‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Eleven.

Chapter Eleven.

12:00 midnight:

“I just want to die, take away my life, and lay by your side, please!”

“Shiz monkey!” I whispered as I searched for my phone singing alone to the ringtone. “Come back to me-” found it!

“Yo?” I said.

“Hey Owen its Jake, there’s a party at my house and you should deff come. Maybe we can finish what we started earlier,” he chuckled.

“Haha, I’m sorry but I’m grounded.” He scoffed.

“So, It never stopped you before,” its true, I have sneaked out plenty of times. I smirked.

“Mind if I bring a friend?” he laughed.

“Of course not!”

“Okay see you in a few.” I hung up before he could say anything. I dug out my tightest pair of skinnies and threw on a white t.

I looked in my mom’s room making sure she was asleep. I confirmed my thought and walked out the front door. I mean seriously why climb out the window I make so much more noise that way. I walked to Daryk’s house praying to god Damien wasn’t home. He’ll slit my throat! But just to be on the safe side I climbed up the tree and to the window. The curtains were shut. I could almost reach the window with my long bony arms. My fingertips grazed the glass. I jumped holding on to the window sill making a loud thud as my body hit the house. I groaned in pain. Then listened to make sure no one heard me. I didn’t hear anything so I continued and pulled my self up sitting on the edge on the window sill. I slid the glass up and climb in. I was working on getting my last leg in when my shoe got caught and I tumbled to the ground with a big crash. I had knocked over a stack of CDs. Daryk shot up and screamed. I rushed over to him and clasped my hand over his mouth.

“Shh Daryk it’s me Owen.” He stopped struggling. I let go of his face.

“What are you doing-” my hand found its way back over his mouth.

“Shh!” I put my finger to my lips. “I’ll let go if you promise no yelling.” I whispered. He nodded.

“What are you doing here!?” he whisper yelled.

‘There’s a party and I wanted you to come.” I said.

“Are you high again?” he asked.

“No, I’m 100% smoke free at the moment.” I smiled.

“Well I don’t want to come!” he said a little too loudly.

“Daryk quiet down, and don’t make me kidnap you!” I said.

“You can’t take me against my will!” he shot back.

“You wanna bet?” I grabbed him and flung him over my shoulder. I walked to the window.

“I’m not even dressed!” I smirked.

“Knew you’d see it my way,”

After Daryk got dressed we just went out the front door. I dragged him to jakes house. Driving a car would be risky.

At Jake’s:

“Owen I don’t know about this.” Daryk looked around at all the people. All the drunken people.

“Daryk just have fun that’s why you’re here!” I yelled over the music. I saw a familiar head of hair. “Jake!” I screamed. He looked at me and smirked.

“About time I thought I’d have to drag your ass out here.” He handed me a cup, I took it with out hesitation. “And whose this?” he looked at Daryk with those lust filled eyes. He went to take his hand but I stopped him.

“This is Daryk and he’s hands off.” I snapped.

“Calm down! Sheesh.” He laughed. I smiled too. I was sort of kind of just maybe a little protective of Daryk. “Anywho here take this, drink it, it will do you good.” He said and winked at Daryk. Daryk took the cup unsure of what to do with it. “I’ll see you later,” then he walked away

“It’s okay to drink it Daryk it’s not a sin.” I laughed. He took a sip, looked in the cup, and then took another. I downed mine tossing the cup aside. I went to walk off but Daryk grabbed my arm. “You’ll be fine, I’ll be right back.”

I walked into the kitchen to see Jake leaning on the counter smoking a joint.

“Mind if I take a hit?” I ask. He smiled.

“Not at all.” I took it. Inhaled the exhaled then gave it back. I was too busy taking hits to remember what I originally came out here for. I gulped drink after drink after drink, just downing them like it was nothing. I was to the point that I tripped over everything and I had a speech impediment.

“Jaaaaaakkeeeeyyyy!” I leaned fell on him. He wrapped his arm around me so I wouldn’t fall.

“We should go upstairs!” he insisted. He pulled my arm.

“Am I-I-I-IIIII f-for-forgettin’ s-s-s-s-somthin’?” I asked. I had this feeling I was.

“I don’t think so.” I shrugged and let him pull me upstairs.

Daryk’s POV.

Owen had been gone for a long time now and I was kind of getting, what’s the right word, worried. I’ve been standing in the same spot for what fell like hours. I looked to my left, the kitchen door was packed with people but I pushed my way through. I didn’t see Owen nor did I see Jake. Where could they be? Why am I here? Just last night I told Owen I hated him even though I didn’t mean it. But why did he want me to come with him and why did I agree? I love him but how much can I trust him? I had this feeling I couldn’t but I wanted to so badly.

Owen POV
I stumbled as Jake dragged me up the stairs. He threw open a door pulled us in. he immediately connected our lips. I didn’t really think about it as I kissed back. I mean this is what I came here for...right? Jake backed me up and pushed me back. I landed on a soft plush bed. He climbed on top of me.

"Owen, I want you so badly." I knew it was true he lusted for as I for him. My shirt was first to go. He traced my chest and abdomen with his hands before leaning down to attach his lips roughly to mine. My pants were next leaving my in my boxers. He went to kiss me but I held him back. I took off his shirt and we went back to our make our session.

Daryk POV!!!! The moment of truth

I walked up the stairs scared of what I might find. Only hoping that Owen isn’t too wasted or high to think for himself, I turned a corner to see a room the door was wide open. I stopped and listened.
"Owen, I want you so badly." the voice said. I knew it, I trusted him and I knew I shouldn't have. I slowly walked in. I turned the light on. They both looked up.

"I think its time for us to leave Owen." I hissed. Owen was only in his boxers. Jake still had his pants on. They just stared at me. "MOVE!" I bellowed. Owen jumped up shoving Jake to the floor. I crossed my arms as Owen got dressed. "Hurry up!" I shouted. Jake finally stood up. He walked up in my face.

"What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!" he yelled. I pushed him away harshly.

“Going home! Owen lets go!” I said.

“Who said he had to leave?” he spat.

“I did! Owen, hurry up!” I looked back at him. He was missing his shirt.

“So you’re just going to leave?” Jakes asked him. Owen looked up.

Owen POV.

“So you’re just going to leave?” I looked up to see Jake’s hurt face. Then I looked to Daryk.

“I have to.” I said. The room was starting to spin a little so I blinked my eyes.

“You’re going to pick him over me?” he yelled.

“Well, yeah.” I shrugged. I walked around forgetting what I was looking for. I tried to walk past Jake but he shoved my shoulder.

“Ow! What was that for!?” I asked. All I wanted to do was find…what ever it was I was looking for. Hopefully I remember.

“I thought you were my best friend?” he asked. “Why pick him over me?”

“My shirt!” I picked up the cloth glad I finally remembered.

“Answer me Owen!” Jake demanded.

“I love him okay!” I grabbed Daryk’s arm. “We’re leaving!” I tried to pull him but tripped. Daryk broke my fall grabbing my arm. I stumbled out after him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm only posting this because i know that there are people who deserve it.
And those people are the ones who comment<3
To tell you the truth i didn't want to post today...or tomorrow...or like for another week.
I'm kind of depressed.
But i'm telling myself to get over it.

Song: So Far Away - Avenged Sevenfold
Oh and you ALL need to watch this video...i almost cried :
