‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Twenty-Eight.

Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Owen’s P.O.V.

This sucks to say the least. Daryk is off to New York and I’m stuck here. Why? Because I have to go to school!
"BRIAN!" I screamed. I was at his house, staying in Lexie’s room.
"WHAT?" he screamed back.
"IM BORED!" i yelled.
"SESSION?" he offered. I ran down stairs.
"Yess!" we went downstairs and played random messes of note and beats.

I went back upstairs. I just sat there enjoying the silence. Then my phone vibrated, making me jump slightly. hmm..That’s odd I don't know this number. The text said

I'm sorry, Owen, about everything. You were my best friend and when you needed me the most I left. I can’t change how I feel about you but I still want to be your friend. Owen, I don't want you out of my life. Being friends would be enough for me. I just don’t want to loose you as my friend. I'm so sorry I haven't been a good friend lately but doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Just think about it.
- Your friend, Jake.

I read it over and over again. Why now? I mean he just left me in the cold. He told me he liked me then shut me out. Who does that? But deep down I want to forgive him. I want to be his friend. I was his best friend. But he ruined it. Why was he suddenly apologizing now? Did the guilt eat at him? Either way I was willing to give him another chance. I hit reply then slid out the keyboard to my phone.
Jake, I want to be your friend again. I don't fully forgive you but I know that with time I will. But thanks for apologizing. I don’t really know what else to say - Owen
Then I hit send. I don't know what I just got myself into but I suddenly have a bad feeling about this. I put my phone down.
I walked in to the living room thinking of something to do. Without Daryk around I got so bored. I plopped on the couch with a thud. I turned on the TV. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" I screamed. I loveee SpongeBob. He's like my idol. After watching that for an hour I got bored again. These days just went by too slow. It was unbearable.
"Brian?" I asked, peeking in to the kitchen.
"Yeah," he said.
"Is it okay if I go to the mall?" I asked.
"Thanks!" I ran up stairs to get ready. I showered then spiked my hair a little, after straightening it. I squeezed in to a pair of dark blue skinnies, and pulled on an avenged sevenfold shirt. I slipped on my red high tops and was ready to go.


The first place I went was hot topic. I looked around. Ooo, I like this shirt, A Day to Remember. Buy. And those red skinnies, buy. Daryk would like this, FTSK (Forever The Sickest Kids) bracelet, buy. What this? Weird thingy, puts back on shelf. Check out.


I walked into to Spencer’s and BOOM! Boobs to the face, not fake ones either.

"Heyy, need any help?" She asked.
"Nope, just looking around," I said.
"You sure? I could show you around?" She said seductively. I think I gagged a little.
"Look, I like penis, now leave me alone," I rolled my eyes. Bet she wasn’t ready for that. Her face turned red as I pushed past her, good she should be embarrassed. She needs to put some clothes on.
MOVING ON! I walked to the shirt section, nothing interesting, hats, ehh. Shiny thing! Ew never mind. I walked out empty handed.
FOOD! I waited in line at the Arby’s stand. It was my turned to order.
"Can I have a number one with curly fries please?" usually I don’t eat meat, but I CANNOT resist Arby’s.
"3.36. Please." I pulled out a wad of ones. I gave her four, I told her to keep the change. I took my food to a table in the back-ish corner. Then I ate. I threw away my trash. I decided to go back to hot topic, I was having second thoughts about that avenged sevenfold shirt. I grabbed it off the self and went to the cashier. It was a different one, a guy, maybe a year older than me, he was wearing an Avenged Sevenfold shirt.
"Hello, How are-" he looked up. He looked confused. "Um, hi"
"Hi" I chuckled. I put that shirt on the counter.
"W-will that b-be all?" he stuttered. I nodded. I turned around, lifting my foot to move.
"Wait!" he called. I turned around to face him. "Has anyone ever told you, you look just like Jimmy Sullivan from Avenged Sevenfold?" he asked.
"I suppose they have," I say. I don't really like telling people I’m Jimmy Sullivan’s son, only because they'll treat me different.
"What’s your name?" He asked.
"Owen," He looked at me expectedly. "Sullivan," I grumbled.
"I knew it!" He blushed, "I mean I knew it," He said, calmer.
"Look, I'm in kind of a hurry," I trail off.
"Sorry, It's just Avenged Sevenfold is my life," He looked down, sadly.
"Well, here's my number, text me if you wanna hang out," He smiled.
"Thanks." I walked out. I drove home.

