J's Stick Together until the end

Who's next?

My plan: To Give Matt the CD. Cause I just couldnt find Zacky anywhere, and he need his Cd back. Once Matt finds out that he has a Pansy motherfucker in his band, hes gonna kick his ass out. So then MR.JT Lover can sit at home and little to Cry me A river.

He Can really Cry me a Fucking River for all I care.

The weekend was slow. I went to the beach a couple of times, with melly and went shopping. That was all I did. It was a good relaxing weekend, mostly needed.

The next Day at school

I was finally finished with second period. This is the time where I pass matt in the hall. I know that they all have next period together except zacky he has gym. Fatass. I was walking through the halls, not bringing any attention to me. Slowly but surly I was walking to my next class. There I finally saw matt. The fucking dumbass himself. He is such a typically punk rock/metal kid. He has his headphones on blasting Pantera. Hes wear all black. His hairgod who the fuck told him little bangs where cool. It looks like cockroach hair. I passed a couple of kids to get to him. I finally reached him, I stood right in front of him. He gave me the most confusing look ever. I reached into my bag to grab zackys CD. He pulled off his headphones.

Matt: Hey, what do you want?

Jenn: I just wanted to give Zacky back his CD. It was a jimmys. And Jimmy isnt here today; he said that he didnt want it anymore. So can you give it to him please?

Matt: Oh, Yeah sure. That was nice of you.

Jenn: Yeah well I know how it is to miss my music. So here.
I gave him the Cd. He took a good look at it.

Matt: This isnt his Cd? It must be yours. He said trying to give it back to me.

Jenn: No its not mine. I dont have that CD. IT has his name written on it. I opened the CD to show him, his name written all over.
Matt: What? This is his? He looked at me with a shocked expression.

Jenn: Yeah told you it wasnt mine. But will you give it to him. I never see him.

Matt: Yeah.ok.sure. That was nice of you. He looked at the CD like he couldnt believe it.

Jenn: Thanks matt. I owe you. I walked off, and laughed cause Brian was walking down the hall. Uh just the thought of them looking at that CD and them comparing it to zacky. HA! They wont know what to say to him. Brian looked at me funny, then winked at me. Psh bitch please. I finally got to my class. The day was slow .as the last bell rung I walked down the hall, I was let out early. I went to my locker that was right next to jimmys. I opened it up to put my Accounting book in as I was doing that, I was turned around by matt.

There stood Zacky, matt, and brian.

Jenn: Yea?

Zacky: What the fuck is this?

Jenn: Your Fucking CD! Thats what.

Brian: zacky does not listen to Justin Timberlake.

Jenn: Wow zacky you are just that lame, you have to have your friends stick up for you, cause you cant. Just cause you cant help that you like Jt, doesnt mean you need to hide it, let it be free. Its cool.

Matt: Zacky we cant have a pussy ass in the group, I dont know how to say this but youre temporally not the guitarist, Brian is now. Sorry man, until we find something out. Will let you back in.


Brian: Sorry Man.

They took one look at me. I gave them an evil smirk back. This is fun. But matty boy is next on my little list.

Matt: Thanks Jenn for giving Zackys CD back, and for giving it to me.

Jenn: Oh yeah anytime.

Brian: Hey you want to come over to matts for dinner. Were having a BBQ?

Matt: What who says you can bring a date?

Jenn: Who says I want to be your date?

Brian: whatever.you wanna come?

Jenn: Sure.

Matt: then you can see how fucking good our band is!

Jenn: OoOoO Cant wait for that.

Matt gave me his address. His little party was at 7. This little party will turn into the thing that will ruin his ego and status. This will be great. Its not that I like being mean and everything. Its in me to be mean, and plus I have nothing to do. I got ready slowly. Shit Im going there on time. Please bitch an hour late will be good. I got dressed I hoped into my black BMW. Thats right bitches my daddy bought it for me. I dont care. Dont bitch; youre just fucking jealous that you dont have one. SO HA! I drove down the street was matts. I pulled up to his house, there were tons of people out in the front and in the back cause the door was open. I parked my black BMW on the side. I got out. Everyone looked at me. Oh look theres those shits now. Uh and the fucking creep Brian whos eyeing me up. God I wanted to smack that look right off of his face. Melly got out of the passenger side. Yeah thats right I brought her, I dont want to be alone with these ass holes.

Matt: Hey Cool you made it.

Jenn: Yeah I did.

Brian: thats a nice car there. You save for it?

Jenn: Fuck no. my dad bought it for me.

Brian: oh.

Melly: so fuck faces what there to eat?
Zacky: Theres BBQ there in the back.

Jenn: ZACKY HOW ARE YOU! Long time no see.

Zacky gave me this look like he fucking wanted to tackle me right then and there. And he was giving me the evil eye.

Jenn: Ok bye Zacky. I went inside to follow melly.

She grabbed a plate full of food. I picked off of hers. I already had dinner. Jimmy came and sat down in front of me. There was this little boy that was fallowing him he sat down too.

Jimmy: Hey Little one. Hows it kickin

Jenn: Jimmy! Good and you, oh thanks for that Romantic dinner we had that night. I said trying to wink through my sunglasses.

He laughed. So did the little boy.

Melly: Are you lost little boy?

Johnny: Fuck no. What the hell is your problem?

Melly: What the hell is your problem I thought you were lost?

Johnny: Yeah well Im not ok? Im their good friend

Matt: I dont know about that. Were more of your brothersz friend. But whatever you want to think. He said taking a seat across from us. So how are you guys?

Jenn: You have totally dropped zacky. Youre not good friend.

Matt: No. Were still good friends. Why would you say that?

