J's Stick Together until the end

I Didnt Know You Could Do That?

Later that night melly came over for dinner, I sat at the bar watching Jimmy “cook” it was very interesting I must say. I could here the familiar clicking of Guitar Hero 2, melly was going at it again. She was playing “them Bones’. I have to say that’s an awesome song.


Jenn: Jimmy yah no yelling at it won’t make it cook faster.

Jimmy: well it should listen to me. This is ridiculous. I can’t do this; I cant be the mother I promised to you. Uh I’m a horrible house maker. I swear when Joseph gets back, I’m giving him a piece of my mind, what is he thinking leaving me here with 2 children to take care of.

I could not stop laughing, when I laugh a lot and I mean it, I snort and start to choke. And let me tell I was almost turning blue.

Melly came running in laugh her ass off.

Melly: jimmy are you serious? She laughed barley getting that out.

Jimmy turned around with this white girl little apron on with headband on holding his oh so spike hair straight up.

Jimmy: Yes I am. I can’t even cook for this family.

We both laughed. I walked over to the counter that had the phone, I picked it up and dialed the local pizza place and order some pizzas. We walked into the living room and decided that we were going to have some fun with the guitar hero. For the rest of the night we just chilled, had some pizza, then went to bed.

The next morning was a little different. Jimmy would not stop running around; play fighting with the dog and just being jimmy. I swear the kid has a deformed brain. I slowly got out of bed, and mopped down stairs, I walked into the kitchen.

Matt: Hey Jenn good morning.


Zacky: you seem surprised to see us here.

Jenn: Uh yeah I am. This is my house and I sure as hell didn’t invite you to come over. Its fucking 12:30. Don’t you guys have lives?

Jimmy came down.

Jimmy: hey guys, good so are we almost ready.

Brian: Hey Jenn

He look at me nicely.

Jenn: Don’t fucking talk to me. Jimmy why did you invite them here?

Jimmy: Cause were going to the studio today. I told you that yesterday.

Jenn: ok well why does it have to be now, it’s early.

Matt: Its not that early. Its almost 1.

Jenn: Shut the fuck up!

Melly walked down. She gave them a weird look too.

Melly: Why are these losers here?

Zacky: Were not losers. He said like he was going to hurt someone.

Jimmy: little one go get ready, you to melly.

Jenn: UH! It’s to Early

I walked up stares to get some clothes on, melly followed me. We got ready, but we made sure to take our time. Assholes, will-fucking pay. We walked down stairs and hour later to see them all standing around the kitchen waiting with these board ass faces.

Melly: Well were leaving, I don’t know if you guys are.

Jenn: Come on jimmy.

Jimmy: Coming little one! He shouted.

I let everyone walk out; I closed the front door and locked it. I ran up the steps the leads to my driveway. I saw matt’s piece of shit civic and Brian had a really shitty car. He had a leberon. The windshield was cracked, one of the mirrors was missing, it was a shitty lime green color, and he had no rims on it. That’s bad, he’s dad don’t love him. I give him props that he bought him himself though. Gotta show who’s boss.

Brian: Dude this car is the best thing that has ever happened to me….ever! He shouted.

Melly: That’s cool dude, its car but that cool, its not even that great.

Matt: Ok this is how its going to work, Johnny you are coming with me, cause last time you went with Brian and Zacky and they lost you. You’re mom wasn’t too happy with that.

Johnny: Oh god it wasn’t that long, it was like 15 hours I was lost in down town LA.

Zacky: Well that was the best time we had when we went to LA. Johnny gets lost we spend 4 hours looking for him.

Matt: Stop blabbing and lets go….Johnny with me….Zacky go with your gay lover….and jimmy go with Jenn and Melly.

Jimmy: YES SIR! He shouted.

He marched over to the car.

Matt: Ok well just follow on of us there Ok… its not that hard.

Jenn: I wasn’t born yesterday matt.

I went over to the car and got in. That’s so dumb. I know how to drive and follow people. He acts like I’m going to know how to get there and be there before him. Stupid boys. It took us about 30 minutes to get to the shitty little studio. I walked through the entrance, it cool I guess. I’m not going to say anything, I know this is what like to do in there spear time. Matt was so excited to start recording today. They all were. But jimmy he was the most excited one out of the whole group. He wanted to show me how he could drum, like a bad ass pro, at least that’s what he said to me. Melly and me sat down on the black couch they had in the control room. All that stuff really interested me in how it worked, how it could make the pitch different, how voices could sound distorted. They wanted us to listen a song that they are in the making of doing right now. Matt has to record more, so does Brian and Jimmy.

Matt: So this song that we are recording right now is call The Art Of Subconscious Illusion. It’s pretty awesome.

Melly: well we have to hear it to believe it.

The put it on, there was a lot of screaming…. we knew that matt did scream but we didn’t expect it like that. It was pretty tight I must say. Melly and me looked at each other…. wondering, “hey I wonder if we can scream like that”. WE opened our mouths and these loud yet awesome screams came shrilling out. Hers was more of a deep tone like matt’s, mine was more high pitched but I could get it to be a little lower, like a growl. They looked at us like we were crazy. We repeated some things off of that song, just for fun.

Matt: so umm yeah we didn’t know you could do that…..at all. You have to scream in that song, both off you. Melly you can do some growls with me, and then you can have some random screams when Brian is doing his solo, and jenn I have something special for you. He brought us into the recording room, and gave us headphones. All three of us stood in there in a circle. We listened as Brian and Jimmy told us what to do, and they were talking to matt. We sat there waiting and waiting for something to happen.

Jenn: Matt what I’m supposed to scream?

Melly: This. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! She screamed hella loud.

Matt: right hold on. He left the room and came back with a paper that had what I was supposed to scream. He handed it to me, I looked over it…it read “Punching slowly my mind can't change the speed. No matter what I do or how hard I try” I thought about it. This is the dumbest thing ever. Whatever they want its not my song.

Brian: Ok were going to start from the start. Ok?

Matt: Ok go ahead.

The music started playing through the headphones. We waited for matt to start to play. About a minute into the song, matt started to give me hints that may part was coming up quickly. He finally nodded, to let me know this is it. I opened my mouth and let the screams roll out. After I said or how hard I try, I emitted a low growl that went high pitch at the end. Jimmy was so excited he was jumping up and down. The song kept going on, melly was adding her two cents in for the song. The song finally ended, we walked out of the booth, me and melly sat down after that heard work we just did.

Matt: that was like the best thing we have ever done.

Zacky: They Fucking nailed that bitch on the head dude!

Jimmy: Jenn that was great, I knew you could scream, and melly fucking genius!

Johnny: I’m impressed.

Brian: yeah well we got it recorded. So we can move on to Jimmy and me.

Jimmy: you want to go or me?

Brian: I’ll go.

Brian brought out his guitar and hooked his shit up and tuned it. He started to mess around with his wa-wa pedals. He was making some pretty crazy sounds. I was paying more attention to how he played and how he almost took advantage of his guitar to make the sounds that he was making. It was amazing to me, I was in awe. He would ever so often look up at me, to see if I was paying attention to him, and he recognized it. The guys were doing there own thing.

Melly: that’s lame.

Brian paid no attention to her remarks.

Melly: Jenn I cant believe you are falling.

I looked up at her, and gave her look, like you know what shut the fuck up…ok. I get it.

She left to go see what Johnny had in store.

I kept my eyes on him, watching his nasty ass fingers move up and down the fret board. He almost did with out think about where they were landing.