‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Seventeen.

Chapter Seventeen

Daryk’s POV:

As they pushed me out of the ER room I heard a high pitch beep.

“We’re losing him!” I heard one of the doctors say before they slammed the door in my face. Tears streamed down my face as I made my way back to the waiting room.

“Daryk what’s happening?” Stephanie asked tears of her own moving rapidly down her face.

“Th-th-they pu-pushed m-me o-out, h-he’s f-fading,” I managed to push out through my sobs. I sat back in my seat next to my father. Damien brought his arms around me. I sobbed quietly.
We have been waiting for the doctors to update us for hours. Everyone was here sitting in the waiting room, well almost everyone. Brian and Lexie were here. Damien and Lexie were sprawled out on one of the couches. They didn’t care about their relationship being out in the open. Johnny and Tricia were here. Mikey and Sullivan was at Brian’s house with Alex and Bri. Matt was here with Carol. Charlie, Cole, Carly, Cassie and Cloe were with Val at Brain’s house. Mom and Dad were going on frequent coffee runs. I was huddled up against my seat, hugging my knees. My head was resting against it and I was staring on this different shade of paint spot on the wall. I have been like this since I walked out of the room and heard ‘We’re losing him!’ The thought of losing Owen scared me to death. I didn’t know what I could do if I lost him and the last words I told him were ‘It just isn’t meant to work, I’m sorry Owen, but I can’t fight for someone that isn’t willing to be fought for’. Those words just kept echoing in my head. I just wish I could tell him how I feel. I wish I could tell him I loved him.

My eyes left the spot I was staring at and moved to the clock. It was now 3:30 in the morning. I had been sitting here since 11:00 and the doctor’s still hadn’t come back out. A tear began a trail down my cheek as I thought about this. Finally a doctor came out.

“Owen Synyster Sullivan’s family?” The doctor asked. Everyone jumped up but not me, I knew it wouldn’t be good news. I could tell by the look on his face.

“Yes?” Stephanie asked walking up to him her lip trembling. My mom walked up behind her putting an arm around her shoulder for support.

“I’m sorry to tell you this but Owen is in a coma, he’s not likely to make it,” The doctor said solemnly. The whole room broke out in cries. The men were holding their women, with silent tears going down their face. My mom was holding out for Stephanie who was on her knees.

“Why! Why god! What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?! You took my mother, my husband, and now my son?” She screamed before whimpering the last word. My mom fell down wrapping her arms around her.

“He’ll pull through Stephanie, he’s a strong boy, the doctor’s don’t know what their talking about,” My mom said cooing her. Not a single tear had escaped from my eyes. I looked up at my dad who was waiting for it all to hit me, waiting for me to break down. Then I realized that no one in this room knew I was gay. No one in this room knew that I was in love with Owen. No one in this room knew that was why Stephanie and him left three years ago. So I stood up and looked at every single person there. They all looked up at me shocked that I was moving.

“I have something to tell everyone,” I said looking down at Damien. “I’m in love with Owen; I have been since I was 13. Stephanie and Owen left three years ago because I said some mean things to him right after Jimmy died. He had just kissed me and I was in shock. Owen couldn’t stand to see me with everything going on. I broke his heart even more. This is my fault too. Yesterday we basically broke up and I told him I couldn’t fight for him if he wasn’t willing to be fought for. So he drove away from school. Knowing him he wanted to get away, which meant drugs and alcohol which probably caused this. So this is my fault too. I’m sorry,” I said my face serious not a single tear leaking from my eyes.
Then I ran out of the room, heading for anywhere that I could hide just for a little while. I stepped inside the elevator hitting a random button. When the door opened I stepped out and saw a door across from it. I walked through the door and up the stairs. The first thing I saw were all the stars in the sky. I heard the thud of the door shut behind me. I walked into the middle of the roof staring up at the stars. Jimmy was up there. Owen might be up there right now for all I know. My gaze dropped to the edge of the roof. I walked slowly over, my mind not it’s own. I felt dead inside right now, like I died when Owen was slipping into the coma. I stepped onto the edge. It was about 15 inches wide. What did I have to live for anymore? Everyone could live without me. Damien had Lexie. Mom had Dad. I had Owen. Now I have to meet him where we will be happy together. My foot began to inch its way toward the ledge. I peeked over. It was a far way down. I looked up at the sky.

“I’ll be with you soon Owen,” I said my foot lifting off the ledge.

“Don’t do it Daryk,” I heard. The voice scared me. Not because it was sudden but because of who it was. “It wasn’t your fault and
you know it,”

“Jimmy?” I asked looking around carefully.

“Step away from the edge Daryk,” He said to me. His voice sounded like he was right behind me. I moved back slightly but not off of the ledge.

“Daryk! I said get down! You were always the good one. You’re not going to listen to me?” He scolded.

“But Owen…” I whispered looking back up at the stars.

“He’s not going to die Daryk, I won’t let him,” Jimmy said. I stood there for a moment debating to listen to the dead man whispering in my ear. “Trust me,” He whispered. I stepped back off of the ledge; it felt like the life had been breathed back into me.

