‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Twelve.

Chapter Twelve.

Daryk’s POV

I pulled Owen up the stairs to my room hoping that my parents wouldn’t wake uptohis loudness.

“Daryk!” he yelled as I shoved him in my room. “Don’t be so rough!”

“Shut up!” I hissed closing the door. “Do you want my parents to wake up?” I walked over to him. “Sit,” I commanded. He sat on the bed.

“Daryk, you’re prettyyyy,” he said.

“I can’t believe you!” I said quietly. “You tell me you love me and then do this! I can’t keep up with you!”

“Youu don’t luv meeeeee” he said.

“How would you know,” I hissed. I walked towards the dresser. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Owen slowly turned me a round. His eyes bore into mine making it impossible to think. He caressed my cheek then slowly brought out lips together in a passionate kiss. I kissed back without realizing. Owens other hand was placed on the back of my neck deepening the kiss. His tongue slide across my lips. I pulled away harshly remembering that I was mad. I sighed. “Stop doing that.”

“Why?” he asked

“Just because.” I said.

“Because whyyyy?” he whined.

“Go to bed.” I said. He shrugged and went to my bed, laid down and cuddled in my blanket. I sighed. I grabbed an extra pillow and blankets then made a bed on the floor. I fell asleep to Owens snore’s.

Owens POV waking up

“Ugh.” I groaned holding my head. I didn’t have enough courage to open my eyes knowing that I’d go blind. My head was pounding. I squinted my eyes open then I opened them real wide considering those weren’t my blue walls. Then I squeezed the shut, my head pounding more. “What the fuck?” I whispered. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I looked around. I was in Daryk’s room, on his bed. I jumped up only to trip over a body. I crashed to the floor landing over who ever it was on the floor.

“OW!” they shouted. I jumped off and stood there staring at what I saw. Daryk was the one on the floor. I thought back to last night. I had asked him to come to the party with me then Jake- Jake! He distracted me, making me forget what I was in the kitchen for and then I got drunk. Fuck!

“Daryk you’ve got to tell me what happened last night!” I panicked.

“What?” he asked. I jumped on him. I shook his shoulders.

“What happened last night?” I said still shaking him.

“You mean you don’t remember?” he asked. I let go of his shoulders, though I made no move to get up.

“No!” I said. I combed my fingers threw my hair.

“You’re so stupid!” he flung me off him. He stood up and towered over me. he poked his finger to my chest. “You don’t remember leaving me by myself for three hours, you don’t remember getting drunk off your ass and almost having sex with Jake!” he shouted.

“I had sex with Jake!?” I stood up and pacing back and forth. I tugged at my hair. I had sex with Jake?

“No,” I looked at Daryk.

“But you just said-” I started.

“I said you almost had sex with him.” Almost?

“Almost?” I asked.

“I walked in, Owen. I looked for you! Do you think I was just going to stay there while you went up stairs to fuck Jake?!” he yelled.

“Do you think I wanted to fuck Jake?” I said.

“It sure seemed like it.” he turned away.

“Well I didn’t! I’m sorry I messed it up, I’m sorry I can’t be that person you want me to be, But most or all,” I made him face me. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“Maybe we’re not meant to be Owen, I don’t think love is supposed to be this hard.” He said.

“Well maybe if you were in love with me it’d be easier!” I yelled.

“Do I have to spell it out for you, do you never understand, are you really that dense, I love you Owen, way more than you love me!”

“You love me?” I asked, unsure if I heard right.

“I just can’t trust you.” He walked out of the door before I could ask any questions. I debated on fallowing him but I went home instead.


“Owen Synyster Sullivan!” my mother boomed.

“Yeah,” I said in a small voice.

“Where were you and don’t lie to me!” she said. she looked like she was going to have one of her psyco crazy mom attacks.

“I went to a party last night at Jake’s house.” I said. I knew better than to lie to her.

“Owen, you scare me when you do that.” She said quietly.

“Do what?” I asked.

“Run off without telling me. I just don’t want to loose you.” She hugged me.

“I love you, mom.”I said.

“I love you, too.”

“Hey, mom?” I asked.

“What?” she said.

“I’m going to Daryk’s” I smiled.

“Okay.” She smiled back. She rubbed my shoulder and sent me on my way. I wanted to tell her my feelings for Daryk and ask for her advice but I didn’t. I’d have to figure this out on my own. I went up stairs to change my clothes and shower. After doing just that I blow dried my hair and straightened it. When every hair was in its perfect place, I looked my self over in the mirror. Was I trying to impress Daryk? Yes, yes I was. I skipped down stairs. I wanted Daryk to forgive me, I wanted him to trust me. the first step was giving him my heart and soul.

I pounded on Zacky’s door.

“Hold on!” I heard Daryk’s voice from in side. He opened the door then slammed it in my face. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked.

“Daryk!” I yelled beating on the door. “Daryk Tanner Baker open this door I need to ask you a question.” I pounded more.

“What do you want Owen?” he yelled through the door.

“Will you go on a date with me?” I asked. He opened the door.

“What?” he asked. I sighed

“I said will-” I started.

“I heard you.”

“So will you?” I asked.

“Are you insane!” he shouted.

“I’m not insane, I’m not, not insane, Come back to me it’s almost easy!” I sang getting on my knees. “Come back again it’s almost easy.” I continued latching on to Daryk’s pant leg. He sighed looking down at me slightly smiling, that made me smile big.

“Owen.” He said shaking his head.

“Please!” I begged tugging on his hand this time.

“No matter how hard I try to hate you, you make it inevitable.” He said.

“So is that a yes?” I asked. He smiled. “Where do you want to go?” I asked excitedly.

“Let’s just watch a movie.” He said.

“Okay let’s go!” I dragged him to my car.

The ride to the movie theatre was silent. We walked in and I paid for too.

“Where do you want to sit?” I asked him.

“Over there is fine,” he pointed to the top right corner. We walked over and I let him sit in the inside. We made small talk until the movie started. Daryk seemed into the movie but I more interested in him. I didn’t even watch the movie just stared at the screen thinking about Daryk. I put my hand over his, surprised that he squeezed back. I was disappointed when he pulled away to sip at his drink. I knew he wanted to take it slow. I also knew that I’d have to give up a lot of things. I don’t know if I can trust myself enough, I’ll always going to mess it up somehow.
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I think I'm going to post every weekend. So there is a time frame between it.
Thanks to a7xgirl6661 and mistery gurl for there comments i really love them.

Song: Can't Stand It - NeverShoutNever