‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Twenty-One.

Chapter Twenty-One.

Lexie’s P.O.V

I woke up and stretched. A smile placed itself against my lips. My eyes opened wide. I smiled again. The smile felt weird on my face. I sat up in bed and wiped my eyes. I looked toward my full-length mirror hanging on my wall. I smiled again. It hadn’t changed, it was still my smile. It just didn’t feel fake anymore. I got out of bed. I went into my bathroom, peed like a mofo, and grabbed my prenatal vitamins. I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of milk out of the fridge. Mom walked in and started making some coffee. Then she noticed the bottle in my hands.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“My prenatal vitamins,” I said smiling at her.

“You already got those?” She asked.

“Yeah, the nurse had me get them the other day,” I said nodding.

“I can’t believe this is really happening,” she mumbled. Mom was having a hard time accepting it. She wasn’t mad like dad was that I was having a baby, but still her baby was having a baby. What mother would really want that? Mom was also mad at dad for the way he acted yesterday. So he slept in the basement which was his studio. He’d apologized but mom was still mad. She didn’t talk to him when we got back to Matt’s house yesterday.

“I’m sorry mom,” I said frowning.

“I’m fine with it but your,” She began.

“Your baby I know mom,” I smiled. She smiled too. “But you really should forgive dad, he was okay after I talked to him, he only wants the best for me. He reacted the way any father would,”

“Zacky didn’t react like that,” She said trying to prove a point.

“No, but Zacky has sons not a daughter, Damien can leave any time he wants until this baby is born, I can’t,” I said.

“Will he?” Mom said a protective tone coming over her voice.

“No, we already talked about this,” I said.

“I just want you to be happy,” She said hugging me.

“I will be mom, if you forgive dad,” I said.

“Okay,” She smiled pulling away from me. She opened the basement door. “BRIAN ELWIN HANER JR!!!”
I laughed as she screamed down the stairs. We both heard a thud from downstairs. I’m guessing dad just fell of the couch. Mom walked back over to the coffee and poured herself a cup. She sipped it as we heard running up the stairs.

“What??” Dad said frantically. Mom put her coffee down then walked over to him.

“I love you,” She said kissing him lightly.

“Well that’s nice to know, but did you have to scream?” He said a scowl on his face. She nodded. Then we heard running coming in
to the kitchen.
“What mommy?” Bri whimpered rubbing his eyes. He had been sleeping. She laughed then picked him up.

“Nothing baby I was talking to your father,” She said.

“Well don’t scream, me still tired,” He said yawning. She laughed.

“Okay honey,” She said.

“I’ll take him back up to his room,” I said taking him from mom. I started to sing him to sleep and I realized how much I missed this.

Lexie's P.O.V. (Dream)

My breath hitched and my heart pounded in my ears. I looked around my frantically.

“Damien?” I called. He was no where in sight. I had just seen him a moment ago. I felt the hot tears on my face, except I had no idea why I was crying. I looked at my surroundings. I saw the blue sky and the sticky sand in between my toes. I was on the beach…at that spot where Damien and I had first kissed.

“Damien?” I sobbed.

“This is too much for me,” I heard his voice say. I turned around quickly; he wasn’t there.

“Damien?” I questioned, my voice barely being able to form the words.

“Too much,” repeated in my ears. I looked to my right; toward the water.

“What’s too much? Where are you?” I asked. I looked around again; there was no one on the beach. It was empty. The sun was rising above the water;.

“I can’t stay with you…” He said. My mouth dropped a little and my eyes widened in horror.

“Wh-hat?” I couldn’t hear my own voice because of the rush in my ears and the pounding of my heart. So I doubt he could.

“I can’t have this baby with you,” his voice said; I still couldn’t see him. I heard his heart break in his words. I gasped as I felt the liquid run down my leg.

“You don’t mean that,” I cried. I headed closer to the water. A figure suddenly appeared at the water’s edge.

“Yes I do, I’m 17, why do I want to be stuck taking care of a kid…let alone with you,” His voice had turned harsh and cold. A sharp pain went through my spine, I stopped walking and bent over from the pain. I tried to catch my breath.

“You said you’d stay with me…” I stated. I began to run toward him ignoring the pain that swept through me.

“I lied,” His voice was angry now, but it didn’t sound like him. I reached the figure but I couldn’t see his face.

“You’re lying now,” I whispered touching his arm. He cringed away from me.

“Change isn’t good, remember Lexie?” He said, I saw his face then. There was pain and horror sketched across it. H glanced behind me. I turned and looked. There stood Damien and me; we were about thirteen.

“Change isn’t good,” It the younger Damien saying it; and it echoed right through me. I doubled over in pain again. I saw my younger self drop to the sandy ground. I remember all the pain I felt in that moment and it was like it was happening to me agiain. Then I remembered my water had broke; I was probably feeling contractions. I turned to look at Damien but he was gone. Then all the pain stopped. The world around me began to fade away.

My arms folded together and there was a baby there. A little girl; my baby girl. There was a hospital bracelet on her tiny wrist. The name read:’Madelyn Alexis Haner.’ My jaw dropped and the ‘Haner’ registered in my brain. Damien wasn’t at the delivery, the baby didn’t take his name, but then my girl yawned and her eyes opened wide. The blue-green orbs met mine, and I smiled.
Then she wasn’t in my arms anymore. Damien was standing in front of me. He back was turned to me. We were both older.

