‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Fourteen.

Chapter Fourteen

“Awake at night you focus, on everyone whose hurt you,” I heard Damien’s voice sing. He had such an amazing voice to me. I stayed where I was continuing my slow breathing to listen to him sing. I realized the song was Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides.

And write a list of targets,
Your violent lack of virtue.
Leave us alone!
You're on your own!
We are breathing,
While you're sleeping, go, (GO! )
And leave us alone,
The lines cheated,
Our hearts beating, go, (GO! )
And now you're on your own.
Here's to your perfect weapon,
Crack bones with blind aggression,
Like birds whose wings are broken,
You live without direction.
Leave us alone!
You're on your own!
We are breathing,
While your sleeping, go, (GO!)
And leave us alone,
The lines cheated,
Our heart's beating, go, (GO!)
And now you're on your own.

I decided now was a good time to turn around and look at him. I had a major crook in my neck. I did the whole fake groan wake up thing. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at him.

“Sorry did I wake you up?” He said glancing over at me turning the volume down.

“No, but your voice is amazing,” I said looking out the window for a second; I realized we were pulling onto my street.

“Not as good as yours,” He said smiling.

“Yes it is,” I said kissing his cheek, careful to the fact that he was driving. He pulled into my driveway. He sighed knowing he wasn’t going to get his way.

“Do you want me to come in with you or what?” He asked me. I thought it over.

“I don’t think you should come in because you have to go home, but you could walk me to the door,” I said smiling getting out before he could respond. He met me at the front of the hummer and we held hands as he walked me to the door. “I had a nice time this weekend,”

“Maybe we should do it again sometime,” He said coolly as we reached my front door.

“I’ll think about it,” I said leaning up and giving him a small tender kiss. “Goodnight,”

“Night,” He said kissing my cheek and walking back to the hummer. I watched him pull away before going inside. I entered the door. No one greeted me, so I figured everyone was asleep. I checked my cell phone. It was only 8:00. Mom was putting Bri to bed right about now. Dad would be in his office. So that’s the direction I headed in. I looked through the doorway and dad was sitting there in his chair picking away on his guitar.

“Daddy?” I said. His head snapped up.

“Lexie?” he said standing up and coming toward me, he all but dropped his guitar. “Your home, thank god,”

“Yeah dad, I’m home,” I said wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He picked me up and squeezing me. “I missed you too dad, but it was only one weekend,”

“I know but I was worried,” he said setting me down. “Why did you go?”

“Dad, maybe you should sit down,” I said. He looked at me warily, then doing as I asked. He went over to the couch and I sat next to him.

“Okay, tell me,” he said looking at me with concern.

“Promise me you won’t get mad? It’s already been dealt with,” I said.

“Depends,” he said. I sighed. He was my dad after all, he was supposed to care.

“There’s this kid at school, his name is Ronnie, and he decided to, I don’t know the word for it, mess with me I guess. Apparently no teachers were in the hallway so no one was stopping him. Damien saw him and he got mad. So he punched him in the jaw and nose,” I said. My dad had a frown across his face.

“I wish you would have come home, I could have done something about it,” he said shaking his head.

“Like what? Call and harass the school? No thank you, I’ll be fine daddy,” I said standing. “Don’t worry so much,”

“Yeah, like that’s ever going to happen,” he said as I kissed his cheek.

“I’m going to go see if Mom got Bri asleep,” I said walking out of the room.

“Doubt it, he wouldn’t fall asleep all weekend, he’s been sleeping with us,” he said as I left the room. I went upstairs and checked Bri’s room, they weren’t in there. They weren’t in Dad and Mom’s room either. So I checked my room. Mom was lying on my bed snuggling Bri against her on my bed. He was sleeping. She was just playing with his hair. I waved.

“He wouldn’t go to sleep without you, so I told him we could wait in here. I hope you don’t mind,” she said.

“I don’t mind,” I said shaking my head, “He can stay in here, I’m pretty tired so I’m just going to go to bed,” She climbed out of bed and I climbed in after changing into pajamas in the bathroom. Mom began to leave.

“Oh Lexie, how was your weekend?” She asked. I smiled.

“I had a lot of fun,” I said. She smiled back at me.

“I’m glad,” she said before leaving the room.

Damien’s P.O.V.

I pulled into my driveway. I sighed looking at the house. It wasn’t bad, it was actually a nice house, but it wasn’t home. The place where I just spent the weekend at was my home. I got out of the truck and walked into the house. I looked at the clock on the wall. 8:00…My family would be in the basement, guitar lessons. I walked that way and went down there but no one was there. I made my way back up. It was then I heard the music. I followed it into the living room. In this house the living room was in the back of the house, kitchen front, where this basement door was. I heard guitar first, then I heard my dad’s voice. I stood outside it looking in. My dad had his guitar and was playing my mom a sweet melody. My mom was lying on the couch, her feet in his lap. He was murmuring words and lyrics to her but I wasn’t paying attention to what they were. I knocked on the door frame. Mom’s eyes opened and her head snapped in my direction.

