‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Sixteen.

Chapter Sixteen

Daryk’s P.O.V

I turned around at the sound of Owen’s voice only to see him drop to the floor. I ran over to him kneeling.

“Owen! What’s wrong?” I screamed turning his face to look at me. His eyes were unfocused and unclear.

“Daryk,” He whimpered his eyes closing. My hand grabbed his side as I tried to pull him closer to me. I felt the warm liquid on my fingertips bringing them up, I saw the red. Blood.

“Dad!!!” I screeched on the top of my lungs. Hopefully they were only in the living room. “Dad!!! Daddy!!!” Tears were coming down my face and I couldn’t hold back my sobs. I heard multiple footsteps running up the stairs and towards my room. I looked up as the door opened and my dad and mom stepped into my room. I looked at my dad’s face.

“Help him,” I whimpered. My dad picked him up pulling him away from my grasp and began to run downstairs toward the car. My mom pulled me up off the floor and I saw Damien standing in the doorway a horrified look across his face. She pulled me down the stairs and pushed me into the car. Dad was gently placing Owen in the backseat. I pulled him to me and cuddled him against me. Dad got into the drivers seat. My mom was going to go get Stephanie and Damien was driving her, they were taking my car. She was acting in control of her body but dad knew better.

“Put pressure on the wound Daryk,” My dad said as he began to speed down the road. I did as I was told using a part of my shirt. Owen groaned.

“I’m sorry Owen, but I have to,” I said into his ear. A slight smile came across his face before his eyes closed again. I felt him breathing against me. It was hard and short, like he was struggling. I looked up at dad. His eyes were concentrated on the road. I looked out. We were already on the highway.

“We’re almost there Daryk,” My dad said looking at me in the rear view mirror. I nodded looking back at Owen. My once white Avenged Sevenfold shirt was now a deep red, only that one part now. It was in splotches really. I looked back up at the speedometer. Dad was hitting 85. He slowed as we entered an exit and stayed at 55 until he pulled into the hospital parking lot and was parked. Dad quickly got out and picked up Owen bringing him into the ER. I followed. Apparently Mom had called because there were people waiting for us. They took Owen and started examining the cut right there. Dad pulled me away and into the waiting room. He pulled me into a hug and sat down; I was curled into his lap. More tears came out then and I looked up at my dad.

“Thanks dad,” I said. “It means a lot,”

“Daryk, you’re my son. I would do anything for you,” He said holding me tighter. I think he thought I would fall apart if he let go, part of me thought the same. We were quiet as we waited for the doctors. Apparently Dad thought it was too quiet. “Did I ever tell you about the day you were born?” Dad asked.

“No, I mean you probably did when I was little but I don’t remember,” I said, honestly I did, but I liked the story.

“Well it was a special day for your mom, we were going to her school reunion and Stephanie and Jimmy came too,” He smiled. “We had all given something to our girlfriends. I gave your mom the ruby necklace that was for you and Damien, the matching earrings and bracelet. Your mom didn’t tell me until after but you guys were giving a hard time kicking her hard and all. We went to the school and this kid Lewis, who you know about, began talking to her as I was meeting his fiancé. Well I thought they had been talking long enough and I went over there. I didn’t know that Maggie had already given him a piece her mind. So I let my opinion out and Maggie tried to get to stop but I was too angry at the guy. She finally got my attention. Her water had broken. We rushed her to that hospital and after 9 hours, I was waiting in the hall when I felt something missing. I ran down to the gift shop and bought you baby blankets and had the people embroidered your names there, and Sapphire’s. I ran back up and 3 hours later they brought out Damien to me. I was confused at how to hold him. We were all looking at him, and then Johnny asked ‘Is he real?’” My dad started laughing; it brought a smile to my face.

“What?” I asked innocently, even though I knew the next part.

