‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Twenty-Five.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

We reached the airport I sent a text to Owen.

I’m getting on the plane soon. I’ll text you when we land, I love you ♥ – Daryk

I turned off my phone and went through security. I knocked three times on the side of the plane as I entered. I heard that it brought good luck. Dad had gotten us first class tickets so Lexie was more comfortable. I put my headphones on and blared Avenged Sevenfold into my ears. I watched out of the window as the plane went higher and the ground got shrunk in size. I sighed and closed my eyes. About 30 minutes later, Eternal Rest came on and it just poured out my anger. Suddenly an earphone was yanked out of my ear. I looked over to see my dad sitting next to me with a grin on his face.

“Daaaaad!!!” I groaned.

“You know, if you want to get away from your parents listening to Avenged Sevenfold isn’t going to help much, since it’s my band and all,” He said.

“So!” I said defensively.

“This is a good thing Daryk, you need to spend time with your family,” He told me.

“Lexie’s not family!” I said. “Okay, so maybe she is! But Owen is too!”

“Owen was in a coma for three months, he needs to go to school for the rest of the year or he can’t graduate,” He said.

“He wasn’t under medical excuse or anything?” I pout.

“He is, but in order to graduate you need a certain number of days, you guys will be fine with a week away from each other,” He said patting my shoulder and standing up to go back to his seat.

“Says you,” I muttered. I looked back to see my mom sleeping. “Hey dad, what was wrong with mom today?”

“I think she’s just worried. About you and Owen, Lexie and Damien, I mean she has a right to be. Your boyfriend just got out of a coma and she’s worried about how you two are acting. Like nothing bad has ever happened. And then Lexie’s pregnant Daryk, do you really think that when you were growing up this is what we dreamed of? Of what you have to go through? No but parents can’t stop anything from happening to their children, not that we don’t try. She needs this family time. She needs it before she goes insane. So please cheer up. For her sake,” He said. I looked back at her again before nodding at my father. He went back and sat next to her. She unconsciously leaned her head against his shoulder and he wrapped his hand in hers. I smiled before turning off my iPod and trying to catch some sleep myself

Lexie’s P.O.V.

I watched Zacky walk back to sit next to Maggie and looked at Damien.

“Is he going to be okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, he’ll be okay by the time we land,” He said holding my hand and leaning back to go to sleep. I looked out my window and watched the clouds floating around us. Yawning, I leaned my chair back in attempt to fall asleep. I let my eyes flutter close and just let the thoughts swirl around in my head. I heard someone walking down the isle. I looked to see who was awake. Maggie was quietly running toward the bathroom. I quickly and quietly put my chair up and followed her. I knocked softly on the door.

“Maggie? Are you okay?” I asked. I heard faint vomiting noises from inside the door. I turned the handle to open the door. It wasn’t locked. I walked in and went to her. “Maggie…” My voice was quiet. I rubbed her back gently and tried to keep my own stomach in check and her body lurched and her stomach emptied. Soon she was dry heaving. She gave hoarse coughs and gasped for air. I stood up and gave you a napkin to wipe her mouth off.

“Lexie, will you go get my carry on please?” She asked me. I nodded. I quickly walked to her seat hoping no one was awake.
Thankfully, no one was. I walked back in and handed it to her. She pulled out her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. While she was doing that I noticed how faint she looked and how pale her skin was.

“You don’t look so well,” I said quietly. She rinsed out her mouth.

“Probably not,” She said looking at me; I could see the pain in her eyes. “Please don’t tell anyone Lexie, even Damien, I don’t want to ruin this trip because I’m getting sick,”

“No one would care, all we would care about is that you’re okay,” I said. She nodded.

“Still, just do this for me please,” She pleaded. She looked so weak, like my telling would ruin her. It was weird someone whose was like my Aunt was so weak and fragile.

“Okay Maggie,” I smiled softly.

“Thanks,” I saw the smile on her lips but it didn’t reach her eyes. I walked her back in her seat, everyone was still fast asleep. She leaned back against Zacky and her eyes closed. I walked back to my seat and pulled the blanket over my shoulders. I leaned the pillow against the window and closed the blind before letting my eyes close and sleep take over.
I jolted awake when I felt someone poking my face. I rubbed my eyes before glaring at the evil doer. Damien was grinning back at me.

“Excuse me?” I said.

“We’re landing,” He said.

