‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Twenty-Four.

Chapter Twenty-Four.

Daryk's P.O.V.

I closed the door behind me and leaned against it grinning. No way did that just happen! I love my life! Nothing can get any worse right now! Owen walked me to the door and gave me a tender kiss before driving away. That little kiss made me extremely happy. I walked into the living room and jumped on the couch. Icky came running up to me. Dad had gotten Icky a couple months ago while Owen was in the coma. He hoped that he would cheer me up. And secretly he did a little.

“Hi Icky,” I said petting his head. He then ran off into the kitchen. Then something in the entryway caught my eye. I stood up and walked over to it. Luggage was sitting there. My mom’s and dad’s bags were packed. Damien’s were next to theirs.

“Mom? Dad?” I called. No answer. “Mom! Dad!” I screamed running up the stairs.

“We’re up here honey!” My mom screamed from what sounded like my room. I walked in there and they were both throwing clothes
out of my dresser into a suitcase.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“We’re packing!” My mom screamed excitedly.

“For what?” I said.

“We’re spending Christmas in New York City,” My dad said smiling.

“Really?” I asked excitedly. “Where’s Damien?”

“At Lexie’s helping her pack,” My mom said.

“Does that mean we’re all going?” I said practically jumping up and down.

“Well,” They hesitated. “Owen can’t miss any school or he can’t graduate, so he has to stay here with Brian for the next week or so,
until Christmas break,” I think my jaw detached itself from my face.

“What?” I said quietly.

“Yeah, but you have to go…because of your grandmother, she doesn’t know about Lexie’s pregnancy yet, and we all have to spend
‘family’ time together, before everyone else gets there,” my dad said rolling his eyes at the family part.

“What!” I screamed in frustration.

“Hey! My mother is going to take this very hard young man! She wasn’t the best supporter when I got pregnant at 16, I don’t know how she’ll react to her grandson having a baby at 17. However, she is still your grandmother and we love her, so you are going to go and you are going to act like your enjoying yourself, do you understand me?!” My mother screamed. She was obviously nervous about this whole situation and I was just edging her on by not cooperating.

“Fine,” I muttered. She nodded determinedly.

“Finish packing your bags, we’re leaving in 15 minutes, and if you’re not downstairs in 10…” She let the threat linger as she walked out of the room. Meanwhile Dad was in between shocking and cracking up in laughter. He quickly exited the room before my mother could then yell at him for not being on her side in the argument. I glared at the clothes as I stuffed them in my bag. I can’t believe I had to go to New York City without Owen for god knows how long. I felt three short vibrates in my pocket. I pulled out my cell phone.

Do you believe this?! – Owen. Someone must have just told him.

No! I can’t believe they’re doing this to us! We’re gonna an entire country apart! :’( - Daryk. I placed my phone on the bed and I packed more necessities and zipped up the bag tightly. I pulled another bag out of my closet and started throwing hoodies in it. If there was one thing I knew about NY in the middle of winter was that it was going to be cold! I pulled the last hoodie out of my closet and noticed what it was. It was such an old hoodie. It was the best one I had and it was dear to my heart.
It was Owen’s. Well technically it was Jimmy’s. Owen got it when he was little apparently that was the hoodie Jimmy worn on Stephanie and his first date. So yeah it was old. Before Owen went into the coma he left it here. And I’ve kept it ever since. I always remember Owen wearing it. So whenever I was lonely or sad I held it close to me smelling in his scent. I did it then smelling in the musky smell. Ironically, Owen loved Hollister cologne but wore band tees and skinny jeans. I jumped as I heard my phone start buzzing on my bed. I carried the hoodie as I walked over to my phone hugging it as I read the text.

Brian just told me. He was at my house waiting for me. He said you’re leaving right now! That means I can’t see you, love :( - Owen

I know! I through a fit, but my mom freaked out on me..So now I can’t get out of going early! But you’ll never guess what I just found...Your Avenged Sevenfold hoodie, the old one, your dads... – Daryk. I stood there and waited for him to text me back.

At least you’ll have something of me with you :) – Owen.

Your not mad I have it? – Daryk.

I looked in my closet for something, when I found it laid it out on the bed.

I’m glad you have it. I thought I lost it! I could never be mad at you anyway :) – Owen. I smiled and my mother screamed up the stairs.

“Daryk! Bring your bags downstairs now! We’re getting picked up in five!” She screamed. What was up with her today? She was down my throat! I sighed as I stuck my phone in my pocket and brought them downstairs. I quickly ran back upstairs writing a note and putting it on the bed.

“Daryk Tanner!” She screamed.

“I’m coming!” I screamed back.

“Don’t use that tone with me!” She hollered. I sighed and I gave my room one last look before shutting the door and going downstairs.

“Put Icky in his cage,” I did as I was told so I wouldn’t get yelled at again.

Trust me, you can. Anyways we’re heading to the airport right now! I love you ♥ – Daryk

“Who’s taking us to the airport?” I asked.

“Alex and Tricia are picking us up and Brian is going to get the car from the airport later,” My dad said.

“Alex and Tricia are going?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, they have work to do with the Scott Owens office out there,” He said. I nodded.

“Is Stephanie flying back? Or staying out there?” I asked.

“We don’t know yet, she hasn’t decided, she only has clothes for her business trip so she might fly back,” He said. Alex and Tricia
pulled up outside and we loaded the car then headed to the airport.

I love you too. I miss you already. – Owen. I smiled.

Don’t worry, I miss you too ;) – Daryk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello lovelys! I've missed you! You can't say i didn't warn you though!
I really hope I didn't lose any readers because of this hiatus! That would really upset me!
This is a short chapter! I know! But I honestly didn't write a lot!
I did come up with good ideas though! Ones that you'll either hate or love!

Thanks to Dallas Green for commenting!
And thanks to Alyx Khaos for her commet!

I would like more comments even though i know i don't deserve them!
I might not update next week! This is a warning! Even though I'm pretty sure I will!

There are three songs for the weeks i've missed!

Song: Black Dahila - Hollywood Undead (My best friend picked this one!)

Song 2: Right Through Me - Nicki Minaj (This is her ringtone)

Song 3: Shaycarl and the Shaytards - Nice Peter (okay. so it's not really a song but I love the SHAYTARDS!)