“You promise?” I asked.

“Totally bud,” he said. I smiled. He always called me bud; I was Owen’s buddy as we grew up so he called me ‘bud’.

“I wish you were here Jimmy, this wouldn’t be happening if you were here,” I muttered.

“I’m always here, you just have to think of me to feel me,” He said his voice fading. I fell to the ground curling up. A sudden
exhaustion came over me. “Just follow you heart,” his voice was light and sounded like it was whispered into my ear. I felt a light pat to my head before my eyes shut and I fell into a soft sleep.

Zacky’s P.O.V. (Omg a parents? What?!):

I looked down at Maggie as she lifted Stephanie up off of the ground. The doctor came back in.

“You can go see Owen now, Mrs. Sullivan,” He said. “One friend can go in with you for now,” He walked back out of the room. Maggie looked back at me before walking Stephanie into Owen’s room. I looked down at Damien and Lexie.

“Do you want to see Owen?” I asked.

“No, seeing him like that, we just can’t,” Damien said. I knew he was speaking for Lexie who was crying into his shoulder.

“Take Daryk’s car to Brian’s,” I said. He nodded getting up and holding Lexie as they walked into the door. Tricia and Carol walked up.

“We can’t see him either, not right now, we’re going to ride to Brian’s with Damien,” Tricia said. I gave them a small hug. I looked
over at Matt, Brian, and Johnny who were sitting there staring at the doorway. Brian had his head low. I sat down next to him.

“I was supposed to take care of him,” Brian muttered. “This shouldn’t have happened,” Tears were coming out of his eyes. I put my arm around him.

“We were all supposed to take care of him, but it’s not our fault, these things just happen,” I said.

“But I’m his godfather, it was my responsibility, the night that guy killed Jimmy I told him I said I would take care of him, I told Jimmy…” He muttered. At that moment commotion came from just outside the room in the ER. I stood up and walked toward the door. A guy was on a gurney. He was pretty beaten up. His face was turned away. A silver object was sticking out of his pocket. His face turned my way. I gasped. That face was burned into memory. I walked over to the desk calmly.

“Call the police please. The man who stabbed Owen Sullivan is in the ER,” I told her. The nurse looked at me to see if I was serious. The police had been here earlier and no one knew anything so they left to wait for him to wake up. “I’m being serious, please do it,” I walked back into the waiting room. The guys were all sitting there staring at the door.

“Ummm, guys you’ll never guess whose out there and what I’m thinking,” I said to them still standing by the door. They all stood up and came next to me looking out of the door. “The man who killed Jimmy…and I think he stabbed Owen, look in his pocket, the police are coming,” I said to them. Brian began to run out there but Matt and I grabbed him.

“Brian, look at him, there nothing more you can do to him, he’s been beaten to a pulp, if he really stabbed Owen, who do you think beat him up?” I asked. Brian stopped trying to attack him and calmed down but kept a solid eye on him until the cops got here.

When they did we walked up to them and told them that he was the guy that killed Jimmy and that if they searched his pockets they would find a knife with Owen’s blood on it. Even they could see the knife handle sticking out of his pocket. Suddenly as we were walking away from the police I felt a breeze blow past me. I looked around for open windows or door’s but there were none. “Go back to the waiting room, I’ll be right there,” I told them.

The breeze went passed me again. It felt like I was being shoved in a certain direction. I decided to follow it. I had a feeling of worry in the pit of my stomach. Daryk? He had run away. I figured he went home but maybe not. I walked to the elevator and closed my eyes before pushing a random button. When the doors opened a door in front of me was swinging open. I looked around. Nobody was in the hall way. I walked up the stairs feeling right. As the door opened I saw the stars. A breeze passed my whole body then, it was warming. I smiled at the feeling. Looking down to a noise at the ground I saw Daryk. I rushed over to him.

“Daryk?” I said panicked.

“He’s just sleeping,” I heard a light voice whispered. A friendly voice, a voice I missed so dearly.

“Thanks for watching him Jimmy,” I said looking around me and lightly touching the forever tattoo on my neck. It felt like there was an arm around my shoulder.

“Anytime Zacky,” His voice was almost gone. “Everything’s going to be fine,” And it was gone with the arm across my shoulders. Tonight was a little crazy so I was accepting the fact that I was talking to Jimmy. I believed he was always here with me. I picked up Daryk and brought back down into the waiting where the doctor was talking to Brian, Matt, and Johnny.

“You can all go in now,” Was all I heard before he left. We went into Owen’s room and I set Daryk onto the chair. I looked over at Owen. He was pale and there was and IV sticking out of his arm. Stephanie was holding onto his hand silently begging him to come back. Brian went over to her and rubbed her back. She wrapped her arms around him.

“It’s going to be okay, Stephanie,” he muttered to her. I walked up to Maggie and wrapped my arms around her.

“Where’d you find him?” She asked me nodding to Daryk.

