Status: Finished :)

Trouble's the Name, Breaking Hearts Is the Game

My name is Dalia Douleur. I'm muggle-born and am being forced to go to a wizarding school that I don't even want to be at. On top of all of that, the new Minister of Magic wants me, and all other muggle-born wizards, in Azkaban. But even with all of this to back up the decision to bring me back to normal life, to bring me back home, my parents are insisting that I go to this new school, Hogwarts, and are hiding me as a pure blood wizard. This is my sixth wizarding school since getting kicked out of Beauxbatons Academy in my second year... on purpose. You see, I don't want to be here. I want to be sitting in a regular classroom learning physics and calculus. This is not my dream. This is not what my life should be like. But, unfortunately, my parents' are big believers in the saying 'life's unfair and then you die'. So I'm stuck here, at Hogwarts, until I can get myself kicked out without getting killed by the Minister of Magic. Yay.