‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter One.

Your Tragic Fate
Chapter One

Owen’s P.O.V

I hate everything. I’ve hated everything since I was thirteen, now I’m sixteen, and three years of hatred is a long time. You’d hate everything if you were me too.

I walked down the hall way avoiding anybody and everybody, making sure not to touch anyone. Finally, I reached my locker. I pulled it open and dug through it to find my iPod; next class (math) was my sleep period. I walked in to the room late as usual. He didn’t say anything just went on with the lecture. I sat in the back row, the closest desk to the window. I plugged in my head phones and pulled up my hood. I put my head down but sleep wouldn’t take over.

Thoughts of my dad and Daryk filled my head. For some reason I had been thinking about them a lot lately. How things used to be before everything went wrong.
I was peacefully sleeping when…a text book collided with my desk awfully close to my head. It scared the shit out of me. I saw the teacher, Mr. Parker, smiling over my head, text book in hand.

“I see you’ve had a nice little nap?” it was more of a statement then a question. I rolled my eyes. The bell rang signaling lunch had begun. Personally, I don’t eat the schools food. I walked out of the room slowly. I started walking down the hall but someone collided with me. I grabbed him and shoved him against the lockers. I looked at him and noticed it was Daryk? I already had my fist back. But I stopped and stared in confusion. What was he doing here? When did he get here? I studied his face it was one of realization and confusion. He looked from my face to my fist held in the air.

"Watch where you’re fucking going next time," He flinched as I flicked his ear. He thought I was going to hit him. I couldn’t hurt him no matter how mad I was.

I didn't bother going to the cafeteria so I made a left turn and headed towards the library. I sat in the back and pulled my iPod again and put my head down. A Faylene Sky filled my ears. Next class after this was study hall then we all got to go home finally. I thought about how we were before, me and Daryk. We were inseparable, even when we were babies. We just clicked. Mom always told me that every time we were separated we both would cry for hours. It’s different now though. He wouldn’t so much as look at me after what happen. I remember it as if it was yesterday.


School had just gotten out and I was on my way home. I was thinking about what my dad was going to teach me on drums today. I was pretty excited. I wanted to be just like him when I grew up. I guess you could say being a rock star was in my blood, that’s what mom says anyway. The bus had pulled up to my house. When I stepped off all I could see were police cars. I turned to see mom crying and talking to the police officer. I ran over to her. With out saying a word she hugged me as tight as she could. In all my years I have never seen her cry. She had always been so strong.

“Mom?” I asked. She looked at me and I just knew something terrible must have happen. Just that hurt and vulnerable look on her face said it all. That’s when I noticed someone was missing from the scene.

“Where’s dad?” She looked at me with her tear stained face and said,

“Honey he’s gone.” What did she mean by gone?

“What do you mean by gone?” I was getting panicky now. My adrenaline was pumping. Dad was gone?

“He’s been murdered.” She broke down again and hugged me. I just stood there. This had to be a dream. It couldn’t be true. He can’t be gone.
When my mother finally let go of me I ran in to the house.

“Dad?” I screamed over and over again. I looked around frantically just hoping it was all a dream and he would be here waiting for me to wake up just like every other day. I started screaming and thrashing and throwing everything I could get my hands on. He just couldn’t be gone.

“Owen?” I stopped and turned around. Daryk was standing in the door way to my room. Had he seen me break down? How much did he see? He stepped closer. When he was an arms length away he hesitantly pulled me into a hug. He didn’t want me to freak out and loose control again. I just let him hug me. I relaxed in his arms and just broke down and cried with him. He was the one I trusted, the only one I trusted. I pulled away a little so I could look him in those bright blue eyes of his. I leaned down and connected my lips to his. It was over as soon as it happened. We both looked at each other, surprise etched in our faces.

“Daryk I-” I started.

“I-I-I should g-go.” He stuttered. He turned away to leave but I snagged his arm.

“Wait, I didn’t mean to, I wasn’t thinking straight.” I said.

“You never think straight because you’re a fag.” Those words stung. He had no right to say that. I ran up to my room and slammed my door then locked it. I didn’t want to be bothered by anyone. I had just lost my dad and my best friend all in one day. A person can only handle so much at one time. I contemplated suicide but, I couldn’t leave my mother here alone. It just wouldn't be fair to her if I left too.

♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the first chapter!!! It is dedicated to mistery gurl, who is such a faithful reader who shows herself to me. And to jessicastewart who commented on the last chapter of Falling before I posted this.

I want some feedback before i post the next chapter. I want to know exactly what your thinking.

Oh and I'm sorry to all my readers, but Jimmy had to die in order for this story to work. More drama makes a story better right?

The song I'm listening to while posting is 'Sleepless in Syracuse' by Honor Bright. You should really check them out. I love them!!!
