‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Eighteen.

Chapter Eighteen.
That’s how the following weeks went. A week after Owen got admitted to the hospital, I started to go to school again. Tyler had been worried but understood when I told him about Owen. Matt and Johnny and their families went back to Huntington but were only a phone call away. The kids had school but they would drive out on weekends to see Owen. When the four week marker hit the doctors told us that there was beginning to be brain activity again. Owen’s blood was circulating correctly and his condition was improving. They were expecting him to wake up. I went to the hospital everyday after school to see him. His cheeks were getting rosier. It was two months and 4 days since Owen was admitted to the hospital and apparently Owen brain activity had spiked. It was a Friday night and I decided to bring in my guitar to play him a couple of songs. It was almost Thanksgiving. His birthday would be coming up soon. It was the 18th. I was just hoping that he’d be awake for it.

Owen POV:

I could here them. I could here their voices. I could here their cries. I could pick out voices, so familiar yet so distant. Daryk, I heard him. I felt him, hell I even smelt him. I tried to open my eyes, really I did, but nothing seemed to be working. I tried moving, but I didn’t have any control over my own body. I didn’t like it. I heard Daryk’s sweet voice along with strumming of a guitar and the familiar tune of a familiar song. I tried my hardest to move, anything to signal I knew he was there. He stopped playing and I heard something scrape. I felt a warm hand link fingers with my cold one.

“Owen, I need you here with me, if you can here me, please give me a sign,” He paused. I felt his lips on the back of my hand. “I love you,”
I tried to open my eyes again, this time they shot wide open.

“Daryk,” I said in a raspy voice. His head shot up to look at my face.

“Y-you’re awake?!” he asked. I nodded and looked in to his beautiful green eyes.

“I love you too,” I said squeezing his hand that was linked with mine. His eyes never relaxed, it was like he thought that this wasn’t real, like I would go back into the coma any second.

“I’m going to get the doctor,” He said about to leave the room.

“Wait,” I said. “Come here,” He came back over to me. “Come closer,” He leant down next to my face. “Kiss me,” I whispered. He was hesitant but he brought his moist plump lips to my dry crisp ones. My hand caressed his cheek as our tender kiss ended. He rested his forehead against mine, I opened my eyes slowly. His eyes were still closed. I kissed the edge of his lips.

“Can I have some water?” I said. The hoarseness of my voice was starting to get to me.

“Yeah,” Daryk said pulling away from me. He poured me a glass of water, and held it for me. I tried to grab it, but he wouldn’t let me take it. “The doctor’s said your body might be weak if you wake up, I don’t want you to spill it on yourself,”

“I don’t have enough strength to drink a cup of water?” I asked sarcastically.

“I don’t know, but do you really want to take the chance of getting soaking wet?” He asked. No. Not really. I shook my head. I let him hold the water as I drank and my throat immediately felt better.

“You can go get the doctor’s now,” I told him. He put the glass down and walked out of the room. He came back in with a doctor in tow. He was happy to see I was awake and he checked my vitals. Then he said he would call my mother. “No, can I call her?” I asked. He nodded. Daryk pulled out his cell phone and handed it to me. I began to dial my house number.

“She’s at my house, she hasn’t been back at your house since the night you were admitted,” Daryk told me. “She can’t stand to see it empty,” I nodded sadly and dialed my mom’s cell number instead. She answered on the second ring.

“Hey Daryk, what’s up?” She said coolly.

“Hi mom,” I said simply. I heard a piercing scream through the phone, I had to pull it away from my ear.

“Why the hell are you screaming?” I heard Maggie said in the background.

“Hello? She just threw the phone at me, she’s jumping up and down like a crazy person,” Maggie told me.

“Hi Maggie,” Another piercing scream, what the hell, couldn’t I talk to someone?

“Okay, whoever this is you’re making my life really hard, I’m now going have to deal with two insane women all day,” Zacky said into the phone.

“Zacky, whatever you do don’t scream,” I said carefully. I heard a thud, then nothing. I took the phone away from my ear to look at the screen. The call had ended. I shrugged.

“I guess they didn’t want to talk me,” I said handing back Daryk the phone. Daryk laughed.

“Yeah, like that’s it. Owen, we’ve been waiting to talk to you for two and a half months,” Daryk said to me.

“What?” I whispered my face going pale. Daryk’s smile fell and his face went serious. He looked almost scared as he looked at me.

“How long was I under?”

“T-two and a half m-months,” Daryk said quietly stuttering. I looked down at our hands noticing how thin mine were. I looked at my body, I was all bones, and my small abs were gone.

“I was gone for that long,” I whispered tears coming to my eyes. I looked up at Daryk he was staring at our hands a frown upon his face. “I’m sorry Daryk, I couldn’t come back, I tried, and I tried so hard. I could hear you, I could feel you, hell I could even smell you, but I couldn’t open my eyes. It only seemed like a couple days but two and a half months? I just can’t believe it,” I said. Small tears were escaping my cheeks slowly. One tear at a time would slide down my face. I closed my eyes trying to stop them. I shut them as tight as I could; I just want the tears to stop. I felt Daryk fingertips against my face.

“Open you eyes Owen,” He whispered. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want him to see me cry. Why was I even crying? Because I just missed two months of my life, because god knows what was going on with my family. God knows how much of a wreck my mother is, my mother… She must be dying. She lost dad, and she almost lost me. “Owen, please,” Daryk begged. I couldn’t resist his begging; I just couldn’t. My eyes opened slowly to see Daryk’s green eyes directly in front of mine. They were sparkling, they looked alive…they looked happy. My hand came up in its own accord, tracing his cheekbone right below his eye.

“I missed you so much Owen,” Daryk said he had a small smile on his face. “I came everyday. I had too, even if it was seeing you the way you were, just seeing you drives me crazy, I knew you would come back to me,”

“I missed you too, you’re the one I want to be with, you’re the one,” I whispered the last part. I looked down at him lips. My heart began to race as I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine, grabbing his lips with mine. We moved our lips together in sync. I need to feel him again, just the touch of our kisses were enough for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him onto to the bed with me.

‘Beep____Beep___Beep__Beep_Beep.’ We pulled away from each other and looked up to the machine that was attached to me. My heart was apparently going crazy. Daryk smirked down at me. I grinned.

“Don’t worry you do that to me to,” He said. “But the doctors are going to come in here in 5 seconds so…” He got off of me and sat back in the chair….3…2..1. A nurse ran into the room.

“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yeah, why?” I asked innocently.

“Your heart race just raised a lot,” She told me.

“We’re just talking, maybe the machine malfunctioned?” I said shrugging.

“Maybe,” she said eyeing us. Then she walked out of the room. When we believed she was a distance away we both burst out laughing. Then suddenly my mom walked in, more like ran. I was shocked. It was just me and Daryk, and then all of a sudden out of
no where my mom was on top of me attacking me with hugs and kisses.

“Owen! I love you so much monkey! I’m so glad you’re back! Never ever do that again! You’re grounded for real this time! For forever!” She screamed not getting off of me or relinquishing me from her hold. Maggie came in and pulled her off of me.

“You’re going to send him back into a coma,” Maggie said. Zacky came in with Lexie and Damien behind him, oddly holding hands. Lexie came and almost jumped on me, but Damien held her back.

“I’m going to kill you! What the hell took you so long?!” She screamed at me.

“I don’t know, I tried to open my eyes but it wouldn’t work,” I said, everyone looked at me weirdly. “I could hear you; I could do everything but move and open my eyes,”

“So what changed? What happened to make your eyes open?” my mom asked me. I shyly looked over at Daryk. I’m guessing he knew why I had opened my eyes. Everyone was looking at me, waiting for my answer.

“I told him I loved him,” Daryk muttered quietly. Everyone turned and gaped at him.

“That’s all it fucking took? For you to tell him you loved him. And then poof he woke up?!” Lexie shouted.

“I guess,” I shrugged; my voice was becoming hoarse again. Daryk brought me my glass of water putting it to my lips. I took a couple gulps and he pulled away. The doctor came in.

“Oh Mrs. Sullivan you’re here,” He said.

“How many times have I told you to call me Stephanie?” She asked.

“Many,” He said before coming over to me. “Okay, so Owen, we need to take you for tests soon, I know it’s night but it’s less crowded now so we might as well, we need to scan your brain, the physical therapist will be here in the morning to see if you can walk and get some of that muscle back. We’ll see how everything goes then we’ll tell you when you can go home,” He said. I nodded.

“I’m sorry, but what’s your name? I don’t remember ever learning it,” I said.

“I’m Dr. Grant Nixon, I’ve been your neurologist for the past two months,” He said before walking out of the room.

“He seems nice,” I said looking around. For the rest of the night we hung out in my room. Brian, Alex and Bri arrived soon after Dr. Nixon left.

“I hope you know you’re grounded,” He said as soon he entered the room. “You grounded him right?” He said to my mom. She nodded her head proudly.

“Thanks for missing me Brian,” I said faking a frown. He came over and hugged me for a good five minutes. It was as he thought I would disappear.

“I’ve missed you too much little man,” He said messing up my hair. Bri came up and sat on my bed next to me. He was getting so old.

“Your turning four soon aren’t you?” I said to him. He nodded his head eagerly.

“I’m glad I woke up in time,” I said hugging him. Matt and Johnny arrived soon after that with their families. So my room was crowded full of people, literally. Cloe, Cassie, Sullivan, and Bri were all curled up on the end of my bed, taking to each other. All the ‘adults’ were talking in one corner. My mom kept looking over to make sure I was okay. Damien and Lexie were sitting on the extra bed in my room. I had my own room but there was an extra bed for when my mom or Daryk spent the night with me, that’s what my mom said. I looked over at them.

“So when did you two happen?” I asked.

“About three days before you went into the coma, but you were like unreachable to talk to!” Lexie said trying to be harsh but she didn’t manage it. I smiled at them, and then looked at Damien.

“You better be taking care of her,” I said seriously. He nodded.

“I have been,” He smiled looking down at her. I turned toward Daryk who was lazily picking at his guitar. I watched him, he didn’t notice. He played some random songs. I was smiling. He looked up.

“What?” He asked a blush coming across his cheeks.

“You’re so cute,” I said quietly so no one could hear me. He smiled. “Play me something,”

“Like what?” He asked. I smiled inwardly.

“Surprise me,” I said. He looked at me before looking back down at his guitar. The first cord and I knew the song, it was one of my favorite and he knew it.

“ I've been looking for something sacred,
Running away from the light.
Got a burn all the bridges in my head,
That lead me away from my life.

I question my own existence,
Question the meaning of life.

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on
I can't live on
Carry me
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me,
I am crazy.

Without you,” Daryk paused at singing. I interjected before he could start to sing again.

“It takes horns to hold up my halo,
And strength to get through the fight.
Now I'm laying my cards on the table,
Praying that everything will be alright.

I question my own existence,
Question the meaning of life.

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on,
I can't live on.
Carry me.
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me,
I am crazy.

Without you. “ I stopped sing as he played.

“The hardest ones to love,
Are the ones that need it most,” Daryk song that part.
“The hardest ones to love,
Are the ones that need it most,” I joined in.
“The hardest ones to love,
Are the ones that need it most.” I was surprised when I heard Damien and Lexie join in.

“Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can’t move on,
I can’t live on.
Carry me.
Why don’t you carry me?
I can't save me,
I am crazy,” We all song that part together.

“The hardest ones to love,
Are the ones that need it most,” Mom joined in coming over to me and put her arm around my shoulder.
“The hardest ones to love,
Are the ones that need it the most” Maggie and Zacky joined. Zacky put his hand on Damien’s shoulder.
“The hardest ones to love,
Are the ones that need it most,” Matt joined in, singing softly, he put his arm around Val, hugging her.
“The hardest ones to love,
Are the ones that need it the most,” Everyone else who knew the song joined in then.
“Carry me (carry me)
Carry me
Carry me (carry me)
Carry me (carry me)” Daryk played the last note and Maggie hugged him.

“That’s was wonderful honey,” She said to him kissing his forehead. She had tears in her eyes. My mom hugged me too. She was crying too, full blown crying.

“I missed you so much Owen, just please don’t do that to me again, okay? I can’t lose you too,” She said to me, I lifted myself up and put my arms around my mother.

“I won’t mom, I’m sorry, it just happened so fast,” I told her. She pulled away from me.

“What happened? What put you here?” She asked. I looked at Daryk, then back at my mom.

“I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, I guess,” I said. She didn’t need to know that the guy who stabbed me was the same guy that killed dad. She didn’t need to worry that he was still out there. Zacky came up to me, so did Brian, Matt and Johnny.

“He’s in jail Owen,” Brian said looking up at me.

“Who?” I asked confused. No one knew who stabbed me but me, right?

“Steve Burnen, he was the guy that stabbed you, he was the guy that killed Jimmy,” Johnny said.

“How did you know?” I asked looking around at all of them.

“He was brought to the hospital that night you were admitted. We knew who he was, we saw the knife in his pocket, we put two and two together,” Matt said.

“The cops believed us,” Zacky said. My mom squeezed me in her arms tighter.

“So it’s over?” I asked shuddering into my mom.

“Yeah monkey, it is,” She said to me. I sighed in relief.

“I love you guys,” I said hugging them all. “I’m glad I’m back,”

Lexie’s P.O.V

I tossed and turned in my bed. Bri had decided to sleep in my room but not because he was scared to sleep alone. His exact words were: “me wouldn’t sleep in your oom because you move too much but me tink you are scared, so me sleep with you sill.”

I didn’t know why I couldn’t sleep tonight. I figured that before it was because I was worried about Owen, but now Owen’s out of the coma. So what’s wrong with me? I had also felt weird while Owen was in the coma, like at any moment I would get sick. I figured it was because I was worried. But why did I feel it still? Last night was the first time I actually sang in about a month. I just haven’t been in the mood lately. I was surprised last night actually when I started singing. I checked my clock. It was only 9:30 on a Saturday and I was wide awake questioning my self. I sat up out of bed looking over at Bri. He was curled up into my blanket. I walked into the bathroom and did my business. I grabbed a hoodie out of my closet because I was suddenly cold and went down into the kitchen. I sat at the island and didn’t feel like eating. I looked outside. I was rainy and muggy. Perfect weather for the mood I was in, a spoiled rotten one. I grabbed the keys off the counter and got into my bright silver 2010 Kia SOUL. I pulled out of my driveway and drove the 20 minutes is took me to get to the hospital. I had to talk to Owen about everything that was on my mind. My cell phone started to go off but the caller I.D. said ‘Damien’ and I pushed ignore. What I had to do right now was more important. I pulled up and pushed Owen’s floor number in the elevator. I walked down the hall and into Owen’s room quietly and slowly. Owen was sitting up playing with his fingers. He looked up as soon as he heard my footsteps. He eyed me warily.

“You’re not going to attack me, are you? There’s no one here to save me this time,” He said.

“No not unless you irritate me,” I said. I lounged in the bed next to his.

“So why are you here this early morning?” Owen said.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I said looking over at him.

“Why not? Are you fucking Damien too much?” He joked. Normally I would find that funny but the mood I was in, it was even close.

“No, that might be the problem; I don’t feel like fucking, I don’t feel like doing anything. Damien and my relationship isn’t based on sex at all but every time he tries to be romantic I’m not it the mood, I just feel eh all the time, I’m sorry to load on you but I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I said sadly.

“Have you and Damien even had sex?” Owen asked.

“Yeah, a couple months ago, before you went into the coma,” I said. “Not really since then because of every thing,”

“So what like three months ago?” Owen asked.

“More or freaking less,” I said getting slightly irritated.

“So what you’re feeling down all the time?” Owen asked.

“Yeah, I thought it was because you were in a coma but I still feel down, and I felt sick but I thought it was because of the worry, ya
know? But again you’re all better,” I said pointing at him to point out the obvious.

“Lexie, think about it, what makes girls sick for two freaking months and almost completely lazy,” he said cockily.

“Owen, I am not lazy! Just not motivated,” I said firmly.

“And temperamental,” He said to me shaking his head. He grabbed the phone and pushed a button.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Could you send a nurse to my room please?” He asked politely into the phone. 3 minutes later a nurse in about her early 20’s walked into the room.

“Hi Claire, you didn’t have to rush but I need a wheelchair, I have to take a trip to the next floor up with her,” He said simply.

“What’s one floor up?” I asked.

“Nothing Lexie; just be patient,” He told me. The nurse came back with a wheelchair. I helped Owen into it. “That’s all Claire thanks,
if anyone asks where I am, tell them I’m taking a tour, I was bored,” She nodded leaving the room.

“Owen, where are we going?” I asked.

“Just get behind me and freaking push,” He said. I did as I was told not liking it at all, but I pushed him to the elevator. We went up one floor. The door’s dinged open. A huge sign was hanging in front of the elevator. MATERNITY, I froze in my spot.

“Owen, what are we doing here?” I asked my voice shaking.

“You know what, Lexie, now come on,” He said pushing himself out of the elevator with whatever strength he could manage. I slowly
walked out the elevator. I pushed Owen down the hall. I wasn’t concentrating on anything. There wasn’t a chance I could be pregnant. No. Damien and I were careful that one time. We used protection, right? I strained my memory to remember but I couldn’t.

“Turn here Lexie,” I did. There was a sign that said PREGNANCY TESTING + PATIENT CARE. I pushed Owen up to the desk. “Hi, could we get a pregnancy test please,”
The nurse looked at Owen a little weirdly before saying yes and asking if we wanted blood or urine.

“Urine,” Owen said cringing slightly. The nurse gave him the test and I handed her some money for it.

“I’m sorry to ask but why are you in a wheelchair?” She said politely.

“I woke up last night from a coma I’ve been in for two months, I don’t have energy to walk,” Owen said irritated. I knew he was thinking that it was none of her damn business. I pushed him back down into his room and he handed me the test. “Go into the bathroom right now,” He said.
I helped him onto the bed first. I peed on the stick and set it on the sink as I waited. I read the box. I have to wait 3 minutes. It was a Clearblue pregnancy test so there was a little hour glass telling me it was working. I threw the box in the garbage and put the stick in my pocket. I know OMG she peed on that! Well I needed to put it somewhere for now. There was a cover for the part I peed on anyway. I opened the door. Owen was talking with what looked like a doctor. He was nodding and listening to him, maybe. Owen could fake listening to someone if he wanted to. Owen looked at me then back at his doctor.

“I’m sorry but is it possible you could come back in a half hour, my friend really needs my help right now,” Owen said politely.

“Yeah, today is a slow day. I’ll be back later,” The doctor said nodding at me before exiting the room.

“So what did it say?” Owen asked impatiently.

“I don’t know, it’s in my pocket,” I said quietly.

“Well look at it!” He nearly screamed. “And that’s disgusting,”

“It has a cover! I don’t know if I’m ready,” I said looking down.

“Come here Lexie, we’ll do it together,” He said to me. I climbed into the bed with him. I pulled it out of my pocket face down. It had definitely been three minutes by now.

“One…Two…Three,” Owen said. We flipped it over together. I gasped. The digital screen read PREGNANT. Tears immediately started falling from my face. I took the stick and shoved it back from my pocket.

“What am I going to do Owen?” I cried into his neck. “My life is only just beginning,” I muttered.

“It’s going to okay, trust me,” He said into my ear. I pulled away from him.

“Don’t tell anyone okay?” I sobbed.

“I won’t Lexie,” He whispered to me. I heard the door open and I looked over to it. I wiped my eyes fast as I saw who it was. I climbed out of Owen’s bed.

“What the matter?” Damien said coming over to me.

“Nothing,” I said quickly.

“I’ll see you later Owen,” I said hugging him quickly.

“Lexie,” Owen said as I was running out of the door. If I really was pregnant, I had to take care of it the right way. So I went up one floor back to MATERNITY.
♠ ♠ ♠
So. I have bad news. I'm only updating once this week and not twice like i said i was last week.
First of all, No one has commented in like three weeks. And until i get ONE measly comment. I'm not updating. Just one. That's all i ask. And I'm only going to update on Sundays.
I hate to be the bad guy here but where did everyone go?

Song: Keyshia Cole - This Is Us

Oh and...Happy Late Birthday to me!