‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirteen.

Chapter Thirteen

Lexie’s P.O.V (Saturday Morning)

I woke up that morning with my arm wrapped around Damien’s waist, my head resting against his chest. I could feel his slow breathing under my head. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up at him. His mouth was open ajar, I laughed softly. I moved his arm slowly from my shoulder, I crawled out from my spot, looked at him, smiled, sighed, then I walked to the bathroom. I got in the shower. When I got out I wrapped a towel around myself grabbed my clothes then walked to the laundry room, setting them on the washer before walking up to Damien’s room. I went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and a Papa Roach shirt, putting them on. I turned around and gasped. Damien was standing in the doorway of his bathroom wrapped in a towel. He had a light blush against his cheeks.

“How long have you been standing there?” I said trying to look away from the water dripping down his chest.

“Long enough,” He muttered staring at the skin sticking out at my waist. I was staring at his skin as he stared at mine. Both our cheeks we red and we were frozen where we stood. I began to walk to the door, to exit the room. I was embarrassed. I felt Damien’s arms wrap around me. “Lexie, don’t be mad, you know I didn’t mean to walk in on you,” He kissed the back of my neck. I shivered into him.

“I’m not mad,” I breathed leaning into his body. “I’m just…”

“You just what?” Damien asked turning me around.

“I don’t know, never mind,” I said pulling away, but he just pulled me to him.

“Don’t even, there’s something wrong Lex, I know it,” he said searching my eyes for the answer. I sighed. Knowing that he was going to get an answer out of me he pulled me to the bed. He sat down pulling me down. He held my hands, caressing my fingers.

“Nothing’s wrong, at least not with you, I’m just…” I sighed, really wishing he would just drop it. Only now did I remember that the only thing on his body was a towel. I gasped at my stupidity and quickly stood up away from him. Apparently I surprised him because he stood up to. My fingers that were just intertwined with his were now connected to the towel that was no longer around his waist. My eyes just happened to flutter downwards at that point and let me tell you…*Inside my head: Smirk* Outside: Panic.

“Oh my god Damien, I’m so sorry!” I said pulling the towel up over my eyes.

“Um, Lexie?” he said, his voice cracking from embarrassment/nervousness.

“Yeah?” I mumbled from behind the towel. He pulled the towel down from my eyes.

**Warning** Sex scene in this part**

“It’s okay,” he said softly. He kissed me then. A sweet innocent kiss, but I got this fiery hot burning in my throat called desire and I deepened the kiss, pulling him closer to me, forgetting about the thin towel in between us. I wrapped my arm around his neck pushing him back onto the bed. With my other hand I pulled my shorts down to my knees then kicked them off. I ran my hand from his waist up to his chest and then his neck. I felt his thumb trace circles around my hip bone. His other hand was sneaking up my shirt and tracing the circle of my belly button. I slowly lifted my shirt up (I forgot about this momentarily while writing but Lexie has no underwear on…There on the washer with the rest of her clothes), so I wouldn’t distract him too much, only separating out lips for a second as I lifted it over my head. I reconnected our lips, leaning my body against his. I felt him gasp momentarily as he felt our bare skin touch. I kissed down his jaw and sucked on that one point on his neck where I knew got him. When he let out a soft moan I continued further down kissing along chest. He let out a gasp of surprise when I kissed a spot on his hip bone. I smirked before kissing it again and going back up to his lips. I leaned my body away from his lifting myself up. He whimpered at losing the touch of my skin against his. I giggled like a little a school girl. A gasp came to his lips as I grabbed him and lowered myself slowly on top of his hard on. I then gasped at the pain I felt. Damien immediately flipped us over and pulled out of me. I felt empty as soon as his body left mine.

“Are you okay?” He asked softly and concerned. No part of him was touching me.

“Yeah, but I need you, I feel empty,” I said leaning up and pecking his lips, pulling him toward me, which brought him back into my body. My eyes closed at the feeling. After he was all the way in I wrapped my legs around his waist refusing to let him go. I opened and saw him staring down at me, watching my facial expressions. A smile came across my lips. “Damien, go,” I whispered lightly. I removed my legs allowing him movement. Then he lowered his head taking my lips in his before pulling away and telling me he loved me.

He pulled out then came back in. My hands were roaming against his chest. I closed my eyes, beginning to feel the pleasure he gave me. He was being careful and going slow. I kept feeling an excitement that would disappear then come back.

“Faster,” I murmured but it came out more of a moan. I opened an eye to see Damien looking at me warily. “Now,”

Damien did as he was told and began moving faster. Moans started coming from my lips and I gripped his hair with one hand pulling at tugging on it and my other was wrinkling the sheets on the bed, gripping them with all my might. I gasped as he hit a spot inside me. “There,” I moaned and he hit it again with persistence.

“Lexie,” Damien’s voice was husky and worked up. “I’m not gonna last,” I looked up at him and his head was thrown back slightly but his eyes were fixated on me.

“Me either Dam,” I moaned and with that moan he hit my spot precisely and we both climaxed into ecstasy. Our names came out of each other’s lips and his knees buckled beneath him. He balanced himself so he landed next to me and I curled up into his side. He wrapped his arm around me and I felt immediately safe.

*Hours Later*

*Damien’s P.O.V*

Lexie’s hand was intertwined with mine and she walked through the sand smiling. The salt of the ocean soaked into our skin. We had spent the day at the beach and the boardwalk. Lexie was dancing around me. She was happy, which made me happy. I laughed at her silliness. We continued walking toward home and when we did, we each took separate showers taking the sand of off our bodies. When I got out of the shower Lexie was curled up onto the couch, sleeping. We had a long fun filled day. I picked her up and carried her up to my room. I climbed into bed with her wrapping my arm around her body. As she slept she cuddled up close to me. A smile was on my lips as I fell asleep.

*Lexie’s P.O.V.*

I woke up to the smell of food. My stomach growled hungrily. I groaned not wanting to move from the comfortable position I was in. But as my stomach made a final request, I decided it was time to say goodbye to the comfort. I rolled over and stretched my hands above my head, feeling that moment that you’re in complete bliss. Your body tells you it’s happy and you seem to squeal in happiness and comfort. I sat up slowly pushing my hair out of my face and standing up. I looked around the room rubbing my eyes. I followed the smell of food because the light coming through the windows was too bright for me to go above squinting. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and looked at Damien at the stove.

“What are you doing?” I said blocking the sun from my eyes which was extremely brighter in this room. I heard Damien laugh then felt his hand pulling mine away from my eyes. “No! It’s too bright!” I nearly screamed. Damien resumed to laugh again. I then felt his lips against mine and my hand moved on its own stroking his cheek then going around his neck. When he pulled away, I sighed in content. I opened my eyes looking into his deep green ones.

“Morning Lex,” He grinned pecking my lips again.

“Morning Dam,” I said. He turned back toward the stove continuing to cook the food. I went to the cabinets and got plates out.

After breakfast I called Matt. I heard a little voice on the second ring.

“Hi!” It must have been Cassie or Cloe, the three year old twins.

“Hi there, who’s this?” I asked.

“Cloeeee, my mommy says I’m not suppose to answer the phoney. I’m toooo young, but shhhhhhhhh don’t tell her,” she giggled.

“Cloe, this is Lexie, remember me?” I asked.

“Me think. Uncle Brian your daddy?” she said, I could basically hear the wheels turning in her head.

“Yup, he’s my daddy. Where’s your daddy?” I asked.

“He with Uncle Johnnnny in his studio room, Uncle Johnnny bring Sullian over and we playing so me got to go now,” She said and I could hear her moving the phone.

“Wait, Cloe can you bring me to your dad or Uncle Johnny?” I asked quickly.

“Oh okay,” I heard her running with the phone. Then knock on a door loudly. “Me can’t push it,”

“What are you doing Cloe?” I heard Matt’s voice in the background.

“Lesie,” She said. I heard Matt take the phone from her.

“Lexie?” he asked.

“Yeah Matt it’s me, Damien and I are in Huntington and wanted to know if we could come over in a little while,” I said.

“You’re in Huntington, with Damien, alone?” he said questioningly.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about the other day, I guess I was in a bad mood but things happened at school and we came to Huntington for the weekend to get away from it,” I said.

“Alone? Does your father know about this?” He said in a protective tone.

“Yeah he knows, Zacky knows too, Damien and I aren’t killing each other, we are friends again, everything’s fine, can we come over or not?” I asked.

“Of course Lexie, my home is your home, you know that,” He said laughing.

“Okay, we’ll be over in an hour?” I said.

“Okay, bye Lexie,” He said.

“Bye Matt,” I said before hanging up. I looked around the room to see Damien had disappeared. I moved into the living room. No sign of him.

“Damien?” I asked. I cautiously made my way to the closet. I quickly opened it. He wasn’t in there either. I huffed. I slowly made my way upstairs. Checking every possible hiding place, I was in his room looking under his bed.

“What are you doing?” I heard him say. I jumped up and grabbed my heart. My breathing was fast and my heart race was pitched.

“Nothing,” I said getting up quickly sitting on the bed.

“Were you looking for something?” He asked coming and sitting next to me. He already knew the answer.

“What?” He leaned over my body his face hovering inches from mine.

“Noth-“ I began but by his look I should just take the easy way out. “You, I thought you were hiding on me again.” I said. He laughed.

“You’re so cute sometimes, ya know?” He said attempting to kiss me. I let him get close so our lips skimmed then pulled away.

“Only sometimes?” I asked.

“No, all of the time,” he said bringing his lips close to mine again. I pulled away just as they touched.

“Are you sure?” I asked smiling an innocent smile.

“No I’m not,” he said grinning coming closer.

“What?” I faked a gasp, backing away.

“You’re beautiful all of the time,” He said grabbing my face and bringing it close to his. I began to pull away but he placed his lips firmly against mine and I decided that I would let him have these kisses. When his lips left mine and he began down my jaw, I pushed him away.

“Sorry handsome, we have to go to Matt’s in less than an hour,” I said.

“So?” he said continuing down my neck.

“He’s going to come here if we don’t show up…”I said. He froze. “If he sees us like this, you’re lucky if he doesn’t rip your balls off. Not to mention what my dad will do if he finds out,” I said a slight smile on my face. He jumped up and ran from the room. I giggled and got up slowly. I went down stairs. He was already in the hummer with a horrified look across his face. I locked the door behind me. When I got in the hummer I laughed. One hand was on the steering wheel the other was protecting his manliness.

When we got to Matt’s house, I knock gently on the door. It took about three seconds before it was swung open by Carly, the six year old.

“Lexie!” she screamed hugging me. Then she saw Damien behind me.

“Dam!” She screamed running toward him.

“Hi, Carly,” We both said smiling down at her.

“Do you want daddy? Or mommy?” She asked walking into the house, we followed.

“We’re just visiting, where’s Carol?” I asked.

“She’s in her room, she has a date tonight... with a boy!” she said whispering the end. I laughed at her. I remembered the boys have cooties stage.

“Oh really? Well I’m going up to see her okay?” I said. She nodded.

“I’m going to go see Charlie and Cole, are they in there room?” He asked.

“Yeah, video games,” she said before plopping on the couch watching SpongeBob. Damien and I walked up the stairs together. Damien went to the door that said ‘Charlie and Cole’; I went to the door that said ‘Carol’. We knocked.

“Come in Carly,” She said. I opened the door.

“It’s not Carly,” I said smiling.

“Lexie! You’re just in time to help me do my hair!” She screamed and that’s how the next three hours went. I exited Carol’s room when she was changing into the clothes she had decided to wear. I went over to Charlie and Cole’s room knocking.

“Yeah?” I heard before entering. Charlie was 11 years old with brown hair. Cole was 8 years old with blonde hair. They would be twins if it was for the age and hair color difference.

“Where’d Damien go?” I asked them. Their eyes still concentrated on the game.

“Hey Lexie,” Charlie said.

“We kicked him out because he beat us at our game, he said maybe next time, I think he went to see our Dad,” Cole said. I gave them each a small hug before exiting the room. The both still thought girls weren't the greatest so they tried to get away from me, but thanks to that game, I got them. I went up to the attic, where Matt’s studio was. I knocked on the door softly and Johnny answered putting a finger in front of his mouth. I walked in quietly giving him a hug. Damien was in the recording booth with a guitar. He was strumming a solo. I could tell it was ‘Warmness on the Soul’. Matt noticed me and grinned. He knocked on the window signaling Damien to stop. Damien’s head snapped up. I began shaking my head no wildly. I knew what Matt was thinking. He wanted me to sing.

