‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Nineteen.

Chapter Nineteen

Damien’s P.O.V.

I watched as Lexie ran out the door before turning back to Owen.

“What’s going on, Owen?” I asked firmly.

“I don’t know, she came in here all upset,” He said. I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth or not.

“About what?” I asked leaning up against the other bed.

“I don’t know, you came in before she told me,” He said seriously.

“I don’t know what up with her lately. She just acting like she hates me, she’s in a bad mood most of the time, I was surprised to see her slightly happy last night, I thought everything was going to be all better because you were back, but she ignored my call this morning and she runs away as soon as I walk into the room,” I said.

“I don’t know Damien, I really don’t, maybe you should go talk to her,” He told me. I guess. Best way to get through whatever was going on with was to talk it out, right? I began to walk out. “Oh and Damien?” I turned around to look at him.

“I’d go up one floor to look for her if I were you,” He said. I gave him a questioning look before walking out into the hallway. I went to the elevator and pushed the next floor up. The doors opened and I walked out looking around, when a sign caught my attention. In big bold letters it said: MATERNITY. I quickly began to turn around as the elevator doors shut in my face. I sighed aggravated as I pushed the down button and waited for it. I was standing there repetitively pushing the button hoping it would make it go faster when I heard Lexie’s shaky voice.

“Hi, can I make an appointment for a blood test?” She said. My head snapped in her direction.

“So the results weren’t good were they?” A nurse asked.

“No, they weren’t,” I could hear Lexie begin to sob. I followed her voice.

“Well, we can perform the test now dear, your results should come within a half hour,” The nurse said.

“Okay,” Lexie said. I found the room they were in right when I saw a glimpse of Lexie’s back as the door shut behind her. I stared at it and looked over at some empty chairs then stared at it again. I have to wait for her. I can’t just leave her here alone, even if she doesn’t know I’m here. I sat in one of the comfortable chairs. The designers must have thought ‘Hey! They’re going to be in an uncomfortable position, might as well make them comfy!’ I stared at the door, and then moved my eyes to the clock. I kept doing this, while a million thoughts ran through my mind. Lexie couldn’t be pregnant, we haven’t slept together since we were in Huntington together, and that was three months ago, she would know by now right? A woman came to the desk, I stood up and went to her.

“How long does it take a woman to know she’s pregnant?” I asked frantically. The woman looked at me surprised.

“She can find out as soon as 5 days before her missed period,” The woman said.

“Could she be pregnant for three months and not notice?” I ask. The lady nodded.

“It’s quite possible, some don’t know until they’re giving birth,” She said. I nodded and went back to my chair. Well, that didn’t help any. I looked at the clock, She’s been in there a while.

Lexie’s P.O.V.

The same nurse stayed with me as my blood was drawn. She told me I could wait in the small examining room I was in. She made small talk with me which made me feel slightly better. She gave me options but I knew what I had to do. I couldn’t abandon this baby, even if it wasn’t a baby yet. The same nurse let me hold her hand when the doctor came back to tell me the news I already knew. I was pregnant.

“Do you have an idea of how far a long you are?” The nurse asked.

“September 5th?,” I said. She typed the information into the computer sitting next to us.

"You're 13 weeks, near the end of your third month, and you're ending your first trimester, would you like to have an ultrasound?” She asked me. I stared at her.

“I can have one? I’m not too early?” I asked a little shocked.

“Actually you late, I’ll have the doctor subscribe you some pre-natal vitamins, but you should be right on track, I give you a pamphlet and you might want to buy some baby books,” She told me. I nodded. I sat back on the bed and pulled my shirt up slowly. She put some cold gel on my tummy, and then began to move the thing around my stomach. I soon heard the ‘thump…thump…thump’ she was looking for. “This is your baby,” She said turning the screen toward me.

“That’s what it looks like?” I asked touching my fingertips lightly against the screen, tears began to leak out of my eyes.

“We can’t tell the sex yet but I can get you a picture okay?” She said nicely. I smiled sadly at her trying to cheer me up slightly.

