‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Ten.

Chapter Ten

Lexie's Pov.

We lay on the beach for hours watching the sun go down. He kept telling me how much he loved me and I told him how sweet he was being.

“What’s going to happen when we get back home?” I asked looking up at him from where I lay against his chest.

“We’re going to tell our parents, and then I’m going to love you for as long as you will let me,” He said kissing my temple. I reached up and I attached my lips to his. Our kiss was slow and loving. Like we knew we had forever so why rush? I shivered into the kiss. He immediately stood up and pulled me p with him. “Let’s go home,” We walked back to the house slowly, leaning on each other. I heard his stomach growl.

“Hungry?” I asked laughing.

“Yeah, I kind of haven’t eaten all day, too busy saving you and all,” He said smiling down at me.

“Well what do you want? I order take-out,” I said as we entered his back yard.

“Chinese seems more romantic than pizza to me, what about you?” He said opening the glass door for me.

“I was thinking the same thing,” I said walking toward the phone. I called the Chinese place and they said they would be here in a half hour. I hung up and walked through the house trying to find Damien. I couldn’t find him anywhere. I was walking through the front room when someone came out and grabbed me. I screamed.

“Did I scare you? I didn’t mean to, not at all,” Damien whispered in my ear, kissing the back of neck.

“Damiennn,” I moaned completely on accident. He had just succeeded in finding one of my spots. He froze.

“Lexie, did I just do what I think I did?” He said nervous. I turned around and kissed his lips heatedly. I pulled away.

“You betch ya,” I said smiling up at him. “Now it’s my turn,”

“Says you,” he said backing up slowly.

“Fine, then you don’t get to know the rest of mine,” I sang running up the stairs and into his room. I hid in his bathroom and locked the door.

“Lexie!” Damien screamed. “That’s no fair,”

“How isn’t it?” I asked. “You found one of mine and I can’t find yours, that sounds no fair to me,” I heard him leaned against the door then slide down to the floor.

“Because I won’t be able to stop my self,” I had to put my ear up to the door to hear him mutter it. I quietly unlocked it. Then pulled it open and he fell back on to the floor in surprise. I jumped on top of him attacking his lips.

“I never said you had too,” I said looking into his eyes. I kissed him again and lowered my lips to his jaw then to his neck. He leaned up, stood up, and then carried me to his bed lying down with me above him. I explored his neck kissing every place I could, searching for his spot.

“Lex, your not gonna find itttttttt,” He started but began to moan. Right above his collar bone, that’s where I found it. He squirmed beneath the touch of my lips against his skin. I kissed and sucked on that spot giving him a hickey before moving back up to his lips, the grin never leaving my face. He breathing was hard and his eyes were wide, alert and excited.

“What was that?” I said smirking.

“Nothing,” he whispered, “I didn’t say anything,”

“Oh Damien, you should know not to doubt me,” I said smiling slightly. He had a nervous smile on his face. He was more nervous than I was which made me giggle. I kissed him and watched his eyes close before closing mine. I took the kiss a little deeper this time. I licked his lower lip before nibbling on it. His lips formed a small smile which gave me an opening. I explored his mouth escaping his tongue from catching mine. Finally I let our tongues duel it out. Trying to win, I ran my hand over his waist and under his shirt then down, playing with the top of his pants, pulling on his jean loops and tugging them down slightly. He put his arm around my waist and flipped us over. He held himself up and held the side of my face. He brought his knee up in between my legs for more support and touched the inside of my thigh. A gasp escaped my preoccupied lips which gave him advantage and he won our little duel taking control of the situation. He pulled his lips away so we could breathe.

Ding Dong……Ding Dong…

Damien sighed from above me, I smiled.

“Guess what? The food’s here,” I sang, kissing his cheek, and then pushing him off of me. I ran downstairs and opened the door. The delivery guy was frowning but then smiled when I opened the door. I heard Damien walk into the living room behind me. I paid the guy the money and took the food, thanking him and closing the door. I walked into the living room to see a blanket on the floor and Damien was lighting the fireplace. I put the food on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to get forks. That night we fell asleep cuddling in front of the fireplace.

Owen’s POV

I woke up the next day, I found my self not in my bedroom like I would have thought. I thought about where I was. Wait, that wasn't all a dream? Everything that happened with Daryk happened last night! Oh my fuck! That means he's still mad. Shit. I got up. I was only in boxers but clothes didn't matter at the moment I ran down the stairs and passed the living room.

"Owen, where are you going?" Maggie asked.

"Home!" I yelled to her. I ran to my house, flung open the door, darted up the stairs, into my room and shut the door. I tugged at my hair while pacing. "I can't believe I told Daryk of how I felt, how could I be so stupid! What if he doesn't feel the same?" I was having a mental break down I was so confused about everything. I needed to talk to someone. I dialed a number into my cell.

"Hello?" the guy on the other line asked.



"Hey it’s Owen you wanna hang out?" I asked.