Melly: whats your name little short one?

Johnny: Johnny. Why?

Melly: Ah cochino dont give me attitude.

Johnny: I wasnt.

Matt: what are they fighting about?

Jenn: like I would really fucking know. I dont read minds.

Matt: ok then. He said. He turned around on his seat to yell across the yard to his gay ass friend Brian. Yeah the one with the ugly blonde mop for hair.

Matt: Hey come over here brian. He waved him over.

Brian: hey guys.

Melly: ok? Fuck you!

Brian: What I was trying to be nice.

Matt: Johnny stop fucking picking fights with people. Thats all you do. Your not a tough asshole. Go away.

Johnny: No. Your mom invited me. So ha.

I giggled.

Brian: whats so funny?

Jenn: nothing. Why?

Brian: well you laughed.

Jenn: And? Your point?

Brian: never mind. Your just acting like a bitch to get attention.

Jenn: Im a bitch. I dont pretend to be one. I no Im one.

Brian: uhok?

Jenn: hey matt can I barrow that Pantera cd?

Matt: oh sure. Just go down the stairs, youll go into a hall. Its the room on the right all the way down. Its on my desk.

Jenn: ok then thanks. I stood up. I looked at melly. I gave her a look of Im only gonna fuck somethings up. He gave me a smile as I walked by.

I stepped in side the house, I walked in the living, to see all the adults there chatting. I saw Mrs. Sanders there talking to her friends. I walked by going down the stairs, through the hall and to the room on the right. I pushed the door open. I stepped inside. I flipped the light on and nearly had my eyeballs bulge out cause the sight I saw was so fucking funny. Oh god. I walked in more to take a closer look. Right before my eyes was matts bed. A normal twin size bed, that wasnt the problem though, what was on it that was the problem. I walked over closer to the bed to see a note not on his bed..from his mom.

Dear matty munchkin
I though of you when I saw these in the closet. So I put them out for you. You used to love these when you were little. And here is Mr. winkles for you too.
Love mamma.

Oh shit look at this. This is great. Laid out in front of me was cowboys and Indians bed set. The comforter was just a laugh in its self. A huge ass cowboy and his horse shooting at an Indian. I cant believe this. Oh and here is his little bear. Damn he must of used this a lot. It was destroyed. I whipped out my sidekick and took pictures of this. Im going to be leaving him a note. Oh this will be good.

I took the pictures and grabbed the cd.

I headed back to the area that they were sitting at.
I walked over to have melly laughing at them.

Jenn: ok what are you guys talking about here. I said putting my hands on my hips, giving them a questioning look. I walked over to the table and sat down next to melly, across from matt, zacky and Brian.

Jimmy laughed at me.

Matt: oh were just laughing at Johnny. Dumbass.

Zacky: yeah whatever. He said pissed off.

Jenn: come on zacky suck it up and be a big boy.

Matt: no need for a bad attitude.

Melly: so Jacky whats with the bad attitude, something about being a pussy ass. I dont know.

Zacky: Its zacky not Jacky.

Melly: ok like I care. She turned to me to talk. So did you get the cd? She gave me a look.

Jenn: Oh yes I did..thanks matt. Ha! I laughed in my head. He doesnt know what he is in for.

We sat there talking a little here and a little there. Dude Im so sick of this shit. Im done with this lame party.

Jenn: ok well I have to leave now. Im due at home now. Seeyah guys later. Thanks matt for inviting melly and me.

Matt: oh yeah sure. It was fun. Let me walk you out to youre car.

Jenn: ok sure. I whispered.

Melly: wow. What a gentleman. Psh youre a fucking suck up.

Matt: ok I was just trying to be nice thats all.

While they bitched Brian was trying to get on my good side. We were walking to my car. Please no one ever can get on my good side. But hey he is trying.

Brian: so did you have fun tonight?

Jenn: Uh yeah. Sure. I said rolling my eyes. He didnt see though.

Brian: oh good. You should go bowling with us on Friday night ill pick you up?

I new exactly what he was doing, asking me out on a date. Sure why not it will get me closer too him to find what Im going to do. Uh now I have to be kinda nice to them.

Jenn: sure thats sounds nice. What time?

He got closer to me.

Brian: um how about 8:30. We can go out to dinner. Well meet them there at 10:00.

Jenn: ok but we have to pick up melly after dinner. Is that ok?

Brian: yeah, she entertains Johnny.

Jenn: ok then.

We finally made it to my car. We said our good bys too them. As I was getting ready I looked into my rear view mirror and saw jimmy waving and jumping all around. Oops I forgot to say good-bye to him. I rolled down my window to him.

Jimmy: hey little one you almost forgot to say bye to me.

Jenn: sorry. You going back to youre pad?

Jimmy: no not for a while.I think they no Im sleeping in the back.

Melly: HAHAHAHA you sleep in the back of a laundry mat that sucks so bad.

Jenn: shut up stupid. Thats mean. Jimmy get in the back Im taking you back to my house. You can stay there as long as you want.

He got in the back of my car. I dropped melly off at home. Jimmy got up front with me.

Jimmy: thanks little one for helping me out.
Jenn: no problem jimmy. You can have the room next to mine. It has its own bathroom in it.

Jimmy: awesome.

We got home, I showed him everything. My parentals were not home. Who knows where they are. I dont care. I was in my room. I was making copies of the pictures of matts room, and with the letter his mom left him. Im posting them all over school. Ill blame my brother. He goes to our school, he hates them all. So this works out. I put all the copies into my bag for tomorrow. Jimmy came in and we watched a movie together. And fell asleep. So far my plan is going just as I plan. Next brian.