“Thanks, it means a lot to me that you’re being so nice,” I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Your welcome, would you like to schedule another appointment? You’ll have to be back in a month or two,” She said. I nodded and we made an appointment. She then handed me the picture and a pamphlet. I stared at the picture before sticking it and the pamphlet in my pocket as I walked out of the door.

Damien’s P.O.V.

The door opened and my head snapped up. Lexie was walking out staring at something in her hand before putting it in her pocket.

“Thank you very much,” Lexie said politely to the nurse. Lexie hadn’t noticed me yet.

“Anytime,” The nurse said back noticing me watching them. I stood up. Lexie turned to walk out of the door. She froze when she saw me.

“What are you doing here?” She said shocked, her eyes wide.

“We need to talk,” I said walking to her.

“No, we don’t, not right now anyway,” She said quickly making her way out the door. She was entering the elevator and I caught it as
the doors were shutting. I walked in blocking her from leaving.

“Lexie, will you talk to me please,” I said leaning against the wall.

“About what,” She said.

“Come on, I’m not stupid, I waited there for 45 minutes for you to come out of there,” I said.

“How did you know I was there?” She asked.

“Owen said you went one floor up, but I thought I pushed the wrong button when it said maternity but then I heard your voice so I
waited for you to come back out,” I told her walking over to her.

“Why?” She said looking away from me. I gently pulled her chin to look at me.

“Because I love you and I want to know what’s going on,” I said quietly. Ding. The elevator opened and Lexie pulled out of my grasped walking into the parking garage. I followed her.

“I can’t talk to you right now, I have too much on my mind,” She said getting in her car.

“Well call me when you want to talk,” I said quickly as she shut the door. I stood there and watched as she pulled away before getting into my hummer. I drove home, went to my room and waited for her call, but she didn’t. She didn’t call all week as I waited barely leaving my room the entire time.

Lexie’s P.O.V.

When I got home I went to my room. If anyone came in, I told them I didn’t feel good, which was true. I didn’t have an appetite. I didn’t feel like doing anything. I acted like my life was on pause when it was really on full force. It was Thanksgiving break so I have a couple days of school at the end of the week and mom said I didn’t have to go to school because Owen was awake and I could hang with him for the week. I barely did. I went when I knew no one was there. Owen asked me how I was doing every day. He asked if I told anyone. Damien knew was all he got. He told me I better be eating because it was important. Then he gave me a bag and told me to open it. Inside was a baby book. Information about what I was supposed to do to take care of it and stuff like that.

“I had the nurse get it for me,” He said.

“Did you read it?” I asked.

“Pshhh,” He said making the wave movement with it, “only a little,” He said. I laughed. That was the first time in a while. “What? I had to prepare myself for the baby too! I’m gonna be a uncle…kinda,” He said. I smiled at him.

“Most definitely,” I said hugging him. Owen had progressed in his physical treatment. He could now walk back and forth to the bathroom multiple times. The doctors said he could go home Thanksgiving day. He was excited. It was tomorrow. We were having a big dinner. Every one was going to be there. It was going to be a Matt and Val’s house because they had the biggest dinning room.

“I’m going to go home and read this now,” I said. “Am I picking you up tomorrow?”

“I don’t know, I think Daryk might be,” He said. I nodded understanding. I hugged him before leaving. I walked out of the door and began walking to the elevator, when I saw Daryk, Damien, Maggie and Zacky get out of it. I hid inside the door just before it that was the stairway. I quickly and carefully walked down the stairs.

Damien’s P.O.V.

“You just missed Lexie,” Owen said.

“What?” I said running out of the door to look in the hallway.

“Yeah I’m surprised you didn’t see her, she just left my room literally,” He said. I ran out of the room hoping to catch her in the parking garage.

Lexie’s P.O.V.

I quickly got in my SOUL starting it up and reversing. As I pulled out of the building I saw Damien running out of the stairway. I kept driving.


I stared out of the window of my dad’s car. I watched the other car’s pass by.

“Yellow car!” Bri screamed punching my arm lightly from his car seat lightly. I gave him a small smile before looking back out the window, a frown replacing my smile. I was wearing a pullover hoodie to cover anything that might be peaking out. I was more aware about my body now than I was before I knew I was pregnant. I realized that my stomach had gotten bigger, that it was hard and firm. My belly button was even beginning to stick out. I guess I was just in denial. I put my hand through the front pocket and placed it gently against my stomach. I sighed.

“What’s the matter Lexie? You seem down in the dumps lately? We should be happy with Owen being awake and all,” My dad said from the front seat. I looked at the back of his head before looking in mirror to see him looking back at him. I quickly gave him a smile.

“I just don’t feel that good dad, I’m fine,” I said smiling again.

“Alright, but you’d tell us if something was wrong, right?” He asked me looking concerned in the mirror.

“Yea dad, I would,” I said. It hurt me inside to know that I was lying straight to his face. My entire life is going wrong. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes trying to forget just for a moment about all my problems.

Damien’s P.O.V.

I was driving to Huntington all by myself. Lexie still hadn’t called me yet and I was nervous to see her today. I pulled up to Matt and Val’s driveway right before 12:00. We were watching football before dinner. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. Val opened the door and held out her hands for me to hug her.

“The guys are in the living room,” She told me releasing me from her grasp. I walked in. My dad was already here. Johnny was here too. Charlie and Cole were watching too. I sat down next to my dad. I was quiet for the next hour. Daryk arrived soon after with Owen and they walked into the living room. Owen sat down after hugging Matt, Johnny, and my dad. Daryk cuddled into him. It was so weird seeing them together and happy. It was like they got a second chance at their love and they didn’t want to waste it. I couldn’t stand the sight of them; it wasn’t that they disgusted me because they didn’t. It was the fact that they were in love and my relationship was on the edge of ending all because Lexie wouldn’t talk to me. I stood up and walked up the stairs and into Matt’s studio. I grabbed a guitar angrily. I can’t believe my girlfriend was fucking pregnant and she wouldn’t talk to me about it. She probably wouldn’t have even told me if I wasn’t in the waiting room. She didn’t tell me. I was just going on common sense here. I strummed some chords. I played the beginning of God Hates Us. I can’t believe she would do that to me. Didn’t she think that I had feelings too? Didn’t she think that I was just as worried as she was? At least she had more information than I did. Before I knew it I was playing the last notes of the song. She had her reasons not to tell me what she suspected, right? She was only human it’s not like she knows how to deal with this at 16. The song was over with and my frustration was slightly gone.

“You know, you really do have potential,” I looked up to see Brian standing in the door way.

“I’m told,” I muttered. He came in and sat next to me.

“Is there something bothering you?” Brian asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

“No, I’m fine Brian, Thanks for asking,” I said.

“Are you sure? Because you and Lexie seem to have something on your mind,” He said.

“Yeah I’m sure we’re just are overwhelmed with Owen waking up,” I said. He nodded.

“Okay, I came up to tell you dinner’s done,” He said standing up and walking out the door. I put the guitar down and slowly made my way downstairs. I looked at the long table that had been set up. There was one chair left. It was the one in between my mom…and
Lexie. This was going to be fun, seeing how she’s not talking to me and all. I took in her appearance as I sat down. Her hair was in messy waves around her face. She had dark circles under eyes. She looked like she had a permanent frown on her face.

“Thanks for coming everyone,” Matt said standing up. “As you know this is a very special Thanksgiving this year, we’ve received a miracle that Owen has come back to us. This is also our first Thanksgiving together since Jimmy died, sadly. I’m glad that we have finally found each other again. I’m glad that we are living our lives happily. That’s the way Jimmy would have wanted it to be…Let’s eat,” Matt raised his glass and we raised ours. Then all the food was being passed around. When we all had food we began to dig in.
I noticed Lexie barely had any food on her plate. She was barely eating that.

“Lexie, you have to eat something,” I mumbled quietly to her. Her head snapped up to glare at me. Then she promptly put a forkful of mashed potatoes with gravy in her mouth. A pale look immediately came across her face. She looked around before spitting it out into a napkin. “Lexie, we have to talk,”

“No,” She said simply.

“You never called me, so I’m confronting you now,” I said.

“I didn’t call for a reason,” She muttered.