“Jimmy slapped him upside the head! It was so common then,” my dad said tears coming to his eyes at the thought of Jimmy. I felt my heart strain. “Anyway, you all put your fingers out as your way of saying hi. Jimmy asked to hold him, and then the nurse came out saying you were to be delivered by c-section. They rushed Stephanie out of the delivery room and 2 hours later you were born. You were so small that I couldn’t hold you. I couldn’t hold you for days. We were so scared something would happen to you. You were a very small baby, 1 pound, 4 ounces, and 14 inches.” I looked up at him.

“You still remember that?” I asked. He looked down at me and smiled.

“Of course I do, it was one of the happiest days of my life,” He looked back up as Stephanie, mom, and Damien ran into the room. I jumped up and ran to Stephanie wrapping my arms around her and crying into the crook of her neck.

“Is there any news?” Stephanie asked my dad. She had tears coming down her face but her voice was firm. I’m guessing my dad shook his head. “Daryk? It’s going to be okay. Trust me. Owen wouldn’t leave us,” She said to me. I pulled away from her wiping my face; I didn’t think I had any more tears to cry. I had to be strong like her. So we sat in the waiting room waiting for the doctors to give us any news.

“He’s awake and asking for, Daryk?” I shot out of my seat so fast.

Owen’s P.O.V.

“Owen,” I heard my dad’s frantic voice.

“Dad,” I said. “Where am I?”

“You’re in between life and death.” My father’s voice came from behind me.

“What?” I asked putting my fingers through my hair. “You mean I’m d-dead?”

“No, you’re in between, you’re not dead and you’re not alive,” He explained.

“But why are you here?” I asked. “Didn’t you go to the afterlife?”

“Owen, I’ve been with you this whole time, looking over you and your mother,” He said.

“Oh, dad can I ask you something?” I asked.

“But you just did,” he smiled. I smiled to. “Go ahead, I’m not sure I’ll be able to help you though,” he shrugged.

“Well you see, I love Daryk, but I don’t know what to do I keep hurting him,” I paused. “I guess I just want to ask if you know what I
should do,” I said.

“Follow your heart, it knows all,” he winked. He looked around frantically as if something was telling him something. “But, Owen it’s not your time you need to go back, before it’s too late!” he said.

“I don’t know how!” I panicked.

“Just close you’re eyes,” I did as he said.

“Now what?” I said.

“Open them,” His voice was fading away.

“Dad,” I whispered wanting him to talk to him again.

“He’s coming back!” someone shouted. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids were like bricks. I felt something being pressed on my face. My breathes were short and fast. I wanted to open my eyes so badly. Then I remembered one thing, Daryk. My eyes shot open so fast.

“Daryk,” I whispered.

“Shh honey you’re going to be just fine.” She said.

“I want Daryk,” I said a little louder.

“He’ll be able to come in when we get you stabilized,” she said. There were doctors all around me poking and prodding me everywhere but I didn’t care. I just wanted to see Daryk.

“I want him now!” I yelled. I cringed because the yelling made my side hurt even more. I looked over to see Daryk standing in the door way, tears in his eyes, blood all over him. That’s when I started fading.

“Daryk we have to ask you to leave,”

“What’s happening?” I heard his frantic voice ask.

“He’s in a lot of pain right now,” she pushed Daryk out and every thing went black.

No pulse inside of me
Stone cold lips and heresy
All lies and to a degree
Losing who I want to be
You'll find out right now
He may be out of his mind,
But some day you will find
That sanity's left us all blind
and dragged us all behind
A moment seen through those eyes,
Crystal blue disguise
They say that all beauty must die,
I say it just moves on
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. I know i'm a day late and i'm really sorry. But I had this thing yesterday that gave me no time. So here i am a day late. But you're still reading right?

I'd like to thank PurpleXZombie for her comment. I appreciate it deeply.

Song: Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Song 2: Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri

The reasons for the two songs is that these song are the ones i long and i might forget by next week so here they are.
I'd also like to hear your opinon on them.
I'd like to tell you that I love you. Whoever you are.
And Thanks for reading my story... :)