“But you had to poke me awake?” I muttered. He nodded childishly. I giggled. A flight attendant came over the speaker saying it was safe for us to get our carry on bags and to walk toward the exit. We collected all of our things and left the plane. About an hour later we were entering our hotel lobby. We were staying at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Times Square. I sat on one of the couches and waited for our parents to sign us in. Daryk still didn’t look too excited. I was but I was a little nauseous from earlier. I placed my palm against my forehead to steady myself.

“Are you okay?” Damien asked sitting down next to me.

“Yeah, I just feel a little off,” I said giving him a small smile. He nodded and took my hand in his. My mom came over and sat across from us.

“There are going to rules during this vacation,” she said looking at both of us. I nodded.

“We haven’t decided the sleeping arrangements yet, we are getting a suite where there’s two bedrooms’, a living room, and a kitchen. Two more has been arranged for when the rest of the family gets here. Maggie and I were talking and we trust you guys, but we think that it wouldn’t be right, especially with your grandma coming if you two (pointing to me and Damien) didn’t sleep in the same room. I don’t want any arguments, it’s just what’s we think is right, same with Daryk and Owen when Owen gets here. You guys are only 17. Couples don’t sleep in the same room as each other,” She said. Daryk’s jaw was open slightly.

“You were eighteen when you slept with dad!” I practically screamed! I was mad. I think it was the hormones because I was over reacting.

“That was different, I was allowed to be a kid, I grew up. I didn’t think of myself as a child,” She said.

“And I’m a child?” I asked.

“Lexie,” She said calmly.

“Mom!” I screamed. She shook her head, stood up and walked away. I folded my arms and scowled. Zacky came over and told us we could go up to the room. As soon as I stood up my head was spinning. I had to grab Damien’s arm to keep me from falling. My eyes closed and I covered them with my other hand to stop the spinning.

“Lexie! What’s wrong?” He asked panicked.

“I’m just a dizzy,” I said. “Mom?” I called. She was right by me. I didn’t even notice her.

“Its okay, it’s normal, but we need to get you to a bathroom,” She grabbed my arm and walked me to the elevator. “Close your eyes and breathe deeply,” I did as she told me to. I felt the rush in my head as the elevator went up. My mom rushed me to our room, unlock it and quickly found the bathroom. The next thing I know is that my guts were being spilled into the toilet. I leaned back against the cold tile and looked up at my mom.

“How did you know?” I asked crying.

“It’s hormones honey, they released into your body and which mad you matter than normal at me so when you stood up, you were dizzy from the arguing and you got nauseous. The same thing happened to me when I was pregnant with you, except I flipped out on complete strangers,” She told me laughing.

“I hate this!” I said.

“I know, it sucks, but this is what it’s like, being a grown up all the time, I’ll go get your tooth brush,” She walked out. I stood up slowly and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was pale and I was the weak one now. I looked exactly like Maggie did! Wait…I’m pregnant…Maggie’s pregnant! No! She can’t be! My mom entered the room handing my toothbrush.

“Can you get Maggie?” I asked. She nodded. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Maggie walked in as I leaned against the wall.

“Are you pregnant?” I asked looking at my hands. When she started to laugh I looked up at her in shock. “What?”

“I can’t get pregnant Lexie, I’m 45 years old. That’s past the fertile age,” She laughed some more.

“Oh, well I just thought…” I trailed off.

“There’s something going on with me but trust me I’m not pregnant,” She said leaving the bathroom. I followed after her. Damien was sitting on the couch watching the bathroom door. Everyone else was in the rooms unpacking there stuff. I came over and collapsed on the couch leaning against Damien.

“How are you doing?” I asked him.

“How am I doing? Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” He said smiling.

“I’m just perfect,” A smile came across my face. “If you’re going to have a panic attack every time I get nauseous I don’t know what
I’m going to do,” He smiled shyly.

“I don’t know, it’s not like I mean it, I just get…scared,” He muttered blushing.

“I’m glad you get scared, because it means you care,” I said quietly kissing his cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, I know this is short. AND I know I didn't update last week. But what can I say, Great ideas take time.

I should be updating next week if i get time to write.

BUT my co-writer, Stephanie, just wrote a new story and I think you guys should check it out!!!
It is under my name.

Sink Into Me

Thanks to Dallas Green for her comment.
Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for her comment.
Thanks to Alyx Khaos for her response back to me.

Song 1: Coming Home - Dirty Money

Song 2: Miley Cyrus - My Last Song for Miley (Dave Days)