“Where is she?” His voice was harsh.

“I don’t know,” I whispered. I was scared for some reason; even thought I knew Damien would never hurt me. I had lied. I knew he wanted my Maddie; I couldn’t let him have her.

“I know you do!” He turned around and his fist pounded the table. A kitchen had appeared around us; I was just noticing it. Suddenly,

I knew where Maddie was. I had a feeling there was a door a little behind me and to my left. She was in there. I knew it. I couldn’t tell him. He would take her away from me.

“I don’t!” I screamed. “But why would you care?! You weren’t there when she was born!”

“Where is she Lexie?” He asked; his voice tense.

“You can’t see her,” I hissed. He was suddenly calm.

“Lexie,” He said gently.

“I’m not playing your games Damien!” I screamed.

“Lexie,” He said again calmly. I ran toward the door, but he grabbed me and started to shake me.

“No!” I screamed.

“Wake up Lexie,” Damien’s voice was clear next to me.

“No,” I muttered before opening my eyes and seeing Damien next to me. My mind was blank. I looked up at him.

“A girl,” I muttered, not knowing where this was coming from.

“What?” He asked. I looked at him and stared into his eyes.

“We’re having a girl,” I said clearly. He looked confused.

“Okay,” He said. “A girl? Are you sure…I was rooting for a boy,”

Horror struck me. I remembered what my dream was about. I pushed him away from me and stood up out of bed. I patted my stomach and sighed; the bump was still there. Damien stood up and tried to wrap his arms around me but I back away from him.

“What’s the matter?” He asked coming closer to me again. I put my hand up to stop him.

“Don’t,” was all I said and he froze where he stood.

“I thought we had fixed everything?” He asked.

“Me too,” I muttered.

“Then what-” He began but I interrupted him.

“I had a dream,” I said, “It was more like a nightmare,”

“Okay?” He was confused. I knew that he had a right to be.

“Do you remember when we first kissed?” I asked. I knew he did. “And what happened after that?”

“Yes, but I thought we had gotten past that?” His voice was cracking.

“Me too, but apparently I didn’t,” I said turning away from him and looking in the mirror. I lifted up my shirt and stared at the bump
that was there but not noticeable.

“How do you know?” He asked sitting back on my bed. His eyes stared at my stomach like I was.

“In my dream, I was on the beach, and I was calling your name; for some reason I knew you were there but I couldn’t see you…You
started talking to me. Telling me that you couldn’t stay with me and the baby, you’re only 17…then my water broke. And you appeared out of no where; you were just standing there by the water. I ignored the pain and ran to you and then I saw us…and what I went through when I was 14. Then, I turned back to look at you and…” My fingers had outstretched toward his face. I brought them quickly back to my stomach.

“And?” He asked. I looked up at him. His eyes were pleading at me.

“And you were gone… then the scene changed and I was holding her,” I cradled my stomach as I sunk to the floor. He slid down off the bed then leaned against it. “Madelyn Alexis Haner was the name the hospital bracelet on her wrist said,”

“Haner?” He questioned with his eyebrow up.

“If you’re not at the birth she doesn’t get your last name,” I said simply. He nodded. “Then she was gone, and you were standing in front of me. But we were older, years older. We were in a kitchen. You kept asking where she was and I kept lying. She was in a room behind me and to my left. I couldn’t let you see her, I don’t know why. I thought you were going to take her from me. She means so much to me…”

“You used present tense,” He said a slight smile across his lips.

“What?” I asked.

“You said, ‘She means so much to me,’” He said. I guess I did. My hand retreated back to my stomach.

“Well she does,” I said loud and certain. “She means the world to me,”

“You only just found out,” He said to me. I glared at him.

“So?” I hissed.

“I don’t know if getting attached is so healthy…” He said.

“Why? Do you expect something to happen to her? Or me?” My voice steamed.

“No….” He said, he was cowering from me.

“Do you not love our child?” I asked. “I love her because she is mine, she will always be mine, and no one could take that bond away from us,”

“I don’t have that bond, all I’ve thought is ‘I’m going to be a dad,’ But it hasn’t really hit me yet. I don’t have the reality you do!” He said.

“It’s reality you need?” I said. It was more of a statement than a question. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me; mind you, we were both sitting on the floor; I yanked my shirt up so my stomach showed and placed his hand firmly against the hardness of my belly.

“You can feel that right?” I asked. My voice was softer and I think my eyes were pleading into his.

“Yes,” he said. I could hear him gulping.

"That's my reality,"
♠ ♠ ♠
As promised, pictures of Owen's tattoo's:
The Angelic-Heart Wing Tattoo on his Shoulder

The Fiction tattoo looks just like Jimmy's but Horizontal; on Chest.

The Daryk tattoo; Broken heart and New Heart; on Hip

Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for her comment!
Thanks to Dallas Green for her comment!
And Thanks to Alyx Khaos for her comment!
I am extremely happy that these three people commented! Keep it up!

Again more comments equals updates!

Song: Crush'd - Say Anything

Song 2: Perfect Two - Auburn