Status: short story

My First Kiss

Chapter 1

“Mrs. Trimble?”The voice came from the door, I couldn’t see the person, but I didn’t need to see them to know who it was.

“Yes Mr. Jonas?”My teacher replied.

“Caliegh needs to come to the office with me. Her parents called and need to speak to her. It’s some personal matter.”

“Oh well than by all means take her, take her.” She turned to me and said “remember to finish your short story, its due Monday and you also need to finish your senior welcome speech for graduation. I expect that sometime next week.” She said, giving me the eye.

“You got it Mrs. T.” I slid my books into my bag and walked to the front of the classroom. I wondered what my parents could possibly want that couldn’t wait until at least 3rd period. As I turned the corner I saw his head come into view. His hunter green bandana was wrapped tightly around his forehead, not even close to touching his fauhawk. His black, thick-rimmed, wayfarer type glasses rested gently on his the bridge of his nose, and his head was turned toward me, a smirk set on his lips. I walked towards him and grabbed his hand.

“What do my parents need?”

“Why don’t you go talk to them and see for yourself.” He dragged me towards the office and swung the door open so we could step in. “Umm Ms. Mescall I have Caleigh, her parents are on the phone for her.” He handed me the phone and I placed it on my ear. The voice I heard next was most definitely not my mother. I turned around to face the wall so they couldn’t hear me.

“Kevin why are you on the phone and not my parents?”

“Well according to your secretary and nick I’m your mother, sweetie. You have the day off due to the visitation of your great, great grandmother who lives in Ireland. Go enjoy the day, you deserve sis.” He chuckled and hung up. I turned to face the desk and handed him the phone.

“My great, great grandmother from Ireland is visiting for the week and parents want me there to pick her up from the airport so I need to leave for the day, is that okay?” he nodded his head and started typing away on his computer and I walked out to where Joe was waiting. “Very sneaky mister.” I wagged my finger in his face and he grabbed it, then lacing his fingers with mine. He pulled me out of the front doors and towards the football bleachers.

“I didn’t want anyone around when I told you this and I know I couldn’t wait until after school so I made Kevin call in to get us both out so I could tell you now.” He got us under the bleachers and took both of my hands in his. He took a deep breath and, very quietly, he whispered, “We’ve been together for 9 months now and I want you to know that… I love you.” His cheeks turned red, and he looked at the ground. I lifted his chin with my finger so he was looking into my eyes.

“Don’t ever be embarrassed to tell me anything, okay? And if you haven’t already figured it out I love you too.” He looked up at me with a smile and slowly bent down to my lips. He kissed me slowly at first then picked up his pace. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and they mingled together. He broke it off before it could get too heated and sighed, “You taste like… like… licorice or, or candy. Something sweet… I love it. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“So I think we should go out tonight to celebrate, I’ll pick you up at 8, yeah?”

“Yeah 8.” I smiled.

“Mom I’m going out for the night, Joe’s gonna pick me up in about a half-an-hour so call me down when you see him!” I didn’t wait for a reply, instead I just ran back upstairs to get dressed. I went to the bathroom to finish straightening my hair. After I finished I clipped one side of my hair into a clip-on feather. I went back into my room a stepped into my high-waisted, black, sequined, knee-length skirt and then zipped it up. I pulled my turquoise tank top on over my head and tucked it into my skirt. I went to my closet to find my shoes and picked a pair of 4 inch high black stilettos which I put on and then my mom called me down. I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw Joe standing at the foot of the stairs. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a black vest, and bright green shoes, classic Joe.

I came to the bottom of the stairs and kissed his lips lightly before walking out the door and to his car. He opened it up for me and I slid into the seat.

The ride to the club was silent, not an awkward silence but a nice one. Once we found a parking space we went to wait on line. Finally, 30 minutes and 2 possible hickeys later we were in the club. I walked in and immediately went to the bar.

“Rum and coke please.” I yelled to the bartender.

“Make that 2, please.”Joe yelled. The man went away and I turned to Joe.

“I really like this place. Its urbanishy, I like it vibe. Does that sound weird?” I cocked my head at him waiting for a response.

“I do too, and no it doesn’t. It sounds totally normal coming from the most beautiful girl in the bar.” He said. Just then our drinks came. I sipped mine thoughtfully looking out at the dance floor. Suddenly I was pulled from my seat and out onto the floor. Joe grabbed my hips and started to gently rock them with mine to the fast paced song pounding from the speakers. He turned so I was flush against his body and grinded us together lightly.

“Again, again.” I moaned out.

He brought his lips to my ear and whispered, “Nope. Remember virgins till marriage. But you know I could I would make love to you all night long. Cause I love you that much.”

“Fine we’ll wait.” I pecked his lips once more before mumbling, “I love Joe.”

“I love you too Caliegh.”
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sorry its short but its i didnt really get into it that much.

xoxo wild one <3