“Hi,” I said coming into the room.

“Damien!” She said getting up and hugging me. “Did you have a nice weekend?” She asked sitting back down next to my dad.

“Yeah, it was fun,” I said smiling and nodding.

“About school,” Dad asked.

“Some guy was feeling Lexie up, against her will, I couldn’t just let him do it right? I waited until she told him to get off of her, when he didn’t I punched him in the face, like twice,” I said explaining the fight. “She was pretty roughed up so we decided to go to Huntington, at first we we’re only going to stay a couple hours, but then we figured why not stay the weekend! So we did,” My dad just looked at me a slight smile on his face.

“Roughed up?” my mom asked.

“She had some bruises, the guy was pretty much molesting her,” I said.

“Brian knows about this?” Dad asked.

“I think, Lexie was going to tell him when I dropped her off,” I said. “The guy’s not going to touch her again, I mean I’m pretty sure he has a broken nose,”

“That’s my boy,” My dad said laughing. My mom gasped and slapped his knee.

“We do not approve of you fighting Damien, it was a good thing what you did, but did you really have to break his nose?” She questioned.

“Well, yeah,” I said. “Where’s Daryk?”

“On a date,” My mom said happily. I froze.

“With who?” I asked.

“Owen,” She said. I looked at my dad.

“A lot of things happened Friday night,” He said.

“I’ll just talk to him when he gets home,” I said standing up.

“Night Damien,” They said.

“Night,” I said exiting the living room and making my way up to my bedroom.

Owen’s POV!!

After the movie I took him home. When we got back it was close to 8:30. I walked him to the door.

“Daryk I-” he hushed me.

“I had a great time Owen, even if it was just watching a movie.” I smiled.

“Well I guess I should go,” I walked down all three stairs.

“Owen,” he said. I stopped and turned around. “I-I want you to stay.” He said, a slight blush on his cheeks. Sometimes I just wanted to squeeze the life out of him he was so cute. I refrained myself. I smiled.

“Okay,” I said. I jumped up all three stairs, Daryk leading the way in. I instantly regretted staying. Damian looked at us as soon as we came in. He looked confused and angry to see me standing so close to Daryk.

“What is he doing here?” Damien spat.

“I wanted him to stay,” Daryk said quietly. Daryk started up the stairs and I began to follow. Damien held me back.

“Why are you doing this to him?” he asked harshly.

“I’m not doing anything to him,” I spat.

“Don’t play mind games Owen I know exactly what you’re trying to do,” he said.

“Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I do have feelings for Daryk?” I asked.

“Not once,” he said then let go. He’d never believe my true feeling for Daryk.

“Why do you hate me so much?” I asked. I mean I didn’t like him but I didn’t hate him either. I just didn’t talk to him nor did I do anything to him, other that beat him up but that was years ago. He’s got to be over it by now.

“I just do,” he said. He walked up stairs and I heard a door slam shut. I practically ran up the stairs and into Daryk’s room.

“I’m sorry about Damien,” he said.

“It’s alright he’s just trying to protect his younger brother,” I smiled. I didn’t want him to feel bad I mean I kind of deserve the treatment Damien’s giving me. I hurt Daryk but he hurt me too. So in a way I guess I have the right to act how I do. I trust Daryk, I just don’t trust me and I’m not mad that he can’t trust me either.

“Owen, what are you thinking about?” he asked. I sat down on the bed next to him.

“Daryk, I don’t trust myself,” I said. “No matter what I have this feeling I’ll mess up everything,” I knew he knew it was true. “I love you, Daryk, but I want more,” I paused. “More than you’re willing to give me.”

“So what do we do?” He asked.

“I don’t know,” I said truthfully. “Maybe I can try and take it slow. It’s worth a try, right?” I said.

“Okay,” His eyes looked to my lips. I wanted so badly to kiss him but I knew I shouldn’t. I adjusted my self so my back was against the wall and I was sitting Indian style on the mattress. My eyes set on everything and anything that wasn’t Daryk. I felt the bed move and then a light touch to my hand. Daryk had moved to sit in front of me his hand lightly on mine.

“Owen,” his voice cracked a bit. “Kiss me,” I had no objection to that. I leaned in making our lips brush against each other.

“You sure?” I whispered.

“Yeah,” I connected our lips together. It was an innocent kiss. I pulled away; Daryk’s eyes were still closed.

“You have no idea what you do to me Owen,” he said. I could think of a few things. What I meant was, never mind! “Owen I wish everything could just be easier,” I felt the same but life isn’t easy is it? Our relationship will take work, work I might not be willing to do. I want to try, I really do it’s just what if I mess it up? What if Daryk’s right? What if we aren’t meant for each other?