“Come on Lexie, it’ll be fun, we won’t record I promise,” Matt said coming over to me. I backed up into the wall. I haven’t sung in front of Damien yet and I didn’t know if I was ready for him to hear it yet. I looked over at Johnny and he nodded. Lastly I looked at Damien. His head was bowed and I noticed he was as nervous as playing in front of me as I was singing in front of him. I sighed and nodded my head I entered the booth with an excited Matt behind me. I noticed Cloe sitting in his chair waving wildly to me. She rubbed her eyes afterwards and I knew she was tired. This would send her into a comforting sleep. I looked over at Damien and smiled.

“You ready?” He nodded shyly. “Me to,”

16 seconds into his guitar I began to sing the lyrics to ‘Warmness on the Soul’:

Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make.
And that feeling of doubt, it's erased.
I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.
You're the one, and in you I confide. NO

I looked over at Damien, before continuing. He had a small smile on his face.

And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your loves always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I watched Damien as he closed his eyes and played the small solo the song allowed him to.

And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your loves always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

As I sang the last words to the song I looked at Damien, watching him play as I sang.

I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I sat leaned back against the wall and watching Damien finish the song then looked out to Matt. He pressed the talk button.

“That was amazing you two, do you want to do some more?” He asked. I looked at the clock on the wall it said that it was 1:25pm, and then at Damien, he shrugged.

“I guess, but at 3:30 I have to go see Carol to make sure she ready for her date and we have to leave by 6,” I said. He nodded.

“I have to do fatherly duties and check this boy out,” He said standing tall. I laughed.

“Yeah, Cloe fell asleep, my singing does that to little kids; do you want me to take her to her room?” I asked.

“No the other kids will just bug her, I’m going put her on the couch, she’s not going to wake up, trust me,” He said. While he moved her over to the couch, I talked to Damien about songs. We decide on these songs: Afterlife, Almost Easy, Brompton Cocktail, Nightmare, Welcome to the Family, Danger Line, Buried Alive, Victim, Fiction, and then last So Far Away. That was as many songs we thought we would have time for. Matt came back over and we told him our list. He nodded approvingly.

“Oh and Matt?” I said looking at him through the glass.

“Yeah?” He said looking up at me.

“You can continue to record because I know you did Warmness on the Soul,” I said smiling.

“It was too good of an opportunity to pass up,” He grinned. By the time 3:30 rolled around we had finished the first 6 songs on our list and we just finished Danger Line. I smiled.

“Break time, ready Matt?” I asked.

“This kid isn’t going to know who he’s messing with,” He said making muscle arms.

“Don’t be too mean, you don’t want Carol to hate you,” I said.

“Why am I taking advice from you? You’re just dating yourself,” He scoffed a smile across his face.

“Because Matt, my dad already tried the tough guy thing I didn’t talk to him for a week, and he made a complete fool out of himself,” I said smiling at the memory. Matt picked up Cloe and took her to her room as I walked down the hall and I knocked on Carol’s door. She opened it and I hurried in her dad and the others wouldn’t see what she looked like.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“I don’t know, am I?” She said. I looked her over. She was wearing jeans and a v-neck purple blouse with a locket around her neck. Her hair was straightened, parted to the side and it went around her shoulders with her bangs framing her face.

“You look beautiful, he won’t know what to do with himself,” I said. She smiled. She had a small purse that held a cell phone, emergency credit card, and some extra money for just in case situations. Val had already set her up. The door bell rang. I smiled at her and ran out of the room and down the stairs. The whole family was sitting on the couch, apparently Cloe had woken up. Matt and Val answered the door together and welcomed him in.

“Hello, you must be Ryan,” Val said. “Carol has told me all about you,”

“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, yeah that’s me,” He said coming in. He had blonde shaggy hair, straightened to the side, cute for a fourteen year old.

“Where are you taking Carol tonight?” Matt asked.

“We are going to go to the carnival on the pier, my dad’s going to be with us,” He said looking around the room to see all people crowding it. Val began introducing Carol’s brothers and sisters.

