold You...

Part One

The Stars In The Night, They Lend Me Their Light
To Bring Me Closer To Heaven With You...

It's late, and everyone but me is sleeping. It's quiet except for the sound of the tour bus motor and Matt's loud snoring. I glance across the bus, staring at the closed curtain of your bunk. Quietly, I get up and move to your bunk. I open the curtain slowly, so as not to wake you up. You look so peaceful, deep in dreamland. I want so bad to touch your soft, perfect skin. But I know better. If you woke up, it would all be over. I stare at your eyelids, wishing I could see the beautiful brown orbs behind them. You stir in your sleep, murmuring something inaudible. I smile at your face, so adorable, lost in your dream. I wonder what you're dreaming about. You say something else, but I don't quite hear it. I lean in closer.

You whisper my name...



My heart absolutely melts at the sound of you calling my name in your sleep.

You whimper and your face twitches. You must be having a nightmare.

“Z...Zacky... Help...me...”

No longer able to contain myself, I reach out a hand and stroke your cheek.

“It's okay, Syn. I'm here.”

You're still and silent again, the nightmare gone. I pull my hand back, and just sit there, watching you. I'll be tired tomorrow, as I was the past few days of doing this. Matt will slap me in the back of the head, and tell me to get my act together. But it's worth it. I'd do anything for these few moments of happiness a night.

As I sit there and watch you, I feel a desperation building up in my chest. I've been watching you like this for three days now. But that pales in comparison to the amount of days that I've loved you. All those days watching you on stage, your skilled fingers working magic on your guitar. Wondering what other skills those fingers may hold...

And these few nights watching you sleep peacefully. Making sure you're safe, calming you when you have nightmares.

I want so much to just crawl in your bunk with you and hold you. To hear your breath become slow and even as you fall to sleep in my arms, to feel your heart beat one with mine...

I look at my watch. The others will be waking up soon.

I lean down and kiss you gently on your forehead, and hop back into my bunk for a couple minutes of rest.

Little do I know that back in your bunk...

you smile and look over at mine, wanting the same thing I do.