“Me too,” I said. Daryk yawned and laid down setting his head in my lap. I combed my fingers threw his hair. I didn’t want this moment to end. He was letting me hold him and touch him, but how long would it last? I wanted it to last forever, but nothing last forever. “But nothing last forever, for all good things its true. I’d rather trade it all, while somehow saving you. Must have been the season, to through us out of line. Once I stood so tall, now I’m searching for a sign,” I sang softly. It was exactly how I felt at that moment. I grabbed the pillow behind me and put it behind me. I feared that if I moved he’d leave. I fell asleep, my hands still in his hair.

My eyes popped open.

“School!” I remembered today was Monday. I hate Mondays. “Daryk!” I shook him. ‘Daryk we have school!” I shouted.

“What? Huh?” he said looking around.

“School, Daryk, get up we’re going to be late!” he sat up. I jumped of the bed and rummaged threw his dressers. “Don’t you have any clothes for tall people?” I said holding up a shirt that was deff too short.

“How tall do I look Owen?” he asked sarcastically. I ran to Zacky’s room.

“Zacky!” I screamed. Maggie groaned and Zacky rolled over to look at me. “I need a shirt!” he yawned.

“The second drawer, now shh,” he said lying his head back down. I grabbed one, it said iron maiden. I was big enough so I slipped it on. My pants were clean enough so I didn’t worry so much about that. I went down stairs to see that Daryk was already ready and waiting for me. Apparently Damien left without us. We ran to my house and got in my car.

When we arrived at school the late bell had just rang. Daryk went to his locker while I went straight to my first class. I had a free period today. I apologized to the teacher for my tardiness then sat in my seat. I thought about Lexie. I haven’t talked to her in days. I had this feeling that we were rapidly growing apart. Now that I have Daryk back I’ve had no time and I’m sure her and Damien are working things out. I guess everything happens for a reason, even if those reasons aren’t good ones I suppose. I didn’t think about much after that.

The bell rang and I jumped up. I knew I had to talk to Jake about this sometime. What better place to do it than the band room. I walked in to the band room quietly. As always I was first here.

“Ready?” Mrs. Hill asked.

“I’m not setting up today, I think I’ll just play guitar.” I held up one of Brian’s custom guitars. She nodded and went back to her desk. Jake finally walked in. he saw me at his space with a guitar but ignored me setting his up right next to me.

“Jake look-”

“Owen how could you pick him over me?” he snapped.

“It’s not always about you, you know,” I said harshly.

“Yeah, well it should be,” he mumbled. I stared at him. He looked up and sighed. “Owen, I like you, a lot actually, I can give you more than him,” he waited for my reaction. This couldn’t be happening! Everything that happens makes mine and Daryk’s relationship that much harder. Jake likes me? I can’t even think straight.

“Jake I, I don’t want to hurt you in the end. You’re my best friend and I want it to stay that way,” I didn’t want to hurt him but most of all I didn’t want to loose my best friend I didn’t want to hurt Daryk. I know all I want from Jake is lust. What I want from Daryk is so much more, more than he’s willing to give me right now which is a major problem. I’m not sure what I want anymore. I want Jake, and I want Daryk. Which do I want more? Who am I willing to give my all to? I’m not so sure I can love Daryk the way he wants me to. My mind is just too filled up with these thoughts. Calm down, Owen breath and think before you do something stupid.

“Owen, are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, yeah I’ll uh call you later?” I ran out the room and to the bathroom. I slid down the wall. I texted Daryk to meet me here.

“Can we talk in my car?” I asked. He nodded.

I flung open the door to my car got in then slammed it shut. Beside me I saw Daryk flinch from the loud noise.

“Owen what’s wrong?” he asked.

“Daryk, I don’t know about us. I mean I love you I just don’t think it’s the way you want me too. I can’t trust myself around you Daryk, and I can’t trust my self away from you,” I looked down. I knew Daryk couldn’t trust me, not even with his life.

“It just isn’t meant to work, I’m sorry Owen, but I can’t fight for someone that isn’t willing to be fought for,” and just like that I let him go. After the car door closed I watched him walk away. I thought about going after him, but what good would that do? I’ll tell him how sorry I was, then I would just hurt him and do it all over again. It’s just how I work, I hurt the people I love. I can’t stop it from happening because I’m selfish. All I care about is me. It wouldn’t surprise me if I didn’t know how to care for another person other than myself. I do though, I care about Daryk, more than I’d like too. I started my car. I didn’t exactly know where I was going. I just wanted to get away for a little while. I wanted to think this over. I popped in a Mixed CD; I wasn’t really sure what was on it. The first note of piano brought tears to my eyes; I haven’t listened to Fiction since the day he wrote it. I cried because I missed my dad, also because it reminded me of Daryk. I honestly can say I’d give my life for Daryk, maybe more.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! (Just had to say it)

Song : I Wanna Hold Your Hand - Kurt ? (Glee Cover)
I don't even watch Glee but i love this guy singing this song!!!