"Sure my place or yours,"

"Deff yours, I'll be over in a few." I was about to walk out of my room. I felt like I was forgetting something I looked down. Clothes! I laughed at my self. I decided to take a quick shower. After towel drying I put on some boxer briefs, what I can’t squeeze in to my skinny’s if I wore boxers! After forcing my self into my pants I threw on a shirt. Not caring what it was. I combed my hair. I'm just going to let in dry no straightener.

"Mom I'm going over to Jake's!" I said. I was already out the door before I got an answer. I started my BMW and drove off.


I didn't bother knocking because I knew his parents weren't home, the never were.

"Hey!" he said hugging me tightly. I smirked at what was in his hand. "Wanna hit?"

"You read my mind," I said. I took a long drag and held in its toxic smoke. I let it out. "Feeling better already," I said.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"How bout we go to the mall?"


"Dude look at these!" Jake held up a pair of skinny jeans.

"We should so try them on!" He agreed. There was only one changing room in the back in this small hot topic store. We looked at each other.

"Together?" he asked.

"Why not," I smiled. We both squeezed in the smallish fitting room.

"Jake, turn this way," I said, trying to squeeze in the corner.

"You have to turn this way though," I looked up and our faces were less than a centimeter apart. "Owen?" he asked.


"What would you do if I happened to kiss you?" he asked. His hot breath hit my face.

"I don’t know," I said truthfully.

"Can we try?" he moved a little closer, our body’s touching now.

"Okay," I didn't know how this would turn out. He pressed our lips together, one thing lead to another. His tongue slid against my lips and I parted them. Our heated make out session turned into groping and grinding. Our lust filled kisses just weren't enough. I wanted more. I tugged at the bottom of his shirt, Soon to be gone, mine as well. My pants had already been unbuttoned from trying to get the pants on but his wasn't. I pulled his pants and unbuttoned them. I wanted to be the dominant one. He moaned at I rubbed his hardening member. I pushed him on the little bench and straddled him. Owen, don't do it. My conscience was right, I shouldn't be doing this but I am. Owen you'll regret it. I knew it was true but I didn't want the truth. What about Daryk? I stopped. I looked at Jake, my eyes wide.

"Jake I can't." I whispered.

"It’s okay Owen, really."

"You’re not mad?" I asked confused.

"Aww I couldn't get mad you and besides I think we both know it's lust," He chuckled. He was right. I mean I did like him just not in that way, you know? I love Daryk and he's the only one I think I'll ever really love.

"I think we should head home," I said. He agreed.


"So what now?" he asked.

"Video game?" I smiled.

"Left 4 dead 2?" I asked. It was my favorite game ever.

"Sure," he smiled also knowing that I was obsessed with this game.

We had already beaten all the board games but one.

"Get it off of me!" I yelled.

"I'm kind of busy!" he yelled back. I looked up at his screen, he was fighting off a horde of zombies, but I didn't care.

"Damn jockey is riding me!" I squealed. "Get it the fuck off!" He shot it off.

"Damn are you happy!" he said.

"You know I hate jockey's the most!" I said. I did, they were the worst. All of a sudden my paddle vibrated. I looked towards Jake only to see him looking at me.

"Tank!" I yelled. I switched my gun to my melee weapon. I like to get up close and personal with the tanks. "Jake watch the wi-," he startled the witch. I just stared as it slashed at him.

"Aren't you going to get it off?" I slashed her and she died. "And damn it, Owen use your gun." he shrieked. A rock was thrown at me signaling the tank was going to attack.

"Here he comes," I said. The tank charged at me. I slashed it but it wouldn't let up. Jake threw a bio bomb at it making it confused and blind. I took that opportunity to slash it with my axe. Eventually he died.

"Get ready for the last horde." he said. I switched to my gun. I nodded signaling that it was okay for him to push the button. The guy on the radio said a helicopter would be here. We just had to fight of the horde until it came. We have finally beaten the game. We both sighed.

"Man that was hard!" I said. He laughed.

"It was your idea to play on advanced," that was true, I’m always up for a little competition. "But we beat it!" we high fived.

"Hey it’s getting late I better head home see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, bye," I smiled and waved.

"Mom!" I called when I walked in the door.

"Owen Synyster Sullivan you are in big trouble!" She said. Uh oh. "Where were you the other night? Why didn't you come home? I almost called the police! Thank god you're okay!" she hugged me.

"Mom, I went to Daryk’s last night," I said.

"Owen, you should have told me, and where were you all day?" she asked.

"At the mall," I said slowly. "With Jake,"

"Owen you can't just yell in the door and run off, you could have been hurt!" she said.

"I'm sorry," I tried but I already knew what was coming.

"You're grounded, for a week." she said.

"Yes mother." I said. I knew better than to fight with her, she'd win anyways. I walked up to my room slowly. I shut my door. I looked around for something to do. I saw a striped guitar, one Brian must have forgotten. I picked it up, hey just because I’m a drummer doesn’t mean I don’t have some serious guitar skill. I strummed the strings; I just picked at notes here and there eventually getting bored and passing out.
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I haven't been posting because my co-writer says she wants to re-write all her parts but i think she's taking too long and you guys want to read, right? That's what i thought.
Thanks to xXcrazy-desiXx for her comment a couple days ago.

Song: Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance.