‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Twenty-Three.

Chapter Twenty-Three
Daryk’s Pov (Flashback)

I looked at Owen as he lay in that dreaded hospital bed. I brought his cold hand up to my lips and kissed it. I stood up and left the room. When I got into my Camaro I called my dad.

“Daryk?” He said into the phone.

“Hey,” I said.

“What’s up?”

“I wanted to talk to you about something,”


“Can you meet me at the beach by the walk?” I asked.

“Yeah I’ll be there in a half hour,” He said.

“I’m leaving the hospital now; I’ll see you soon,”

“Okay, bye Daryk, I love you,” He said.

“Bye dad, I love you too,” I hung up. We never used to say I love you when we hung up but after Owen was put in the hospital, we
realized that anything can happen at any moment. So now we say I love you when ever we leave the house or hang up the phone. I drove to the spot I asked to meet him. He was already waiting there sitting on a bench. I got out of my car, locked it, and walked over to him.

“Hey dad; thanks for coming,” I said sitting down next to him.

“Anytime, what did you want to talk to me about?” He asked.

“Mom’s not going to like it,” I said.

“What is it?”

“I wanna get a tattoo,” I said seriously.

“Daryk,” He said shaking his head.

“I wanna get it for Owen,” I interrupted him.

“I don’t think,” He started.

“What if he never wakes up? What if I never see him awake again? What if I never get to hear his voice again? What if…” I let him fill in the blanks.

“Owen being in a coma is bad and it’s making life full of what ifs but it doesn’t mean that you have to go off and do something drastic
about it,” He said.

“Dad, I can either do it with your permission or without, I just thought I would ask first,” I said standing up.

“Okay Daryk, let’s go,” he said.

“Thanks Dad,” I said smiling.

“Your mother is going to be pissed at me,” He said.

“Thanks dad,” I said again. He sighed.

“If I’m doing this, then I’m making a professional do it,” He said. He took out his phone.

“Follow me in your car,” He said as the phone rang. I walked to my car and started up. When he hung up on the phone he pulled out.
I followed him. We got on I-605 N and I followed him for about an hour. He pulled into the back of a big yellow building. I got out and walked over to him.

“Come on Daryk, I want you to meet someone,” He smiled. We walked to the front and I saw the big Tattoo sign above the door and the High Voltage sign in the window. I had a grin across my face. He opened the door and it dinged as we entered.

“Zacky Vengeance!” I heard a woman screamed. She came out from behind a curtain. How did she see know it was us.

“Kat!” My dad grinned.

“I haven’t seen you in…3 years?” She said thinking.

“It hasn’t been that long,” He laughed.

“I thought you had covered every available place on your body that’s why you weren’t calling,” She pouted.

“I still have space, but the tattoos not for me,” He said looking toward me. Kat’s eyes followed his gaze.

“Who’s this?” She asked a smile on her face.

“My son, Daryk, he wants to get his first tattoo today,” he said. She nodded and smiled.

“Anything you got in mind?” She questioned.

“Not really, I’m getting for my best friend, he’s in a coma and I just need to…” I said.

“Your best friend huh?” She said smiling slightly. I nodded. “Okay, Let’s see what we can think of,” She walked behind a counter and
started showing me designs. Then one sent me back in time.

Flashback in a flashback WHOA!

12 year old Owen sat next to me on the park bench.

“I can’t believe I got in trouble in school today,” His hand we crossed and he pouted.

“Well your not supposed punch someone in their face Owen,” I said laughing at him.

“He was picking on you,” He pouted again.

“Still, your going to get in trouble for punching someone in the face no matter how good the reason,” I said.

“My Mom’s going be mad,” He said.

“Yeah she is,” I laughed at him.

“Hopefully, not too much,” he said sighing.

“Hopefully, maybe we shouldn’t have ditched school,” I said.

“Well what else would we have done, let them come get us?” He asked exaggerating .

“Now we’re just in worse trouble,” I said.

“Oh well, it’s not like they can separate us from each other,” He said smiling.