“But Lexie-”

Lexie’s P.O.V.

“I didn’t call because I don’t want to fucking talk to you! About us! About this fucking thing inside of me! About anything!” I screamed angrily. I didn’t know what I was saying. It wasn’t until I noticed the quiet table around me that I noticed exactly what I had said.

“What?!” I heard my dad hiss. I turned my head reluctantly toward him.

“Nothing?” I said more like a question. I was hoping he didn’t hear what I said and just went with it.

“No not nothing, Lexie Jane Haner, what did you say? What the hell is going on lately? I want the truth,” My dad said standing up. He had a look of anger of his face. He was standing up now with his finger pointed at me expectantly. I sighed.

“Fine, but will you please sit down?” I asked politely. He did as I asked. I looked around at everyone. How do you tell your family that you’re pregnant? I felt Damien grab my hand as he stood up. I looked over at him. He was smiling gently at me. It didn’t move the frown on my face but it gave me the courage for what I needed to say. I looked toward my expectant mother and father. “As you probably already guessed…I’m pregnant,” I watched as my dad’s eyes went from horror to anger, but he didn’t move a single inch.

He stayed frozen where he stood. I heard gasps come from all over the room. My mother began to silently cry. I looked over to Maggie; she was staring at me with a worried look across her face. She stood up and walked toward me. She wrapped her arms around me.

“Don’t worry; it’s going to be okay. I’ll always be there for you,” She said to me. “I know what it’s like…being pregnant at 16; this is what my sister told me, so I’m telling you,” I pulled away from her looking at her face. She had tears coming down her face but a small smile upon her lips.

“What?” I looked at Damien for answers.

“I have an older sister, but my mom had a miscarriage,” He said quietly. I turned to Maggie and hugged her again. I was surprised that I didn’t know that after all these years.

“Thanks for understanding,” I said to her.

“You approve of this?” I heard my father scream. I looked toward him. He was talking to Maggie. “You approve of them having a baby at sixteen?”

“I don’t approve. I just understand,” Maggie said from next to me. My mother stood up and walked toward me putting her hand on my
back before looking back at my father.

“What’s the difference from me having her at 18? You wanted me to keep her remember? You didn’t care how old I was,” My mother hissed at him.

“We weren’t supposed to! You took that pill remember? You weren’t ready! What makes her?” He screamed. What pill? I didn’t know anything about what they were talking about.

“I became ready, I ended up with a newborn I wasn’t ready to have! I raised her alone for a year!” My mom screamed.
“But she’s so young…why would we want that for her?” He said quietly before walking out of the room and out of the house. I looked around the room at my huge family.

“Sorry for ruining Thanksgiving,” I said before running after my father.


I jumped into Damien’s car. I had grabbed them before I left. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway. I saw my dad’s car further down the road. Hopefully he wouldn’t see me following him. I stayed two cars behind him. He pulled up to the studio and I watched him walk in. I slowly walked in behind him. As I walked into the room I heard the loud guitar he had hooked up to the amp. I stayed in the room I was in and listened to him play random solos before peaking my head through the door. His back was faced towards me and he was bent over the guitar. I walked up behind him and gently put my hand on his shoulder. He didn’t even flinch.

“I’m sorry Daddy,” I muttered quietly. He didn’t look at me or say anything for minutes, but I felt his body shake under my fingertips. He was crying, my dad was crying because of me. “I didn’t mean to, it wasn’t supposed to happen,” He turned around to me. I could see tear trail’s running down his face.

“You didn’t mean to? How do you not mean to have s-sex?” He asked the last word being whispered with a slight stutter. It was like it had never touched his tongue before.

“Dad…It was a heat of the moment situation…it only happened once,” I said quietly.

“Once…that’s all it took,” It was a statement not a question. I nodded anyway and pulled him into a hug. “You only took once,” I heard him mumble as he squeezed me tightly; I don’t think he meant for me to hear him.
“You couldn’t take plan B?” He asked. How did he know about Plan B? I let the thought drift away from my mind.

“No dad…it’s too late…I’m near the end of my third month," I whispered that last part. He tensed.