“On the roof,” I said simply. “He was curled up on the ground sleeping,” She nodded and leaned against me. “Tired?” I asked. She nodded. There really wasn’t much we could do here. “We’ll go home after I talk to Brian,” I told her. She sat in the chair next to Daryk. I walked up to Stephanie hugging her.

“Trust me, his going to make it, how many times are doctors wrong?” I asked her.

“All the time,” She muttered giving me a small smile. She sat back down in the chair next to Owen’s bed and laid her head against the bed closing her eyes.

“Are you going to stay here?” I asked Brian.

“For a little while,” He muttered sitting on the other side of the bed. “We’ll be back after we all get some sleep,” He nodded to me
before leaning back in the chair and staring at Owen’s face. I patted Owen’s hand before going and picking up Daryk and walking down to the car with Matt, Johnny, and Maggie. I put Daryk in the backseat of Matt’s car just realizing that he was still covered in blood.

“Can they ride to Brian’s with you? I’m going to go somewhere to clean my car,” I quietly told Matt.

“Yeah,” He said getting in the car. I kissed Maggie before she got in the backseat, she would clean up Daryk when they got to the house. I got in my car and looked at the back. There was barely any blood on the seats most of it was on Daryk. I pulled up to a car wash on the way home and took some cleaner and scrubbed the seats out. When I didn’t see anymore blood I began my way to Brian’s house. Everyone would be there tonight. And we all wanted to be together so we camped out on the living room floor.

Daryk’s P.O.V:

I woke up the next morning in a bedroom that wasn’t mine. I looked around. It didn’t look familiar. Damien, Lexie, and Bri were in the bed with me. I realized this must be Brian’s house. Bri was cuddled up against Lexie. She was hugging him into her, like she was protecting him from the world. I quietly got out of bed. Owen was in the hospital. Owen was in a coma. Owen was going to wake up. I smiled at that thought. I smiled at the thought of Jimmy telling me this. I looked down noticing that the blood was no longer on my body. I was wearing a clean shirt and clean pajamas. I walked down into the kitchen. The clock said it was 11:00. I noticed Carol, Charlie, Cole, Carly, and Mikey asleep in the living room. No one was awake yet. It didn’t seem like it at least. I opened the fridge. I pulled out eggs and the normal breakfast material. I turned on the stove. I began to cook breakfast figuring I owed them all something for my show last night. Brian walked in as I was flipping a pancake.

“Hi Daryk,” He said giving me a small smile as he walked passed me getting himself a cup of coffee. I began to put the food on plates. He turned toward me when he had his coffee in hand. “It’s not your fault,” I looked over at him.

“I know,” I said nodding.

“As long as you do,” He said. All of a sudden a million little kids ran into the room. Okay so only like 5, four 4 year olds and a 6 year old. Cloe, Cassie, Sullivan, and Bri all began to ran into the room. Brian put down his coffee. “Halt!” He said putting his hands out in front of him. “There’s hot food in here you all need to sit at the table okay?” He said. The all nodded. Everyone else soon walked in after words, not all at the same time but it little groups. I put all the food on the table and got out plates.

“Dig in,” I said. It was like a fight till death thing. Everyone was starving from the long night. Stephanie was staying at the hospital with Owen right now. I looked around and got a leftover to-go box and began to put food in it. “I’m going to the hospital to give Stephanie some food,” I told my mom.

She nodded as she sipped her coffee. I put the food in the passenger seat of my car as I began to drive. I ended up at the hospital 25 minutes later. I went up to Owen’s room. 304. I knocked quietly on the door. Stephanie was sitting in the chair with headphones plugged into her ears and her eyes closed. I patted her arm. She opened her eyes; she gave me a small smile.

“I brought you food,” I said holding up the carton.

“Thanks, I was beginning to starve,” She said laughing lightly. I was wondering why she was in such a good mood.

“What’s going on?” I asked her as I sat across from her. “Did anything happen? You seem happy?”

“No, his condition hasn’t changed or anything,” She said sighing. “But last night, I had a dream, a good dream,” She said open the container of food.

“About what?” I asked.

“Jimmy, god I miss him so much, sometimes it feels like he didn’t die, in my dream he told me everything was going to be okay, he said that Owen would get through this,” She told me. I felt like I could tell her about last night.

“Stephanie…Last night after I said that in the waiting room I went up to the roof…and I wanted to kill myself,” I said quietly.

“Daryk!” She gasped.

“But I didn’t because Jimmy told me not to, that Owen wasn’t going to die, that he wouldn’t let him, and I believe Jimmy Stephanie, I
don’t think Owen’s going to die, I think he’s going to make it,” I said.

“He is going to,” She said grabbing his hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi There!
For some odd reason, I miss you, whoever you are...
And i'm sad that you have been talking to me lately.
I'd also like to say that my birthday is in six days and I am very excited!
I'm thinking of posting an extra chapter on that special day.
I have some news concerning the story...
There MIGHT be a hiatus in updates.
Apparently i'm posting to close together because all of a sudden I've almost posted ALL of it!
But that depends if i write more of not and get inspired before i make the decision...

Anyway! I hope you have a very good day!
Song: The Best Is Yet To Come - Hinder.