‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Fifteen.

Chapter Fifteen

Daryk’s P.O.V

I leaned up against the school building and watched him pull away, the tears coming down my face. I didn’t know if I could go through the rest off the day with the big crack in my heart, but I had too. I couldn’t make Damien ditch after he did on Friday. I wiped the tears and took a deep breath, walking into the school. Apparently the bell had ringed and other kids were walking through the hall. I looked around. It was sad that I knew no one here, and no one knew me. I walked through the hall toward my locker. Everyone was giving me weird looks, but I didn’t really care. I kept my eyes concentrated on the blank spot in front of my nose, until someone bumped into me. I looked up to see a buff guy. He looked older than me by at least a year.

“Sorry,” I muttered continuing to walk by him. I felt him grab my arm. I closed my eyes quickly thinking that he was going to hit me, being buff and all.

“You’re Daryk right?” He asked. I opened my eyes quickly.

“Y-yeah,” I stuttered. He put his hand out to me.

“I’m Tyler,” He said shaking my hand, “I’m in your Biology class,”

“Oh, sorry I didn’t recognize you, I don’t know anyone really,” I said giving him a small smile.

“It’s okay, I didn’t expect you too,” He said looking me over, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said looking away from him.

“Okay…I’ll see you later then?” He asked. I nodded before continuing to my locker. I was struggling to remember what class I had as I opened my locker. I just had Math and English. Now I had…I looked at my schedule…Study hall in the library. I silently thanked god for not making me focus on anything right now. What I really wanted to do was go home and rock out to my guitar. It’d help me get away for awhile. I sat in the library for the hour I had to spend. When the bell rang I didn’t move and stayed where I was. I had no appetite to eat anything at the moment. Another hour and a half passed, extra time for lunch. Apparently this school trusted their students. I sighed in relief as the bell rang for the last period of the day. Biology. Tyler said he was in this class with me. I walked in and sat in the seat I was assigned with Owen. I sighed as I looked at his empty seat.

“Mind if I sit with you today?” I heard a voice ask. I looked up. Tyler was standing in front of me.

“Is it okay with Mr. C?” I asked.

“Yup, my partner isn’t here and it seems neither is yours?” He said looking down at Owen’s seat; I looked down at the seat too.

“Apparently not,” I muttered. Tyler sat down. The board said we were going over our notes from dissecting the frogs for half the class then the other was free time. Mr. C stood up and told up to get out our stuff then had a long discussion about a frog’s body parts. After that he told us we were okay to talk for the rest of the period. I opened my notebook and started doodling in it.

“So…how’s life?” Tyler asked. I looked up at him arching an eyebrow wondering what his deal was.

“Pretty horrible,” I said not caring.

“Why?” He asked.

“I’m almost positive you don’t want to hear my pathetic life story,” I said beginning to doodle again.

“Why? Because I’m some stranger who looks like a stuck up jerk?” He asked. I gaped at him.

“Well, yeah, no offence but I just met you, why would I tell anything about myself?” I asked seriously.

“Because you look like you need to let off some shit,” He said smiling. I had a nervous feeling about Tyler but it felt like I was finally making a friend.


The bell rang signaling the day was finally over. I waved goodbye to Tyler and gave him my last smile and walked to my locker. Damien was at his next to mine.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in years,” he smiled.

“Yeah I know,” I said not returning his smile.

“Why do you look so depressed?” He asked. “Who do I have to beat up?”

“I’m not, and no one,” I sighed shutting my locker.

“Uh huh,” He said. I looked over at him and saw Lexie running up behind him, before I could say watch out, she had her arms wrapped around him and her lips were locked to hers. I began to choke on the air I was breathing. Damien released Lexie and slapped me on the back. “Oh and I forgot to tell you, Lexie and I are together,” I glared up at him.

“Yeah? That’s just one minor detail,” I said sarcastically. He ignored it and continued to kiss Lexie. I walked away from them and sat in the backseat of the Hummer to wait. About three minutes later they arrived into the truck. Lexie was giggling actually giggling. They turned on the radio and began skimming the channels. Lexie began singing to some song she liked and I had to admit she had an amazing voice. I stared out the window watching the rain poor down. Fall was definitely coming fast. Damien pulled up in front of Lexie’s house and she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. She exited the car and Damien looked back at me.

“Are you going to climb up here and talk to me or what?” He said. I rolled my eyes and went between the seats to the passenger seat. “So what’s going on and don’t make me ask you twice,”

“What going on with me?! You’re the one who is going out with Lexie! You have to talk first!” I nearly screamed. He pulled out of the driveway a smile across his face.