“Three months? You’re just telling us now?” I could hear the anger in his firm voice.

“I just found out. I didn’t get morning sickness. I thought I was tired and worrying all the time because of Owen, but then Owen woke up and nothing changed. Owen’s the one that figured it out. I told him that I didn’t want to do anything anymore. Did you know that I stopped singing? Friday was the first time since Owen went into the coma,” I said. His hands were at my shoulders and he was watching my face. I was watching his.

“All I ever wanted was the best for you. All I wanted was for you to be happy,” He said. He looked down slightly, a frown upon his lips.

“That can still happen dad,” I smiled, “I just need you to believe in me, trust me and be there for me,” I said.

“I do believe in you Lexie,” He said quietly a smile coming to his face. “You’re my baby girl,”

“I love you dad,” I said hugging him again.

“I love you too Lexie,” He said hugging me tightly.

Damien’s P.O.V.

“I’m sorry for ruining Thanksgiving,” Lexie mutter before running out of the room. I heard my Hummer start up. She had stolen my keys. I looked slowly around at everybody. My mother and Alex were hugging each other dearly. Alex couldn’t control her sobs. Daryk was staring at me. Owen was casually eating his food. He had already known Lexie was pregnant. I knew that much. I looked over at the rest of the huge family. Carol was staring out the window, probably watching for the cars to pull back into the driveway. Matt was telling the little kids to go play in the living room. Cloe, Cassie, Sullivan, Bri, Charlie, and Carly all did as they were told. Val came up to me.

“Thanksgiving wasn’t ruined,” She said as she patted my back before looking down at Owen. “See Owen’s still eating,” She laughed, I smiled a little. She then went into the kitchen. I looked down at my dad. He was staring up at me with his eyebrows furrowed. He scooted his chair back and walked towards the living room. Before he went through he stopped and looked back at me, and then he nodded his head for me to follow. I quietly followed him through the living room and straight upstairs where he didn’t stop until he was in Matt’s small studio. I think our father’s always felt at ease near instruments. It somehow calmed them. I guess it calmed me too, because I wasn’t as nervous all of a sudden.

“Damien,” He began.

“I didn’t know dad,” I said quietly. “She didn’t tell me, I guessed but…” I looked down in shame.

“How’d you guess?” He asked. I sat down on the couch sighing.

“It was a couple days ago; Lexie hadn’t been talking to me so I went to see Owen. She ran out of the room when I got there. Owen told me to go one floor up, the maternity floor…I thought I had pressed the wrong button but then I heard her voice… I followed it. She was in the pregnancy testing center. I waited there dad for 45 minutes for her to come out. When she did she wouldn’t talk to me. But I had enough common sense to know what was going on. She wasn’t ready to talk to me so I let her go home and told her to call me. She never did, so I confronted her at dinner tonight and she flipped out on me,” I said looking at my hands.

“Well, what are you going to do?” he asked.

“I don’t know dad, it’s too late to stop it and I don’t think we would anyway,” I said.

“You’re going to have to figure something out,” He said.

“I have to talk to Lexie first,” I said.

“That’s why I’m here,” My head shot up. She was standing in the doorway. I looked over at my dad; he was already standing up and leaving.

“Thanks dad,” I said as he left. Lexie came over and sat next to me on the couch.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” She muttered quietly watching my face.

“I get it, you needed to be alone, your life has just changed but Lexie it’s my fault too,” I said.

“Yeah I know, but I’m stuck in this position, your not,” She said turning away from me.

“I’m here anyway because I know that I should be,” I said. She turned her head back to me and the pressed her sweet lips to mine and I couldn’t help but smiling. The feeling brought happiness back into my world.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lexie's size :
Between Here and Here:

I think you guys should watch this video. I thought it was amazing! I almost cried.

If you haven't noticed I'm just learning to use the image and video inserts...and i'm excited about it.


The same thing goes for this week that went for last week. All I need is ONE comment. Just one for me to post again. That's all I ask.

Song : Dynamite (cover) - The Brilliant Light
It's like the forth post down.

Anyway...this is very long today, so I should go!
Remember to COMMENT!!!