Status: writing, slowly.

You'd never guess.


I could hear her behind me. Chucking her bag ahead of her out of boredom. I turn my head slightly just so I catch her in the corner of my eye. She’s just walking, looking at her surroundings. From here I can feel the heat from her She. She’s the one. She hasn’t changed much over the years, longer hair, taller, hotter. I remember when Paul grabbed her when she was little; those screeches is still in my ears, permanently stamped into my brain .I turn back and see the opening to our garage, the pack garage. I make a sharp left turn and start to pull the garage door open, knowing it’s not empty because I can hear James talking to Jared, Jared is the pack leader, about something. I pause and stop, so I can listen
“It’s not healthy, I mean, who said she was like us? “ Jared said

“She might be, I don’t know how, she’s not related to us, and her family is posh.” James said back.

I know they’re talking about Scarlett.

“I think we should give up, move, maybe back to Seattle.” Jared said, sounding eager to get out of here.

I go in and act like nothing’s happened, even though I know they know I’ve heard them. I look in the mini fridge and pick out a sandwich that Paul had made. He’s a control freak, makes sure we have food, clothes and money. I plonk myself down and mumble through cheese and tomato “Where’s the others?” “Found something smelly, James’ injury still hurts so Frank told him to stay here.” Jared said. I nod, looking to James’ left leg and picturing the massive slash he got while protecting us from hunters. That happened somewhere in England and we left. We’re werewolves. Not the full moon type, but also not new moon. First, we change when we want to, not when we’re angry. Also, yes, we’re tanned, gorgeous and hot (temperature and body). We go around looking for other wolves. Personally I think Scarlett is one, but the pack disagrees.

“Come on, let’s go.” James says. I nod and come along, involved in my own thoughts.
We trudge past Scarlett’s house and go to the big jeep that’s parked at the top of the hill. It roars to life and I wonder mildly why we need one. He drives us too Paul’s aunts, where we live, sleep and eat. The whole pack’s back and lounging around on the sofa, chairs and tables. With all fourteen of us, we take up a lot of space; being tall and all. There’s a plate of hotdogs and sausages on the table and I go and pick up two. I see Shayne wolfing them down, no pun intended. We eat, a lot. We get through weekly shops in a day. It’s expensive, but with James’ job, we handle it. He’s self employed and does something with steel. I hate being away from Scarlett; it makes me nervous, because I’m not there to look after her. When everyone has finished, I ask if I can go. They nod, because I hate staying away. I run down to her house and see her sitting on the computer, crying. That sounds bad. I focus my sight and hearing and see she’s on to a girl called Keanna. I decide to leave it. I have no excuse to knock on her door. Unless..

The things I’d do to talk to Scarlett scare me. I’m pretending to be an Avon man just so I can talk to her. I walk to her front door and clear my throat. I knock and hear light, socked feet come to the door. She tugs on the handle and it opens towards her. Her eyes are pink and there are a few tears trailing down her face.

“Hey, are you okay?” I ask her, my acting skills finally coming in handy.
“Yeah, I’m just having a bad day.” She replies wiping her eyes.
“If there’s anything you want me to do, I’m willing to do it.” I say.
She nods and goes to take the Avon out of my hand. Our fingers connect for a mille second and I feel her hot touch. Another theory that’s ticked off. She turns and mumbles a quick ‘bye’ and closes the door. I smile and turn. Contact, no matter how small with her is great.
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