“I know right,” We high fived at our amazingness. We were quite for a couple minutes.



“Do you see those birds over there?” He asked. I looked to where he was pointing.

“The doves?” I asked.


“What about them?”

“There not supposed to be here, Doves don’t live in the southwest,”


“I wonder why there here,”

“Just so you could see them,” I said sarcastically.

“Probably,” He was being serious.

“Are you okay Owen?” I asked eyeing him.

“Yeah,” He said quietly. I stayed quiet so he could think some more. He was still looking at the doves.

“I think their pretty,” I muttered. I didn’t think he heard me until he said.

“Me too,” I smiled. “There my favorite bird now,”

After that we were quiet again. Then we both stood up and walked over to them, just as we stepped near them all the doves flew
around us and we put up our hands as to catch them and laughed.
Jimmy’s car had been pulled up to the sidewalk next to the park. We didn’t notice it though. We didn’t even notice Jimmy till he was right next to us.

“Your mothers are going to kill you,” Was all he said. We got in the car with him and he drove us home. It turns out; our parents did
plan to separate us. They tried. Hard, might I add. But nothing could get in between us. We would sneak out of our windows and into each others rooms at night. Our parents eventually gave up. Little did we know that in months, we would be separated.

End of Flashback in the Flashback

“That’s it,” I said quietly.

“What?” Kat and my dad said simultaneously.

“The dove, that’s the one I want,” I said certain.

“Are you sure? How does that have anything to do with Owen?” My dad asked.

“Trust me dad, it does,” I said. He nodded.

“Can it have a purple outline though, instead of the blue in the design? Purple is his favorite color,” I said. She nodded. Then she
went into the curtain and I followed. Owen was going to be with me forever no matter what happen.

End of Original Flashback

“Daryk? Are you okay?” Owen asked. I had stopped in my place. I walked into the living room a picked up the picture.

“I didn’t know about this picture,” I said. It was of us, that day with the doves at the park. Jimmy had taken it with his cell phone and it turned out pretty good.

“Yeah, Dad took it, I just found out about it too, mom had it in her room and just brought it down when we started talking again. She didn’t want it to upset me.” He said.

“Owen, I completely forgot to show you something, I didn’t even think of it,” I said.

“Well what is it?” he asked. I lifted up my long hair on the left side of my face to reveal the dove tattoo to him.

“You have a tattoo!” He exclaimed. He tilted my face to examine it.

“Yeah,” I said.

“How did I not notice that last night?!” He said. I laughed.

“I don’t think we were concentrating on each other’s artwork,” I grinned.

“Still,” He muttered. Then he looked at the picture. “Wait…is this for me?”

“No, it’s for Tyler,” I said sarcastically. Owen glared at me, which just made me laugh hysterically. “Owen, who else who I get a purple dove for but you?”

“I don’t know,” He said pouting crossing his arms.

“You’re so adorable,” I laughed slapping his cheek lightly and walking through the front door and towards Owen’s car.

“Where are you going?” Owen yelled running after me.

“I have to go home sometime,” I laughed.

“Why?” He pouted again.

“My mom might have a heart attack considering I ditched half of school yesterday,” I said laughing. He sighed.

“Fine,” he said pouting again. I got in the passenger side and he was still standing there. So I got back out and put my hand on the hood.

“Do I get to drive your car home then?” I asked.

“No! My car is my baby!” He said running to the driver’s seat. I laughed again. Then Owen continued to drive me home in his pout
mode, making me laugh all the way home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. So! There is a major possibility that I won't be updating next week.
Reason why = I have had no inspiration to write. Like at all. I've had all the time in the world just no inspiration.
However! I think I have a idea! Except, I might not have any time left seeing how I'm going back to school this week.
So I'm really going to need COMMENTS to get the inspiration pumping through my veins!
And if there's not an update next week don't say I didn't warn you! Because I did.

Thanks to Alyx Khaos who did comment on the eggs and pickles matter!

Song: 4:00 A.M - Avenged Sevenfold (I can't find a good quality video. Sorry!)