J's Stick Together until the end

Let's Start From the Begining

I walked through my high school. Huntington High. The fucking dumbest
school ever. Im a senior this year. Thank fucking god. You got the
preps, the rockers, the punks, the jocks and everything else. Me...im
everywhere. I'm just that way. I walked over to my locker 131. I have
made some good friends over the years here. Melly....shit I've know
here since 7th grade. But I just met a new kid here. His name is jimmy. He's fucking crazy as ever. He wears the craziest shit ever. He acts like a little fucker. He bothers people in the halls, at lunch, in the parking lot, and in class. I opened my locker to get some of my books for 1st period. I got my shit gathered and then I noticed a crumpled piece of paper. I no that wasn't mine cause my locker is always neat and tidy. I grabbed the crumpled not and opened it up. It read.....

Dear little one...
How are you? This is so fucking weird. I never write notes to girls let
alone anyone. Feel lucky. Its cuz I like you soooo much. Anyways
WHATZZZ UP GIRL!!!! So you wanna hang sometime. Maybe chill at the park. You should come meet my friends. PEACE. JIMMY.

Crazy kid. But I likem.
I closed the door to my locker and headed to my first class of the day. It better go good. Class sux ass anyway. But shit you need to get thought this. I only have months before I'm done.

So its all good.
1st English
2nd accounting 4
3rd French 2
4th trig 3
Fuck finally...

I walked through the open areas of school. I walked out into the court
yard. I sat down on a bench under a tree. I opened my brown bag to find
that I packed a tuna sandwich with mustard and pepper. Salt and
vinegar chips and vitamin water. Perfect lunch if you asked me. I wasn't paying any attention to anyone. But in the distance I did hear
grunting, screaming, and yelling. I knew it was jimmy. I had my back to him. I didn't say anything I wanted to see if he would recognize me. He came right up and scooped me up from behind. He squeezed me tightly.

Jenn: hey jimmy....what's going on. I giggled.

Jimmy: nothing much.... I wanted you to meet some of my friends.
He roared. He picked me up and through me over his shoulder. And spun me around making me sick. He finally stopped.

Jimmy: little one....meet matt.....zacky....and Brian.

Jenn: you make me sound like I'm part of an Indian tribe or something.
But hi guys.

They all said their hi's. Matt looked like a huge mother fucker. The
kind you dont want to start a fight with, but he still looked a rocker.Zacky he look like the typical punk rocker kid that has all this
revenge built up, and he wants to kick everyones ass secretly. Brian looked like a fucking fag with that ugly ass blonde mop on his head. Shit I wanted to laugh. You can so tell that wasn't his real hair color. But jimmy was the best out of all of them. He had spiky brown hair. He was very tall and thin. Well everyone is tall compared to me. Hey I'm 5'5 give me a break. But I loved jimmys attitude. He was so out there, crazy, just fucking psycho.

Matt: you've been here long?

Jenn: yeah all four years.

Zacky: I never see you around.

Jenn: its cause I never talk to you. That would make the most sense. I
said with a duh tone.

Brian: oOoOo a mean one we've got here.

Jimmy: she aint mean at all. She pretty awesome if you ask me. So what
you got for lunch?

Jenn: tuna!

Melly walked over.

Melly: thank fucking god. I was about to rip some kids fucking head off
cause he wouldn't move. Lazy assess. These people are the dumbest fucking retards EVER!! Who are these cunt sucking lickers? You...you I know you? Bio....right....yeah.

Zacky: yeah I have bio with you.

Melly: you fucked up my day....fucker. Jesus now I can eat my sandwich fucker.

Jenn: shit clam the fuck down. Eat.

Jimmy: mmmm. I'm HUNGRY!. You got any food little one.

Brian: hey Jimmy I've got extra food.

Jimmy: bitch I don't want your fatass food. Jenns will do just fine.
Thanks.....so jenn you wanna come over today?

Matt: um your busy today....band practice today....remember.

Jimmy: DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOUNG MAN. I will not be told what to
do by someone like you....mister show off.

Jenn: jimmy I didn't know you were the circus leader.

Brian: what are you saying?

Jenn: you guys are the circus. Have you not noticed? Sure you think
that you guys are "unique" think that all you want...but there are tons of kids who are just like you. So you are so original.

Zacky: we are. I don't think that you can see it.

Jenn: so original....you....you want to kill everyone here cause they
have done something that you didn't like. You are like that fat kid who
gets made fun of and he comes back to kill everyone. I laughed out
cause his face was priceless. Its cause its true and he knows it. He made a face.....yep see. There yah go. And you shit face....what the hell is up with your hair. Its so fucking funny. It makes you look like davey jones. And you youre like the biggest asshole of this school. You think youre the biggest badass here. Wrong.

Jimmy: strong opinions.... love them. So you wanna hang today?

Jenn: sure. What do you want to do?

Jimmy: umm how about come over to my house. Ill make food and shit.
Maybe watch a movie. Yah?

Jenn: ok.

The bell finally rang, for us to go to the rest of our classes. I got
up through out the rest of my lunch. I went back to where jimmy was.

Jimmy: oh yeah ill meet you next to your car. Cause I didn't bring

I laughed.

Jenn: ok then.

We started to walk to our classes to finish off the day.

Jenn: BYE FUCK HEADS. I screamed. They turned around to give me a bad
look. Psh like I fucking care. Stupid kids. God they think there so
cool. Please.

Period 5 history

Period 6 metal jewelry.


I walked to my car. I saw jimmy. He was leaning against my car smoking.

I never knew that.

Jimmy: oh you ready?

Jenn: yep. Just tell me where to go.

Jimmy: I will.
We took turns here and there. I swear we could have gone another way.
It would have been faster. But oh well. We finally arrived at a mini mall area. He told me to pull up at a Landry mat.

Jenn: uh jimmy why are we here? I don't need to wash my clothes.

Jimmy: this is where I live....don't live with the parentals anymore.
To controlling. Ewww. Anyways. This is where I work. But they don't know I live in the back.

Jenn: oOoO classy. Youre so funny. Do you like living on your own?

Jimmy: yeah. I can go to the park and get wasted with my friends when
ever I want too. Do shit when I want to.

Jenn: I bet you do your Landry...

Jimmy: when I have time too

I laughed.

Jimmy: come on lets go so I can make you a gourmet top ramen.

Jenn: oooooohhhhh. Youre going to cook for me. What a strong man.

Jimmy: yeah...I got to be your man.

We walked in the back. I saw a lonely bed on the floor and couple of
boxes and some cds, a stereo, and a poster. That's it. Wow I didn't
know he actually lived here. Its not like I care what you live in, but
I didn't think he was serious. I love it thought. Its cool.

Jimmy: I no its not much....at all but this what I got.

Jenn: Its cool. I don't expect anything huge. Its very you jimmy. A man on his own, supporting himself...and doing his laundry.
I laughed and so did he.

Jimmy: hey I can take care of myself little one...don't you worry about
me. Now let me make you this romantic dinner.

Jenn: oh what a man. I said as I sat down on his bed that was on the

Jimmy: here let me set the mood, with a little of music.

He put pantera....cemetery gates. My favorite.

Jenn: how did you know that I like this song?

Jimmy: I only saw that cd in your car.

Jenn: oh yeah. I forgot.

He made the top raman and served it in a paper bowl with a spork.

Jenn: thanks jimmy, this is really nice.

Jimmy: hey I got to cook for my women. Sorry someone must have stolen my tv. But I have a stereo. I can put in a different cd?

Jenn: sure jimmy that would be nice.

He got up and switched the cd.