“I don’t expect you to remember any of them but it’s good to know,” she said, pointing out oldest to youngest. Then she pointed to Johnny and Sullivan, Damien, and me saying we were friends of the family. Ryan nodded at us. Then Carol came down the stairs rushing to Ryan.

“Hi Ryan, hope my parents didn’t harass you,” She said blushing.

“No they were very nice,” He said. “Are you ready?” She nodded.

“Bye dad, bye mom,” she said kissing there cheeks. “Thanks for the help Lexie,”

“Be back around 9:30,” Matt yelled as they walked out of the door. We heard a yeah before it shut. I smiled at the family.

“Our turn to leave,” Johnny said picking up Sullivan in his arms. “Tricia and Mikey are waiting,” I gave them hugs as the left the house.

“Time for our dinner,” Val said heading to the kitchen. The family started to simultaneously move. I followed Val to help her. We spread out the food on the table, chicken patties, tator tots, and corn, simple but delicious dinner. I sat in between Damien and Carly at the table. Val had already assumed we were staying for dinner. After everyone was done and all the dishes were clear, it was 5:00 and Matt was dragging Damien and I back up to the studio. We did the next two songs. When we only had two left we stopped for a minute. We still and a half hour left. I was nervous about singing Fiction. It was basically Jimmy’s goodbye to us and it made us all sad. I took a deep breath and looked over at Damien; he was looking at me with concern. I knew he was feeling what I was feeling. I closed my eyes and listened to him play the beginning, it was originally piano but guitar was just as good.

Now I think I understand
How this world can overcome a man.
Like a friend we saw it through
In the end I gave my life for you.

I felt my heart clench and my eyes tear up slightly.

Gave you all I had to give
Found a place for me to rest my head.
While I may be hard to find
Heard there's peace just on the other side.

Not that I could
Nor that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin,
Let it burn.

Left this life to set me free
Took a piece of you inside of me.
Now this hurt can finally fade
Promise me you'll never be afraid.

I felt a tear escape my eye but my singing didn’t waver.

Not the I could
Nor that I would
Let it burn
Under my skin
Let it burn

The last let it burn I let it all out and I sang the perfect scream.

I hope it's worth it, here on the highway, yeah
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you

So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight

I hope it's worth it, what's left behind me, yeah
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you

So tell everybody, the ones who walk beside me, yeah
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight

On tonight I sang softly covering my heart with my hand. I looked up at Matt through the glass wiping the tear from my face. Matt had tears in his eyes and I noticed Val was sitting next to him on the couch. She was full blown crying. I looked over at Damien. He had a sad expression across his face and was looking down at the guitar in his hands. I went and touched his shoulder. He looked up.

“Are you ready?” I asked. “Last song,”

“Yeah,” He smiled sadly at me. I started singing as soon as he started playing. I felt my dad’s heartbreak in this song, and that broke mine. I couldn’t hold back the tears in my eyes this time.

As I sang the last words, And I need you to, need you to know, I looked through the window at Matt and I saw the tears had left his eyes. Damien was keeping it all in but it looked like he had a permanent frown across his face. It made me want to kiss his pain away right there but I held back due to Matt. Instead I took the guitar away from him and set it on the rack, then pulled him out of the room. It was just turning 6:00. We went over to Matt and Val. Cassie was sleeping cuddled up to Val and Cloe was cuddled up to Matt.

“Jimmy would be so proud of what you two have become, we all are,” Matt said carefully standing up and giving us both a hug. “All of those songs are in this program. I’m going to fix it up make copies and then I’ll bring it out to you guys, okay?” We both nodded smiling at him. I bent down hugging Val. Then Damien and I said our goodbyes to the rest of the house hold and we got in the hummer. Before Damien could even pull out of the driveway, I wrapped my arms around and gave him a sweet kiss. He kissed back before kissing my tear stained cheek and pulling out.

“That was sad,” I said watching his face.

“Yeah it was, but I’m glad we did it, it was fun,” He said smiling slightly. That was what I was looking for.

“Me too,” I said yawning a leaning my head against the window. Soon I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to mistery gurl and a7xgirl6661 for there comments.

Song: You're Not Alone - Saosin