‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Twenty-Two.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

“That’s my reality,” I said, my fingers touching his cheek. His gaze still remained at my stomach. “Except I feel this fluttering inside
me at times and at others I feel completely normal…But I know she’s there,” His eyes floated up to mine, wide and curious. And we stayed like that…staring into each others eyes, in complete understanding of each other, for I don’t know how long.

Then the urge to pee came over me like no tomorrow. Way to ruin a perfect moment! I quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I still had this awkward feeling that he could hear me peeing. When I was done I grabbed my meds out of the cabinet and walked out. Damien was still sitting on the floor.

“I had to pee…like major,” I said with a small laugh. He laughed too, standing up.

“Oh, I just remembered. Alex took Bri to work at the office, she had to interview a band today, and Brian went to the studio, my dad did too, jam time I guess,” He said. I nodded. Then my stomach spoke before I had the chance to.

“I guess you just got the memo that I was hungry?” I said laughing again. He laughed too.

“Yeah, I got that,” He stood up and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

“I feel like eating…breakfast…but an enormous buffet breakfast,” I said. “I want to make everything,”

“Everything?” He asked.

“Everything,” I said nodding. I checked the fridge; we had eggs, bacon, sausage, pancake mix, and potatoes for home fries. Good thing dad loved breakfast food like me. We probably made enough food for the entire family, even all Matt’s kids. We spread it out along the table like a real buffet. I got three plates filled with all of the food. I set my food on the breakfast bar and covered all the extra food up. I looked up and out the window over the sink. It was raining, like sleet. I knew it would be freezing cold outside. I sighed and closed my eyes. I could almost feel the sun of my face and smell the fall in the air. Only if…I love fall. It’s my favorite season. It makes me sad that it’s over. I felt Damien’s arms come around me. His hands overlapped over my belly.

“It’ll be back before you know it, and next year…We can watch her wonder in amazement at the beauty of it all,” I smiled. He kissed my temple. He always knew how much I hated to see fall leave.

“I know,” I sighed again, this time I was content.

“Now come on, the food is going to get cold,” His voice was husky and warm in my ear. I nodded leaning into him before going to the
delicious smelling food that was sending my senses into overdrive. I put the warm eggs into my mouth. I instantly spit them out.

“What’s wrong?”

“They taste weird,” I said wiping my tongue off with my napkin. He sampled his.

“They taste fine to me,” He said. I pouted.

“Stupid senses,” I muttered. My taste buds were in overdrive so everything was going to taste different.

“Well…what do you think will make it taste better?” He asked. Then I said the first thing that popped into my head.

“Pickles,” I said jumping up and going to the fridge. “Pickles!” I screamed when I found them. I placed the round pieces all over my
eggs then took my fork and started heatedly chopping it up. I placed a forkful in my mouth and the heaven I expected the first time happened. “Mmm, I love it!” I said stuffing another bite into my mouth. He laughed and when it happened again I said the first things that popped into my mind and it turned out to be amazingly yummy!

By the time we were full and done eating I swear my bump had suddenly appeared but I knew it was all the food I just ate. We took care of everything and picked up all of our mess then went into the living room. I fell back onto the couch.

“What do you want to do now?” He asked sitting down next to me.

“Watch a movie?” I asked.

“Okay, what one?” He said standing up and going to the DVD rack.

“We just got a new one, Bri picked it out, but it looks good to me,” I said.”Percy Jackson,” Damien popped it into the DVD player and sat back down next to me. I watched the opening credits role through. I like watching them, it lets me know what movies were coming out or that were already out.

The movie started and I was full on concentrated on what was happening. Then I noticed Damien’s fingers were twirling my hair. I smiled and leaned into him.


Daryk’s POV

The kisses that were trailing across my chest woke me from my sleep. I tried not to smile as I stretched and felt the bliss…and this was truly bliss.

“What are you doing?” I said opening my eyes and looking down at him.

“Showing you my love,” He said pecking my lips. I smiled. “I’m so happy that I finally have you,”

“Me too, I almost died without you,” I said quietly. His eyes went wide as they connected to mine.

“What?” He muttered. He sat up pulling me up with him. I looked down toward my feet. He stood up and started pacing. He ran his hands through his hair and pulled it repeatedly. He kept pacing back and forth. “You...you tried to kill yourself…” When I didn’t answer he stopped pacing and looked at me. His eyes were full of distress and horror. I could see the thoughts and visions playing in his head. He was imagining what I would have looked like. Dead. And the way I would have done it. He shook his head trying to make the images leave. He looked away from me and stared at his reflection in the full length mirror hanging on his wall. His scar from the stabbing stuck out against his skin. His finger traced it lightly. I went up behind him and hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his body and laid my head against his shoulder. His body relaxed.

“But I didn’t Owen, because I knew you’d come back to me,” I said.

“Tell me what happened,” He said softly. I could tell he needed to hear it but I couldn’t utter the words. My arms fell to my sides and I turned around and looked at all the pictures/posters on the walls. The Avenged Sevenfold poster hung right in front of his desk. I picked up a picture of Jimmy sitting there. He was playing the drums and he was laughing at something.

“I…can’t, Owen, I don’t know how to tell you,” I whispered. My fingertips touched the cold glass protecting the picture.

“Why?” His voice was right behind me.

“Because of him, he stopped me,” I said looking back at him. “I know this sounds crazy,”

“No it doesn’t,” Owen muttered. I put the picture down so I wouldn’t drop it from my shaking hands.

“No one knew,” I said. “No one knew except for out parents, about us. The time we had was so special so I wanted everyone to know, I didn’t realize until after the doctor told us you were in a coma, so I told everyone then left the waiting room. It was my fault
Owen, I don’t see how you can’t see that, I told you that you weren’t worth fighting for and the next thing that happens is that you’re dying. You almost died in my arms Owen. I thought you were dead. I ended up on the roof. I was on the ledge. I was so close. But then I heard him. He was right there in my ear. He told me you weren’t going to die, and that I was to get off the ledge that instant. So I did and he’s been with me ever since,” Owen grabbed the sides of my tear stained face.

“This is definitely not your fault Daryk, okay? You have to understand that. You didn’t get me stabbed. I got me stabbed. Do not let that man let you take the blame. Okay? It doesn’t matter what we said to each other before. All I want to do is love you now. That’s all I want,” He said. I nodded before leaning in and kissing his lips.

“I know now, but then…then I didn’t,” I said. Owen kissed my cheek where a tear had been on my face, his fingers wiped them away.

“Good,” Owen said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “Because you need to be here always, never think like that again,”

“I won’t,” I said. “As long as you’re always here,”

“Daryk-“ Owen began.

“You would do the same thing Owen, and I know I can’t stop you as much as you can stop me, so let’s always be here,” I said. He sighed giving in and nodded. We got dressed before going down stairs. As we passed the living room I glanced in there. I saw a picture that sent my memory back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I believe this weeks posting is short.
And I know I'm posting it 20 minutes before midnight. Sorry!
It's just been hectic around here.
Oh and I realized that I never told you guys that I live in the Eastern Time Zone so that's my timing.

Thanks to Alyx Khaos for her comment. Love them!
Thank to secrets-that-die for her comment! She's a new commenter!

Song: Baby, It's Cold Outside - Elf (Because this song is stuck in my head!)