Until the End of Everything

Chapter 2

Ahnna's hands were shaking, sweat lining her forhead. She lifted her chin up, trying to show she wasn't scared, though in reality, she was petrified. The door was shut behind her, and she and Amy were left to pack their things, as they were going to be sent to Juvy. Ahnna sat on her bed in disbelief, her mouth hanging open. On the bed across from her, Amy was sitting on her own sheetless bed. "We didn't do anything wrong." she declared defiantly, sounding like her normal down-to-earth self. Ahnna looked at her and sighed,
     "Try telling them that," By them, Ahnna meant the judge. Four accounts of first degree murder, and how? Ahnna had just turned her back, and suddenly her enemies were butchered, mangled beyond repair. Ahnna tried to keep her composure, as she was the mother figure of the group, but the shaking and tears wouldn't stop. Amy grimaced, as she herself fought tears. Amy reached over to her right and gave May May, now missing an eye, a forceful squeeze. She did it without realizing however, because when May May squeaked, Any flinched in surprise. The door creaked open, as Ally and Aerie stepped into the room, shaking and sobbing themselves. Ally looked at her friends faces, and tossed her luggage at Aerie, running down the two foot wide aisle, so that she could embrace her two friends. Aerie watched tearfully from her spot, but she wasn't much of a physical contact person, plus she had to hold two bags. Ally looked at Ahnna's half packed suitcase and asked,
     " 'You ready?"  Ahnna looked at her suitcase as well, realizing that she still hand't packed her favorite pair of shoes. 
      " I probably need more time. Afterall, once we're done packing, we'll meet our..." Ahnna's heart felt like it had turned to stone and she choked a sob.
    "Girls! Hurry up!" croaked the elderly voice of Mrs. Harris. Ahnna could hear her climbing up the stairs rapidly, panting from physical exhaustion. Mrs. Harris was a plump woman, and she often couldn't handle short distance exertion. Anyhow, Ahnna thought, smirking, I better freshen up so Mrs. Harris doesn't know that I've been crying. Ahnna used her sleeves to dab delicately at her eyes, so that she wouldn't smear the eyeliner (not emo). As Mrs. Harris poked her head into the room, Ahnna was taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Amy threw a few extra sweaters and shoes into Ahnna's suitcase, as Mrs. Harris motioned out the door with a cubby and pink arm, " You're ready? Good. Get out." As Mrs. Harris turned around Ahnna squinted her eyes and stuck out her tounge, annoyed by Mrs. Harris' attitude. However, the girls collected their bags, and silently filed outside. As they were to their "ride", which was a cop car, policemen gathered around, handcuffs jingling from their belts. Ahnna felt the smooth metal slink across her wrists as she was being lead head first, into the backseat. She was slid next to Amy, who was cramped in the window seat. Ally and Aerie were shoved in afterwards, causing Amy to become one with the window. The car was ride was completely silent, and Ahnna was amused when she looked into the rearview mirror. The driving policeman's eyes were darting back and forth nervously, as was the policeman in the passenger seat's as well. " He thinks we're insane," Ahnna thought, grinning.
    At one point, Ahnna sneezed, as the car was dusty. "Chuck Norris!" the three girls chorused, reciting an old line they used, instead of saying bless you. The policemen's eyes widened, then relaxed. 
     "We're here," stated a weary policeman, opening the car door. The four were roughly dragged onto the concrete, where they stood in front of a tall, wide building. It looked like an office building mixed with a hospital. The girls were lead inside to see that the interior was also hospital-ish. Where were all the rooms?
     "You guys are going to stay here with all of the other undetermined Juvy kids. This building is only for orphaned kids who have no relatives to get sent off to." the policemen announced in monotone. Ahnna noticed the bland grey walls and the boring staff. " Wow," She thought, " Is everything here boring?" A plump woman, like Mrs. Harris, with a brown updo and a layer of lipstick lead the girls into an elevator, she pressed the button with a giant seven on it with a long claw like fingernail. The girls were being taken to the second higher floor, to room 7-B. 
    Once there, the girls were left alone to unpack, which wasn't that much, considering they were going to wear uniforms. The room was dull, with two sets of bunk beds covered with clean, white sheets pulled so tight you could bounce a quarter off of them. Ahnna dropped her red sports bag to the ground and looked at her friends confused, angry faces. " At least we're still together... We're the closest we have to a family." Ahnna realized.
     " Comfy...?" Ally wondered aloud, pressing the beds with a finger. An awkward silence hung over the room until Ahnna decided to break it.
     " I'll get top bunk!" she exclaimed, climbing onto the top bunk on the right. 
    " Noooooo!" Ally yelled, scrambling to the left top bunk when she saw Aerie advance towards it. Defeated, Aerie flopped onto the bed under Ally, pushing her white suitcase under the bed. Amy was already sprawled onto the bed, looking out the single white board ( the big kind ) sized window. There was another awkward silence until Ahnna leapt down from her bunk. 
     " Come one guys! It's too beautiful to just sit here!" She was referring to the sunset out of the window, painting the sky  pale grey (the sun), midnight blue, bloodshot red, and dark forest green all at the same time. Amy immediately flanked her best friend to the left as they stared at the sunset in awe. Ally and Aerie moodily scuffled over and placed themselves in between, Aerie next to Amy's right, Ally to Ahnna's left. " Family..." Ahnna thought dreamily, " Is this what it feels like?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, no horror, sorry. Um... Bye!

- Gwen and Trin