“Daryk, I am one happy guy,” He had a huge grin across his face. I looked at him for further explanation. “Well Lexie and I basically ran away last weekend to Huntington and we ‘made’ up,” He looked at me with knowing eyes as he said ‘made’ up. My eyes went wide.

“No way! No way! You didn’t!” I screeched. He just nodded. I was silent for a couple minutes. “I told you that you would lose your v-card to her,” I said smiling. He just laughed as he pulled into our driveway. We got out of the truck and I went straight up to my room not wanting to really talk to mom or dad. Damien followed me.

“You have to tell me about your weekend. Mom and dad know? About you?” He asked. I sighed, then told him about my eventful weekend. Starting with Owen being high, our almost sex experience, Dad walking in, which he laughed hysterically at, me getting mad, then the party the next night and the kiss and me kind of admitting what he did to me. Damien was surprised when Owen thought everything was his fault. I finally told him about today and how I have a repeating thought that we don’t belong together, that our love for each other isn’t enough. And what Owen said about himself. Damien was furious that Owen broke my heart again but I told him to control and to calm down. It was my fault too. I just had to tell Owen that somehow.


I pulled up the familiar path way. The popping noise the gravel makes from the tires, the smell of fresh cut grass. I parked on the side of the gravel path. I looked to my right, an old lady was planting flowers next to a stone. She looked up at me and smiled. I looked back in front of me. James Owen Sullivan Feb. 9, 1981-Dec. 28, 2009. There were drumsticks lying next to it, they were worn and dirty. I sat down in front of the headstone. I cried.

“Dad, I messed it all up. I love him, dad. Daryk is the only one for me and it feels so right, but everything goes so wrong,” I paused to wipe the tears away harshly, “I miss you, and I miss Daryk. I miss the way things used to be. I wish I could just go back and fix it all. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m not sure what to do with my life,” I said the last part in a whisper. I picked up the drum sticks and tapped out a random beat on the foundation of the headstone. I just let the tears stream down my face, they had no intentions of stopping soon anyway. I felt a sprinkle of water on my nose. I looked up to see dark gray clouds. In a minute’s time it was pouring. I sat in my spot just letting the rain pour on my. My tears mixing with the rain that dripped down my face. I didn’t care that I was soaked and shivering. I turned around so I could lean against my father’s headstone. I hugged my knees to my chest, resting my head on them.

I sat there for 3 hours thinking about what I should do. Nothing came to mind. I stood up slowly, my muscles aching from the cold. I walked to my car. My hands took a death grip on the steering wheel. I didn’t really want to go home. I called my mother and told her I wouldn’t be home for a while, I told her I didn’t know how long I would be gone and that I had money. I had to convince her I would be fine. I told her I didn’t know where I was going because I didn’t want to be found. I started the car and drove out of the cemetery slowly. I pulled out and turned left. The place was only on the other side of the town, maybe a 30 minute drive away. I pulled in the bumpy parking lot. There were only four other cars there. When I walked in I was greeted by the lady at the front desk.

“Hey, can I get one room?” I asked.

“Sure last name?” she smiled. It was kind of creeping me out.

“Uhh, Sullivan,” I said unsure.

“Here’s your key, room 136, hope you have a nice stay,” she winked. I smiled nervously. I turned around started for the elevator

“Uhh, do you know what floor?” I asked.

“The second,” I nodded. I continued to the elevator. I pressed the up arrow, then waited. It dinged then the door opened. No one was in it so I walked in and pressed 2. When I finally got to my room I was tired. Missing school wasn’t really a big deal to me. I could easily make up my back work. I knew my mom didn’t want me too but I think she understands that I need to be alone for a while, just to think. I laid on the already made bed and fell asleep.

Daryk’s P.O.V

I rubbed my eyes as my alarm clock rang. I sighed looking up at the ceiling not wanting to go to school today. I flipped my blankets off took a shower and got dressed. I went down stairs and ate some cereal. Damien came down and grabbed the coco puffs.

“I’m going to drive today okay?” I said.

“You sure?” he asked with a mouthful of coco puffs in his mouth. I nodded. Truth is I didn’t want to be around Lexie and their lovey dovey shit.

“I’m going to head to school early,” I said. He nodded. I got in my 2010 blue camaro. I sighed as I pulled out of my driveway. 10 minutes later I pulled into the school parking lot. As I got out of my car I heard a wolf whistle, I looked around quickly.