"Brian?" I looked around, and then I looked in the garage for his car. He wasn't home. I wonder where he went. This was a good time to let some stress out. I pulled out my phone and dialed the 7 numbers i knew to well.
"Hey, Jake you want to come over?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said
"Can you uhh, bring some?" I asked shyly, since when am I shy?
"Mhm, ill be over in a minute." I could here the smile in his voice.
"Okay thanks."
Not even 5 minutes later the door bell rings.
"Hey," I say.
"Hi," he smiled.
"Let’s go to my room." I lead him up to my room. He took out the joint and lit it taking a drag. Then it was my turn. I took a long slow drag, Savoring the taste and smoke as it instantly relieved some tension.

"Man I needed that." Jake nods. I pass it back to him. he did the same, then passed it to me. As I put the joint up to my lips, Brian barged in. At first he stared, shocked. Then he looked angry.

Brian reached over and took the joint from my hand putting it out with his calloused thumb and index finger. He looks to Jake.

"AND YOU! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM AND YOU GIVE HIM THIS?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE HIS FRIEND?! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He screamed again. Jake got up fast and practically ran out the door. "As for you, I'm disappointed in you Owen."
I put my head down, I don’t like disappointing people. He walked out, shutting the door behind him. I hooked up my amp, I took out my guitar. I wiped it off, it was a little dusty. I played a couple cords before starting a song.

Are you ugly?
A liar like me?
A user? A lost soul?
Someone you don't know?
Money’s no cure a sickness so pure,
Are you like me?
Are you ugly?
We are dirt, we are alone,
You know we're far from sober!
We are fake, we are afraid,
You know it’s far from over,
We are dirt we are alone,
You know we're far from sober!
Look closer, are you like me?
Are you ugly?
Turn a blind eye,
Why do I deny?
Medicate me,
So I die Happy,
A strain of cancer,
Chokes the answers,
Are you like me?
A liar like me?
Are you Ugly?

I felt ugly, I felt stupid. I laid on Lexie’s bed and cried.

I woke to a voice talking obnoxiously loud down stairs, I looked at the clock, and it was 2 pm. Ugh, my head hurt. Crying always gives me a head ache. I walked down the stairs cautiously. Brian was holding the phone tight in his hand, almost yelling at the person on the phone.
"Bri?" I said as he hung up the phone. "Are you okay?" He rubbed his face with his hands.
"Look, I'm sorry for blowing up on you yesterday," he said.
"It's okay, I needed it," I said. "Bri?"
"Hnn?" he looked up. I hugged him.
"I'm sorry," I whispered. I let go and he ruffled my hair.
"I'm going to go talk to dad," I said. Brian nodded.

I decided to walk instead of drive, even though it was super cold. I sat in the grass in front of the headstone.

"Dad, I can't do this alone anymore. I've tried hard to be the strong one, but truth is, I'm just as broken as everyone else," I picked at the grass. "I miss Daryk, I miss you," I let silent tears fall down my cheek.

"I just don't know what to do anymore," I picked up the drum sticks; they were a little worn out but still in tack. I made random beats on the base of the head stone. I needed to let some stress off, before i explode. I had this slight urge to just run around the cemetery, and scream. I got up and took off, just running. I ran all around, jumping, and screaming obnoxiously. I stopped back at my father’s grave and fell down. I laid there for a minute, catching my breath. Then ran all the way home, I have school tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thought you needed a little Owen right about now..

Sorry I'm late. I totally lost track of time on Sunday.

Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for commenting.

Song: Don't Say Goodbye - Skillet