“Nice car Baker,” Tyler said as he walked by me patting me on the back. He had learned my last name in Bio yesterday.

“Thanks, where’s yours?” I asked looking around the parking lot.

Owen’s P.O.V

I woke up to my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was 7:00 and Jake had texted me asking where I was. I didn’t answer. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I thought about taking a shower but forgot that I didn’t bring any clothes. Then I remembered that I almost always keep extra clothes in my car. Hopefully there are clothes in there. I went down the elevator. As soon as I came out I was greeted by the girl from last night.

“Good morning!” she said.

“Hi,” I said and quickly walked past out the front door. I unlocked my car and began my search for extra clothes. I reached my hand under the back seat. I pulled out the bag. Clothes! I ran back to the elevator and to my room. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I also spiked my hair a little. When I was done it was close to10. I went back down un noticed and left in my car. I went to a little diner I saw down the road. When I walked in not many people were there. I sat in a booth.

“Can I get you something to drink?” I looked up to see an older man.

“Mountain Dew,” I said.

“Okay, here’s you menu,” he handed me the menu and I took it. I looked threw it.

“Do you know what you want yet?” he set my drink in front of me.

“Blueberry pancakes please,” I said. He wrote it down smiled and walked back to the kitchen. When he came back with my food I immediately dug in. I was starving! After I was done I gave a 3 dollar tip and paid my bill. I checked the time on my phone, 12:05. I hopped in my car. I was going to do some shopping.

I arrived at a mall. I parked and headed straight for hot topic. When I hot topic I bought some royal purple skinny’s. I just had to have them. After shopping I went back to the hotel thing. I changed in to my purple pants and a black I see stars shirt. I was going out.

I pulled in the packed parking lot. Now I know I wasn’t old enough to go in the bar, but fake ID’s aren’t for nothing.

“ID please?” the guy at the door extended his hand out. I handed him mine. I got in. they all believed it, I mean how many 6’4 people do you know that are 16? I made my way to the bar. I sat up on a stool. A girl in skimpy clothes came over.

“Hey, what can I get ya?” she chewed her gum obnoxiously. I cringed a little.

“Bud light bottle,” I said. She turned around, grabbed a bottle and popped the top off. She slid it to me.

“If ya need anything just call,” she winked. What’s with all the girls hitting on me all the time?! Do I need to wear a fucking hat that says ‘I’m gay!’? Damn! I sipped at my drink before just downing it. I walked out in the crowd. I squeezed in and out of groups of people.

“Stop shoving like a motherfucker!” one said.

“Well maybe if you weren’t in the way,” I said. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

“What did you just say bitch!” He spat. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Who are you calling a bitch?” I ripped my arm out of his grasp.

“You fucked with the wrong person!”

“Okay guys take this outside!” I security guard escorted us out. As soon as he let go I was pushed in to the ally.

“What is your problem?” I yelled. He slapped me. “You just hit me!” I punched him in the face. he looked shocked that ik did it but then smirked.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” He growled. He pulled out a pocket knife. All I thought was oh shit over and over again.

“Are you crazy?” I asked. To answer my question he lunged at me. I grabbed his hand the knife was in trying to hold it away from me. his other hand was around my neck. I punched him in the jaw, distracting his hold on my throat. The knife was still pointed at my face. I kicked him away with my left leg and he stumbled back. He lunged at me again only thing time knocking me down. He straddled me, the back handed me.

“You really shouldn’t have did that,” After that I felt a searing pain on my left side. He stood up and kicked me in the stomach. “You know I once killed a guy that looked just like you,” he started to walk away. I ignored the pain in my side and lunged after him.

“You motherfucker,” I bellowed. I beat him until he passed out. I limped out of the ally way, I was just going to leave him there to die. By the time I got to my car I noticed how much blood I had really lost. I knew I was in no condition to drive but there was only one person on my mind. Daryk.

I speed down all the roads. I fought so hard just to remain conscious. I didn’t want to die but if I was I wanted to see Daryk one last time. I pulled in the drive way not even bothering to turn my car off. With all the energy I had left I limped throught the door and up the stairs. Daryk had his back turned to me.

“Daryk,” Was the last thing i remember saying.
♠ ♠ ♠
My update for today. Thanks to those who commented. You know who you are.
I like to ask people to try to spread this story around. I'd like for it to get out there more. It seems i'm not getting any more readers than my loyal ones. Not that i don't appreciate them because i do.

Song : Hell To Sell - The Audition
I'm putting a second song up because i've found a new love for it.
Song 2: Love Like Woah - The Ready Set